Retardation is why all my aliases do one thing, and the rest only if not svo.inslowcuringmode()
Can also set them up in steps. My behead alias for instance unwields, wields scimitar, beheads. But if I'm in slow cure mode, it checks if I'm wielding a scimitar. If so, behead. If not, check if I'm wielding something else. If so, unwield, if not, wield scimitar. That way I can just use my behead alias as many times in a row as it takes to actually start the beheading.
I do this with certain other things that require several steps too, like flaying sileris/secreting/biting (which I almost never use though - only if I want a nice truelock with nechamandra for style and not go for a snipe kill).
I take it all back... even I can make this work with svo...
He heartstopped because Hhaos wouldn't die to his 200000 damage dsls
Message #72 Sent by Das
1/24/18:00 I'd assume a man with the title "knight" would have a little more of a Chivalrous
attitude, i suppose i should beat my son for knighting one as wimpish as you.
You tell Das Rousseau, "That's it, I challenge you to a duel on my honour, I will not suffer insults
from the likes of you."
Das tells you, "Hhaos, you have proven that you dont have any honour, your actions and flight within an arena setting, displays that you simply arent worthy of my time or attention."
Das tells you, "Go beat up on a novice or something, assuge your temper that way boy."
So I've been doing it wrong? Sorry next time I won't shield or tumble to avoid dying
For sticking hellsight, sure, but for staying alive, better if your opponent's attacks stay hindered, especially if your health is low enough that you'd easily die from a single stormhammer.
If I had as much skill as people seem to think I do.... lets just say I wouldn't have died to Mizik before getting my break chain in
Man, just accept the praise. Trust me. There's a relatively large portion of the Achaean population that seems to think I'm the end-all be-all of Serpent combat. When they ask me how I got so good, I just nod and smile.
If I had as much skill as people seem to think I do.... lets just say I wouldn't have died to Mizik before getting my break chain in
Man, just accept the praise. Trust me. There's a relatively large portion of the Achaean population that seems to think I'm the end-all be-all of Serpent combat. When they ask me how I got so good, I just nod and smile.
Man, I wish I got praise. All I get when I win is "lol, axk's broken" and "stop hiding behind your shield", and "you only beat me because of your STR"
A huge grey root numbs your fingertips as you reach out to touch it. 3199h, 3337m, 13394e, 15345w cex-10:43:26:493 You rapidly sink into the floor, pass through an impenetrable grey fog, and land hard in a swamp. Depression in blasted swamp. --- Area 166: The Underworld ---------------- \ [ ] | | | [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]- - -[ ]- / | | \ / | / \ / / \ [ ]- - -[ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] / / / / / [ ] [ ] / | \ | [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]- + -[+]- - -[ ] / / \ | / | \ / | [ ]-[ ] [ ] | [ ] | \ \ | / \ | / [ ] [ ] [ ]- - -[ ]-[ ] / \ | [ ] | \ | [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] / / \ [ ] \ --- Depression in blasted swamp --- 0:0:0 --- A white camel is here, ruminant. You see exits leading east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest.
*** WARNING! YOU HAVE JUST ENTERED A FULL PK AREA! YOU MAY BE ATTACKED AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON BY ANY PLAYER WHILE HERE. *** 3199h, 3337m, 13394e, 15345w cex-10:43:27:584 You struggle to stay awake as your eyelids shut repeatedly of their own accord. 3199h, 3337m, 13444e, 15345w cex-10:43:47:906 A white camel twitches its nose. 3199h, 3337m, 13464e, 15345w cex-10:43:52:459 Proficy turns to fix his gaze upon you, and you feel your heart increase its palpitations as a low keening echoes from his throat. 3199h, 3337m, 13464e, 15345w cex- Proficy lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your left leg. Stupidity Gained!+ 2730h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:00:960(-469) Drawing an enormous breath, Proficy exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over. Prone Gained!+ 2730h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:00:973 Roped Gained!+ 2730h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:263 You bleed 63 health. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:275(+96) You are too tangled up to do that. You cannot do that because both of your arms must be whole and unbound. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:528 What do you want to eat? 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:540 You are too tangled up to do that. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:551 There is no exit in that direction. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:794 You begin to struggle free of your entanglement. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w ce-10:44:02:259 You stumble and poke yourself in the eye. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w ce-10:44:02:727 ========================BALANCE RETURNED======================== 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:03:144 You sweep your trained eye across your surroundings, searching for hidden exits. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:156 You must be standing first. 2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:412 Proficy snaps his massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before catching you with a second powerful bite. 1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:426(-1687) You must be standing first. 1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:674 You must be standing first. 1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:938 You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement. 1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:950 You take a drink from a pinewood vial. The elixir heals and soothes you. 1725h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:212(+586) You must be standing first. 1725h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:227 You must be standing first. 1725h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:476 You blink. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:728 You must be standing first. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:743 You must be standing first. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:030 You have writhed free of your entanglement by ropes. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:042 You hug yourself compassionately. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:271 You get down on one knee and serenade the world. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:526 You must be standing first. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:544 =======================EQUILIBRIUM RETURNED======================= 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:559 You stand up and stretch your arms out wide. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:804 You remove 1 goldenseal root, bringing the total in the Rift to 196. 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:819 You eat a goldenseal root. Stupidity Cured!- 1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:836 Heaving ground in dark swamp. --- Area 166: The Underworld ---------------- \ [ ] | | | | [ ] [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]- / \ / | | \ / | / \ / [ ] [ ]- - -[ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] / / [ ] / | / - - -[ ] [ ] [ ] / | / | \ | -[ ] | [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[+]- + -[ ]- - -[ ] \ | / / \ | / | \ / | [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] | [ ] | \ \ | / \ | / [ ] [ ] [ ]- - -[ ]-[ ] / \ | [ ] [ ] | / \ | [ ] [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] / / / \ [ ] \ --- Heaving ground in dark swamp - -2:0:0 --- A semitransparent ghost shimmers here, its bright, humaniform insubstantiality floating above the landscape. You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, southwest, and west. 1725h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:129 A luminescent ghost begins to glow, finally casting an intense beam of eerie light into your very core. 1221h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:141(-504) You remove 1 goldenseal root, bringing the total in the Rift to 195. 1221h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:548 You eat a goldenseal root. The plant has no effect. 1221h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:560 You bleed 157 health. 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:990(-157) 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:267 The Dragon Proficy thunders in from the east. 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:532 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:798 You may eat another plant or mineral. 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:808 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:08:066 Proficy turns to fix his gaze upon you, and you feel your heart increase its palpitations as a low keening echoes from his throat. 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex- 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:08:331 1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:08:339 (running away spam). You see exits leading north, south, southwest, and west. 1022h, 3337m, 13486e, 15345w cex-10:44:11:551(+159) Dead? A ponderous ictheli batters you with an overhead blow. A luminescent ghost begins to glow, finally casting an intense beam of eerie light into your very core. You have been slain by a luminescent ghost. You writhe in pain as you fall to level 60. You sigh in frustration as you fall to the level of Glorious. The corpse of a goblin miner falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a goblin smith falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a goblin foreman falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a goblin foreman falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a goblin miner falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a huge pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a large pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a huge pulsating spider falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a hobgoblin warrior falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a goblin soldier falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a goblin soldier falls out of your inventory. The corpse of a goblin soldier falls out of your inventory. A luminescent ghost grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a pinewood vial from the corpse of Jespar. 0h, 3337m, 13486e, 15345w ex-[Paused]10:44:12:033(-1022)
heh saw veldrin touch root and thought it would be a good idea to go exploring :P
@Jespar A white camel in a free PK area is a herald of @Iocun's terrible wrath! It comes in many forms too xD
Yeah, I was actually sitting on that camel, hidden. I probably would have tried to stop Proficy from killing Jespar, but alas, I was reading the forums.
@Jespar A white camel in a free PK area is a herald of @Iocun's terrible wrath! It comes in many forms too xD
Yeah, I was actually sitting on that camel, hidden. I probably would have tried to stop Proficy from killing Jespar, but alas, I was reading the forums.
yeah i saw it and was like :O the iocun is here squint in every direction!
Tesha bows her head and, in a gesture of righteous indignation, utters a holy curse upon your name. Your head spins and your spirit reels as the visions of Hell become entirely too vivid, the conflagration manifesting to ignite your aura. You shriek in anguish as your body is consumed by sacred flame, your vision fading to blackness as your soul is consigned to damnation.
You have been slain by Tesha.
You are OUT of the combat free-for-all!
Man, this forgetting to change SVO prios thing is a pain in the ass. I haven't configured a way to quickly change prios and who can be assed to manually change them before every fight
Right, when you delve into it, that spell is distastefully irritating when you have to kill a luck-based class with so many escape abilities twice over to secure a kill.
Or maybe that's just a by-product of being out of combat.
Edit: I think I'm a bit late >.>
→My Mudlet Scripts
Shouldn't this a good thing? :P
→My Mudlet Scripts
3199h, 3337m, 13394e, 15345w cex-10:43:26:493
You rapidly sink into the floor, pass through an impenetrable grey fog, and land hard in
a swamp.
Depression in blasted swamp.
--- Area 166: The Underworld ----------------
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[ ]
--- Depression in blasted swamp --- 0:0:0 ---
A white camel is here, ruminant.
You see exits leading east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest.
3199h, 3337m, 13394e, 15345w cex-10:43:27:584
You struggle to stay awake as your eyelids shut repeatedly of their own accord.
3199h, 3337m, 13444e, 15345w cex-10:43:47:906
A white camel twitches its nose.
3199h, 3337m, 13464e, 15345w cex-10:43:52:459
Proficy turns to fix his gaze upon you, and you feel your heart increase its palpitations
as a low keening echoes from his throat.
3199h, 3337m, 13464e, 15345w cex-
Proficy lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of
your left leg.
Stupidity Gained!+
2730h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:00:960(-469)
Drawing an enormous breath, Proficy exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force
that you are knocked over.
Prone Gained!+
2730h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:00:973
Roped Gained!+
2730h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:263
You bleed 63 health.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:275(+96)
You are too tangled up to do that.
You cannot do that because both of your arms must be whole and unbound.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:528
What do you want to eat?
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:540
You are too tangled up to do that.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:551
There is no exit in that direction.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:01:794
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w ce-10:44:02:259
You stumble and poke yourself in the eye.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w ce-10:44:02:727
========================BALANCE RETURNED========================
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cex-10:44:03:144
You sweep your trained eye across your surroundings, searching for hidden exits.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:156
You must be standing first.
2826h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:412
Proficy snaps his massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air
before catching you with a second powerful bite.
1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:426(-1687)
You must be standing first.
1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:674
You must be standing first.
1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:938
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
1139h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:03:950
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
1725h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:212(+586)
You must be standing first.
1725h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:227
You must be standing first.
1725h, 3337m, 13484e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:476
You blink.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:728
You must be standing first.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:04:743
You must be standing first.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:030
You have writhed free of your entanglement by ropes.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:042
You hug yourself compassionately.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:271
You get down on one knee and serenade the world.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:526
You must be standing first.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cx-10:44:05:544
=======================EQUILIBRIUM RETURNED=======================
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:559
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:804
You remove 1 goldenseal root, bringing the total in the Rift to 196.
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:819
You eat a goldenseal root.
Stupidity Cured!-
1725h, 3337m, 13494e, 15345w cex-10:44:05:836
Heaving ground in dark swamp.
--- Area 166: The Underworld ----------------
[ ]
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[ ]
--- Heaving ground in dark swamp - -2:0:0 ---
A semitransparent ghost shimmers here, its bright, humaniform insubstantiality floating
above the landscape.
You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, southwest, and west.
1725h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:129
A luminescent ghost begins to glow, finally casting an intense beam of eerie light into
your very core.
1221h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:141(-504)
You remove 1 goldenseal root, bringing the total in the Rift to 195.
1221h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:548
You eat a goldenseal root.
The plant has no effect.
1221h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:560
You bleed 157 health.
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:06:990(-157)
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:267
The Dragon Proficy thunders in from the east.
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:532
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:798
You may eat another plant or mineral.
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:07:808
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:08:066
Proficy turns to fix his gaze upon you, and you feel your heart increase its palpitations
as a low keening echoes from his throat.
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:08:331
1064h, 3337m, 13492e, 15345w cex-10:44:08:339
(running away spam).
You see exits leading north, south, southwest, and west.
1022h, 3337m, 13486e, 15345w cex-10:44:11:551(+159)
A ponderous ictheli batters you with an overhead blow.
A luminescent ghost begins to glow, finally casting an intense beam of eerie light into
your very core.
You have been slain by a luminescent ghost.
You writhe in pain as you fall to level 60.
You sigh in frustration as you fall to the level of Glorious.
The corpse of a goblin miner falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a goblin smith falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a goblin foreman falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a goblin foreman falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a goblin miner falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a huge pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a medium pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a large pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a huge pulsating spider falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a hobgoblin warrior falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a goblin soldier falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a goblin soldier falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a goblin soldier falls out of your inventory.
A luminescent ghost grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a pinewood vial from the corpse
of Jespar.
0h, 3337m, 13486e, 15345w ex-[Paused]10:44:12:033(-1022)
heh saw veldrin touch root and thought it would be a good idea to go exploring :P
→My Mudlet Scripts
→My Mudlet Scripts
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
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