Saturday morning I had absolutely 0 issue as bard just running onto Gamoneteriks totem (phrasing) to continue fighting him - I just don't think that should be the case.
He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.
Saturday morning I had absolutely 0 issue as bard just running onto Gamoneteriks totem (phrasing) to continue fighting him - I just don't think that should be the case.
So.. I am admittedly still catching up. WTF is the difference between a tribal totem vs regular? And how do they interact differently with softfocus? And what happened with nairat?
@Caelan Tribal totems mechanically only have one rune on them, the circle drawn around it. So with softfocus you have a 33% chance of ignoring it completely.
Runic totems have six different runes, each separately affected by softfocus. In practice this means that the odds of you completely ignoring the totem is pretty low (Hence the double nairat on most totems, as transfix was the important part).. It will almost always be partially effective.
As for nairat changes, I think they were changed from being transfix to being entangle. Essentially lowers your writhe time from 4-6 seconds to around 2-3. Pretty big nerf. I still think it should only be for ground nairat.
Ah yeah, had someone explain it to me IG.. but it seems like I just need to catch up on all the new terminology (5 years of progressing terms). Back in the day we just called them Shaman Totems. I thought it was something else. Thanks.
Ah yeah, had someone explain it to me IG.. but it seems like I just need to catch up on all the new terminology (5 years of progressing terms). Back in the day we just called them Shaman Totems. I thought it was something else. Thanks.
Back in the day, Shamans had Runelore, and had totems identical to the ones Runewardens have (because they shared the Runelore skill). That's no longer the case. Tribal totems are not the same as the totems Shamans used to have.
(unless it's nerfing sentinels, change is fine here)
And Sylvan already writhed super fast from transfix totems.
Saturday morning I had absolutely 0 issue as bard just running onto Gamoneteriks totem (phrasing) to continue fighting him - I just don't think that should be the case.
And what happened with nairat?
Tribal totems mechanically only have one rune on them, the circle drawn around it. So with softfocus you have a 33% chance of ignoring it completely.
Runic totems have six different runes, each separately affected by softfocus. In practice this means that the odds of you completely ignoring the totem is pretty low (Hence the double nairat on most totems, as transfix was the important part).. It will almost always be partially effective.
As for nairat changes, I think they were changed from being transfix to being entangle. Essentially lowers your writhe time from 4-6 seconds to around 2-3. Pretty big nerf. I still think it should only be for ground nairat.
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: > )
A baby hedgehog shuffles timidly in from the south.
I can confirm, rageblade fights super fun