Your the one throwing a tantrum about me getting mow. Idk what your issue is but you all are acting like a bunch of pricks over this.
Me saying im going to mhaldor does not count as a Tantrum, It's me accepting your position and doing what I need to do for Caladbolgs sake. We've had some good times together but honestly Mith it's time for us both to move on, we can't keep living in the past that it is. I still remember when you were that little newbie who kept getting picked on by Jinsun for no reason and you've grown up into that guy who kills him as he walks by.
To say im proud of all the things you've accomplished in combat as a magi in the time you've done it would be an understatement, but honestly this isn't the thread to be starting this conversation this thread is ment for combat logs.
but for all I have to say with it. It's just time we move our seperate ways.
We need more details, obv.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Incoming rant about how Magi are for newbs and the easiest class in the game (note how that accolade has mysteriously switched class) when he continued to use tekura in retardation instead of Telepathy...
To an armchair midbie, that would look like a play error, wouldn't it.
Then again, it was my fault for having a limb counter that poorly compensates for changes in stance. Had his legs broken together, which would have occurred if not for varied limb damage thanks to stance changing, he would have died around the 6:53:19 mark.
If his legs would have broken to the JPK/HKP/HKP in retardation, he would have died there too, but there was no way to know if they broke or not. The statement that Tekura is useless in retardation is pretty silly. It definitely isn't always the best way to go, but it certainly is in some cases. It's not hard to JPK/double leg break for a win with prepped legs (his legs were prepped in that log - would have broken in dragon stance, but not unstanced, which was a 50/50 guess at the time).
Also having issues with serverside BATCH thing completely overriding manually input commands in ret. AFAIK the only way to stop serverside from completely hijacking you is to disable batch commands whenever in retardation.
@Jovolo Magi and monk are hands down the two easiest classes in the game. You can pretend to disagree all you like, but since you have apparently taken a lifelong oath to disagree with me regardless of what I say, I will assume you agree with me on this, but are ethically bound to not say so.
We already use flash/yank back out and stuff like that.
It isn't a secret
I think Strata's point is that this technique is wholly acceptable, but impossible with Rakia. Try getting yanked or running and you get your shit stuffed like a turkey dinner
Last I checked, Jhui solo's Rakia, so please no complaints about one side being "easier" than the other. They both have their own mechanics, which can both be used to win, as intended.
We already use flash/yank back out and stuff like that.
It isn't a secret
I think Strata's point is that this technique is wholly acceptable, but impossible with Rakia. Try getting yanked or running and you get your shit stuffed like a turkey dinner
bit moot though considering they're different denizens
We already use flash/yank back out and stuff like that.
It isn't a secret
I think Strata's point is that this technique is wholly acceptable, but impossible with Rakia. Try getting yanked or running and you get your shit stuffed like a turkey dinner
Except you don't...? Jhui travels away and kites Rakia like it's nothing. Rangor didn't hit Oughlor, he hit the denizens and pulled them away. Oughlor only pulls back if you hit him, and once you do hit him, you're not leaving the room ever.
We already use flash/yank back out and stuff like that.
It isn't a secret
I think Strata's point is that this technique is wholly acceptable, but impossible with Rakia. Try getting yanked or running and you get your shit stuffed like a turkey dinner
Except you don't...? Jhui travels away and kites Rakia like it's nothing. Rangor didn't hit Oughlor, he hit the denizens and pulled them away. Oughlor only pulls back if you hit him, and once you do hit him, you're not leaving the room ever.
I'm not comparing the two. I know they each have their ups and downs. You can't get away from Oughlor once you hit him, Rakia starbursts. There are a large amount of difference between the two, sure, but Strata wasn't saying you guys have easy mode by yank bashing was my point. Call it preemptive posting knowing the follow up to Strata would have been along the lines of "shut up, you don't even".
We already use flash/yank back out and stuff like that.
It isn't a secret
I think Strata's point is that this technique is wholly acceptable, but impossible with Rakia. Try getting yanked or running and you get your shit stuffed like a turkey dinner
Except you don't...? Jhui travels away and kites Rakia like it's nothing. Rangor didn't hit Oughlor, he hit the denizens and pulled them away. Oughlor only pulls back if you hit him, and once you do hit him, you're not leaving the room ever.
I'm not comparing the two. I know they each have their ups and downs. You can't get away from Oughlor once you hit him, Rakia starbursts. There are a large amount of difference between the two, sure, but Strata wasn't saying you guys have easy mode by yank bashing was my point. Call it preemptive posting knowing the follow up to Strata would have been along the lines of "shut up, you don't even".
To an armchair midbie, that would look like a play error, wouldn't it.
Then again, it was my fault for having a limb counter that poorly compensates for changes in stance. Had his legs broken together, which would have occurred if not for varied limb damage thanks to stance changing, he would have died around the 6:53:19 mark.
If his legs would have broken to the JPK/HKP/HKP in retardation, he would have died there too, but there was no way to know if they broke or not. The statement that Tekura is useless in retardation is pretty silly. It definitely isn't always the best way to go, but it certainly is in some cases. It's not hard to JPK/double leg break for a win with prepped legs (his legs were prepped in that log - would have broken in dragon stance, but not unstanced, which was a 50/50 guess at the time).
Also having issues with serverside BATCH thing completely overriding manually input commands in ret. AFAIK the only way to stop serverside from completely hijacking you is to disable batch commands whenever in retardation.
@Jovolo Magi and monk are hands down the two easiest classes in the game. You can pretend to disagree all you like, but since you have apparently taken a lifelong oath to disagree with me regardless of what I say, I will assume you agree with me on this, but are ethically bound to not say so.
All classes are easy once you learn how to use them efficiently.
Except Paladin, People are starting to run away when i'm wielding a Bastard sword
We need more details, obv.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
I learned how to do that off an apostate using Demon Syphon, Eliminate and soulcage for when other start instant kills as well.
Except Eliminate works better although doesn't kill through starburst.
That paste bin has been removed
The Wrath of Ernam:
Incoming rant about how Magi are for newbs and the easiest class in the game (note how that accolade has mysteriously switched class) when he continued to use tekura in retardation instead of Telepathy...
To an armchair midbie, that would look like a play error, wouldn't it.
Then again, it was my fault for having a limb counter that poorly compensates for changes in stance. Had his legs broken together, which would have occurred if not for varied limb damage thanks to stance changing, he would have died around the 6:53:19 mark.
If his legs would have broken to the JPK/HKP/HKP in retardation, he would have died there too, but there was no way to know if they broke or not. The statement that Tekura is useless in retardation is pretty silly. It definitely isn't always the best way to go, but it certainly is in some cases. It's not hard to JPK/double leg break for a win with prepped legs (his legs were prepped in that log - would have broken in dragon stance, but not unstanced, which was a 50/50 guess at the time).
Also having issues with serverside BATCH thing completely overriding manually input commands in ret. AFAIK the only way to stop serverside from completely hijacking you is to disable batch commands whenever in retardation.
@Jovolo Magi and monk are hands down the two easiest classes in the game. You can pretend to disagree all you like, but since you have apparently taken a lifelong oath to disagree with me regardless of what I say, I will assume you agree with me on this, but are ethically bound to not say so.
Am I the only one who thinks they look kind of angry?
No wonder they kill Oughlor so fast.
We already use flash/yank back out and stuff like that.
It isn't a secret
I think Strata's point is that this technique is wholly acceptable, but impossible with Rakia. Try getting yanked or running and you get your shit stuffed like a turkey dinner
bit moot though considering they're different denizens
Except you don't...? Jhui travels away and kites Rakia like it's nothing. Rangor didn't hit Oughlor, he hit the denizens and pulled them away. Oughlor only pulls back if you hit him, and once you do hit him, you're not leaving the room ever.
Strata pricks you twice in rapid succession with his dirk.
You feel a tightening sensation grow in your lungs.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w ecdbk 5.3- 13:52:02.527(outr magnesium|eat magnesium)
You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w ecdbk 5.3- 13:52:02.535
(Party): Iskla says, "Mizik (1) ENTERED the Eastern Reaches!"
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w ecdbk 5.3- 13:52:02.543evade sw
evade sw
Nemutaur appears, a look of love in his eyes.
Sweeping in from the southwest is a proud ivory peryton.
[here - Nemutaur (1)]
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w ecdbk 5.3- 13:52:02.919
(Party): Caoimhaen says, "Mizik has ENTERED the area."
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w ecdbk 5.3- 13:52:02.926evade sw
(outr magnesium|eat magnesium)
You have recovered balance on all limbs. (2.889s)
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.254
You reel as your mind is viciously battered by a mental assault from Jhui.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.298
Nemutaur raises a platinum whistle to his lips and blows a stream of air through the narrow end.
Three resonant notes linger briefly on the air before dispersing in all directions.
An ivory peryton looks up curiously.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.314
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.322
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.329evade sw
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.372evade sw
evade sw
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.631
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.638
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.651
Nemutaur screams in pain as his skin begins to freeze and crack.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.665
Nemutaur eats a potash crystal.
4260h, 4245m, 20032e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.671
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4260h, 4245m, 20042e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.679evade sw
You are no longer stunned. (0.678s)
4260h, 4245m, 20042e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:03.999(focus|outr magnesium|eat magnesium|shrugging)
Strata pricks you twice in rapid succession with his dirk.
The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.
The protective covering coating your skin sloughs off.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily substance.
4260h, 4245m, 20042e, 20200w excdbk 5.3- 13:52:04.024(locks: soft and venom)
(svo): meteors: plus your meteor
dat lag
I'm not comparing the two. I know they each have their ups and downs. You can't get away from Oughlor once you hit him, Rakia starbursts. There are a large amount of difference between the two, sure, but Strata wasn't saying you guys have easy mode by yank bashing was my point. Call it preemptive posting knowing the follow up to Strata would have been along the lines of "shut up, you don't even".
nvm, read it twice.
All classes are easy once you learn how to use them efficiently.
Except Paladin, People are starting to run away when i'm wielding a Bastard sword
So I walk into Oughlor....
You don't see your target in that direction.
4017h, 4122m, 18897e, 18375w cexkdb-
Crystal lake (indoors).
An enormously fat sabre walrus drags itself along here. A brittle-looking grey shard surrounded with
a pulsing blue glow lies here. Hammer slung over one hulking shoulder, the ice giant, Oughlor stands
You see exits leading east, southwest, and northwest.
4017h, 4122m, 18915e, 18375w cexkdb-
The ice giant, Oughlor lunges toward you, bodily smashing you to the ground with a roar, covering
you in freezing cold spittle.
756h, 4122m, 18915e, 18375w cexkdb-(sip vitality|outr potash|eat potash)(-3261h, 81.2%)
(Party): Jhui says, "TARGET Tesha."
756h, 4122m, 18915e, 18375w cexkdb-
You take a drink from a cedarwood vial.
The tonic heals and soothes you.
1504h, 4118m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb-(+748h, 18.6%, -4m, 0.1%)
You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 2025.
1504h, 4118m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb-
You eat a potash crystal.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
1825h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb-(+321h, 8.0%, +300m, 6.8%)
You must be standing first.
1825h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb[pr]-(stand)
Oughlor slams his hammer into your arm, and you hear bones snap as an unnatural chill rushes through
your body.
Your right arm breaks with a loud crack.
664h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb[pr ra1]-(apply renewal to arms)(-1161h, 28.9%)
(Party): Jhui says, "Tesha is at On the thin ice in the frozen tundra."
664h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb[pr ra1]-
You stand up. (0.26s)
664h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb[ra1]-
You take out some balm and quickly rub it on your arms.
The bones in your right arm mend. (0.257s)
664h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w cexkdb-
The ice giant, Oughlor lunges toward you, bodily smashing you to the ground with a roar, covering
you in freezing cold spittle.
You have been slain by the ice giant, Oughlor.
Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily tinted red.
(svo): We hit starburst!
(svo): Auto-switching to empty defences mode.
(outr quartz|eat quartz|insomnia|touch cloak)
(svo): Ready for combat! (empty defences mode, took no time)
4017h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w ex-4017h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w ex-(+3353h, 83.5%) <- False prompt
You remove 1 quartz, bringing the total in the Rift to 1237.
(svo): Welcome back to life! System unpaused.
2482h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w ex-(-1535h, 38.2%)
You eat a quartz grain.
An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
2482h, 4418m, 18915e, 18373w exk-(outr calamine|eat calamine)
You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
2482h, 4318m, 18915e, 18373w exk-(-100m, 2.3%)
You must be standing first.
2482h, 4318m, 18915e, 18373w exk[pr]-(stand)
You must be standing first.
2482h, 4318m, 18915e, 18373w exk[pr]-
You remove 1 calamine, bringing the total in the Rift to 724.
2482h, 4318m, 18915e, 18373w exk[pr]-
You eat a calamine crystal.
2482h, 4318m, 18915e, 18373w exk[pr]-
You stand up. (0.35s)
2482h, 4318m, 18915e, 18373w exk-
(touch cloak)
You may apply another salve or balm to yourself.
2482h, 4318m, 18915e, 18373w exk-
Crystal lake.
The air is choked with ash. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. Echoes of delighted feminine
laughter fill the air around this towering shrine to Pandora. The Black Dragon Triak's imposing
form looms.
You see exits leading northeast and south.
Someone got buffed! No affs, walked in room to that. He hit me so hard, I was half dead THROUGH BURST!
That's pretty normal
Man, in Dragonform that attack does like 1/3 the damage.
Yeah, dragon is godmode for bashing, and peasantmode for PVP. I'm assuming at this point that it's meant to be this way.
@Jhui - All I can do is grovel at this. By the time I seen his enfeeble, I was dead.
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
You sipped mana! (not that it woulda made a difference)
Gods, I wish someone would automate their tracking this hard with me. Only Rom would sync up with me when we were double sents.