Combat Logs



  • Handlock fml.

  • Cynlael said:
    Ernam said:

    I sometimes wish there was a "roll eyes" post response button.  Or just a combination of "Disagree" and "LOL".

    Completely agree. :smile: 

    Sarcasm or not, implement please.  This change alone would cut the idiotic meme posting by at least 25%.

  • edited May 2014
    We all know Ernam is nothing but full of himself.
    He's plain disrespectful to anyone.
    Calls people bad but needs help to get out of death, won't fight anyone without it being on his terms. (Anwynn Radiance)
    Is pretty much a liar, self absorbed, and can't admit defeat.

    I personally don't bother with him at an OoC level. I hear he's fine IC with Targ, but that IG, not OoC.
  • edited May 2014

    I hope the manipulation here is as tangible to everyone as it is to me.

    I have no way of knowing if she asked you to jump in or not (probably not), but it's the second time in 2 days it's happened.  No big deal, that's what arenas are for.

  • @Ernam but you admit that you dueled Xinna fairly and she beat you, yes? You accept that no one interfered until the duel was over (burst)? Just want to clarify you can at least accept some modicum of reality.

    No one should have jumped in after, but it got a bit hectic when Eleison walked in and tried to heal you out of the lock

  • Ernam, you had a Priest try to heal you out of the lock so you wouldn't die, and you also tried to duanathar away from the behead and out of the duel. I NEVER attacked you during the duel, that is clearly shown in my log, yet you still lied to your city and claim you got teamed during a duel.

    YOU are the one who teamed during the duel due to the Priest healing you.

  • City of Light turning Mhaldorian

  • From TELLS:

    Ernam told You: Last duel you'll ever get from me.

    Ernam told You: Gonna spin some bullshit how that was 1v1?

    Ernam told You: Cooper was fucking spamming batter on me.

  • edited May 2014

    Yeah she did really well.  Cooper walked in and I mistook the stun/stupidity spam from bard stuff (along with the torrent of spam from bard combat in general) as mind batter, for all of about a minute after I got away from Cooper's cheesedick deathsight farming attempt after I burst.

    I also found an interesting bug with server curing that didn't help all that much either.

    Cooper do you seriously have nothing better to do with your time than spending 45 minutes spinning every single thing you hear about me into a character assassination?  All I see is a guy who refuses to duel me on two characters, but swears up and down he's a god of combat. 

    Maybe by "duel" you thought I meant forum battle.  The kind you're really good at.

  • edited May 2014

    You know, people would think of you as less of a dick if you would just apologize when you realize that you're wrong, and perhaps wait to accuse someone who is dueling you fairly of teaming until after you know she is.

    And you really have no right to call out Cooper for attacking you after you had Eleison interfere in a 1v1 duel. If he had done it for no reason, sure, it'd be a dick move. But he waited until burst, and was responding to you making a duel a 2v1.

    Not to mention you lied to all of Targ about me, and required a log to be posted on forums to concede this. You still claim I 2v1ed you the last time this happened because I have no such log. Alas. One step at a time.

  • Naah said:
    City of Light turning Mhaldorian


    Official drink.

  • say Cooper DIDN'T Batter, and we only jumped in AFTER Eleison jumped in to heal/shield you, since you had THOUGHT Cooper battered (which we have now, including you, have established as untrue).

    What was 'spun' incorrectly? You mistook Xinna's attacks for Cooper batter, so got help because of that. Now you have agreed that he never battered, just admit you made a mistake o.O

  • Excuse me? This only took me 15 minutes.

    Just remember this, folks - even after my post and the log showing that I never touched him, he still claimed that he got teamed by me during his duel. So the next time he claims someone is lying about something, or says something happened in X way, remember this tangible proof that he will lie about things even when the proof was shoved down his throat.

  • edited May 2014
    Cooper said:

    YOU are the one who teamed during the duel due to the Priest healing you.

    I absolutely did not ask for that.  I didn't even notice it.  I asked her about it after, and she said she was curing me because you showed up, and she assumed it was to gank (which turned out to be true).

    My god, you are obsessed with me, aren't you?

    I'm going to take some advice I got from @Tesha and others, and separate myself from this.  It's honestly pissing me off on a daily basis, and sitting here denying your accusations and insults is only making me look bad, regardless of whether or not they are true.  I asked you to stop attacking me (on an OOC level), and explained that you were making the game definitively less fun for me, and you made it pretty clear that you were proud of that.  If that's the kind of game you want to play, then I simply want nothing to do with you.  I truly regret that you refuse to follow the snub rules by continuously insulting me, so I'm just going to ignore it completely from here on out.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Alcinae said:
    Naah said:
    City of Light turning Mhaldorian


    Official drink.

    Holy shit code red still exists? Damn son. I'm about to get me some of that.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen

    Gank wasn't until post duel. Not to mention Gank means four serpents on earrings in .25s reaction time.

  • Strata said:
    Alcinae said:
    Naah said:
    City of Light turning Mhaldorian


    Official drink.

    Holy shit code red still exists? Damn son. I'm about to get me some of that.

    What do you think the red fog on Mhaldor Isle is made of?

  • XerXer Langley
    The bloody tears of novices as they get ripped apart by lycopods?

    e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
  • @Ernam states @Cooper didn't batter, he mistook for Bard spam. 

    ("Yeah she did really well.  Cooper walked in and I mistook the stun/stupidity spam from bard stuff (along with the torrent of spam from bard combat in general) as mind batter, ")

    But continues to accuse @Cooper of ganking him, when @Cooper only attacked AFTER Eleison jumped in.

     ("she said she was curing me because you showed up, and she assumed it was to gank (which turned out to be true").

     {She = Eleison, though Eleison seems to be male IG, assuming he made a mistake here.}

    I confused.

  • You are ignoring:

    Rean                               Xenomorph

       -                   -

    Tesha                              Santar

       -            -



    You are ignored by:


    Please show me where you have me snubbed (ignored) here?

    I don't lie about you, I just repeat what you've done and said to you. It's not my fault you don't comprehend that you lie about absolutely everything. Again, using this situation as an example - even after I posted the log of what happened, you still claimed I teamed you with Xinna during your duel. That is simply not true, and you are doing the exact thing to me that you want me to stop (that I'm not doing - which is lying and slandering you). If you don't like to hear your actions repeated to you then don't lie and do stupid things in the first place, it's really not difficult.

  • edited May 2014

    I thought I got mind battered, and I corrected myself.  It's pathetic how desperately you're jumping on to an honest mistake as proof that I'm a massive liar.  What the --- is wrong with you?

    @Hasar I never said a single word to Eleison.  She simply started shielding me because she assumed that Cooper had come to pull some lame shit.  Which he immediately proved was the case.

  • edited May 2014

    I don't know why I even bother defending myself when the list of people viewing the thread is a list of people who I already know are going to spin some rofflecopter bullshit up and slap each other on the backs on TMC all night about how the burned me on da forums.

  • Or everyone could just apologize for being snappy, and we could move on?
  • edited May 2014

    Ernam said:

    I thought I got mind battered, and I corrected myself.  It's pathetic how desperately you're jumping on to an honest mistake as proof that I'm a massive liar.  What the --- is wrong with you?

    @Hasar I never said a single word to Eleison.  She simply started shielding me because she assumed that Cooper had come to pull some lame shit.  Which he immediately proved was the case.

    How did he 'pull some lame shit?' Comboing Eleison because he perceived it as Eleison interfering with a duel?

    Because we have already established Cooper didn't interfere by batter, I don't see how he interfered at all until AFTER Eleison messed with the duel?

  • edited May 2014

    After I burst from the duel, Xinna continued hitting me, and Cooper started jumping in.  He later explained that he was "teaming" me because I was "Teaming" Xinna due to a 19 year old cast a shield on me thinking themselves helpful.

  • Ernam said:

    I don't know why I even bother defending myself when the list of people viewing the thread is a list of people who I already know are going to spin some rofflecopter bullshit up and slap each other on the backs on TMC all night about how the burned me on da forums.

    Sooo... over 3/4 of the active playerbase?

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