@Mithridates I've killed far more people as a magi than you have, and I've fought against ten times as many. I'm not claiming to be "better" than you, but I definitely know what I'm talking about.
@Mithridates I've killed far more people as a magi than you have, and I've fought against ten times as many. I'm not claiming to be "better" than you, but I definitely know what I'm talking about.
@Mithridates I've killed far more people as a magi than you have, and I've fought against ten times as many. I'm not claiming to be "better" than you, but I definitely know what I'm talking about.
Shecks: "The only way to beat anyone competent is to drop retardation in full vibes and hope your skill level in retardation (plus vibes) is better than their skill level at surviving it. This requires a ton of experience, a great curing system, knowing what's in all the rooms around you (monoliths, doors, etc), and generally requires knowing how good your opponent is and/or anticipating their reaction before you drop it."
Shecks: "I agree that retardation is the only viable means for magi to kill people at the moment... can't wait to see magi reworked to not be 100% reliant on strategies that are both insanely easy and lame."
Shecks: "I definitely know what I'm talking about."
Needs more mana drain before the finisher. Why'd you DSL with curare/aconite after prone? Aconite I get, but double epteth (maybe even single, depends on priorities/tree balance) would be much better against monks to stop the Kai Heal. Not that he used Kai Heal here, but he would have if mana wasn't available to transmute.
Stick clumsiness and then curare aconite the rest of your prep. Epteth/epteth on second leg break. Have arms prepped too. Hugalaz, raze;engage, break arms with epseth and untargeted cur/pref. Bear in mind his mana will be >250 after spamming transmute on stand, and you're throwing him off resto balance with arm breaks. Why not try and lock. Will look awesome. Style points
Keep in mind that monks take huge damage from Knights. Pre-damage is very important against monks when you're killing them.
You have to stop kai heal (break arms) and you have to keep up the damage after the DSB (don't bother impaling again, that is low dps). Try to have hugalaz going during the breaks. After they stand up (still can't shield due to arms) try to get them sensitive and lunge before the numb wears off.
If they survive numb wearing off, they will be at very low health. Your pre-damage should have their mana fairly low so they can't transmute back up instantly, and won't be able to kai heal due to broken arms.
You have to make them numb the disembowel or they will just tank everything. If they don't have to numb the disembowel then they get to numb after it, which means 10 seconds to cure a leg, stand up and transmute and that means no kill for you.
Lol so the key to killing a monk as a runewarden is to do the same thing you do to everyone else but wrapped in predamage, postdamage, and two extra prepped limbs. Seems legit.
Most of you don't know this, but over the past ~8 years I've been probably the biggest supporter of monk balance/downgrades/nerfs.
My original classlead has most of the 'fixes' you see today (not all, and they definitely were not changed when I suggested it)
Torso bbt damage
Choke damage lowered
Kai heal stopped by arms
Disrupt not usable on ground
Banish shortened and more kai (this was before the change to it's use, I didn't suggest that)
Paralyse kick
Swk accuracy increase
Kai aura regarding absolve/other kai abilities stacking
TRB removal
Kai gain reduced from most classes
Deliverance not working if you do -anything- after you start it
Guarding not proning
Axekick not being usable unless the target was prone (web/axk days)
Axekick damage reduced (used to be that 18 str monk could one shot a fully deffed Runewarden with 5k-6k health and 90 blunt plate, doing about 110-120% their max health.)
I also suggested that axekick be completely removed.
So when people say I'm only defending my class to keep it powerful, they are 100% completely wrong and it makes me laugh.
I also suggested that axekick be completely removed.
So when people say I'm only defending my class to keep it powerful, they are 100% completely wrong and it makes me laugh.
Maybe not removed but changed instead so monks like Proficy(uses rebounding at the cost of limb count), can't rely on it as a crutch and kill someone off a single leg break/no torso damage in place of a proper break set up.
Come join the Achaea discord!
Such skill.
So wow.
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i'm a rebel
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
i'm a rebel
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]