I just mean you hit with curare when she was still paralysed. Wait until the eat or dstab euphorbia/darkshade then and there.
I very often hit with afflictions my opponent already has. Yes, that's a waste of an affliction and should be avoided, in theory. But if I know how my opponent prioritizes and expect him to cure an affliction before my next dstab can go in, I will usually assume that he will still cure it in time, rather than waiting or switching to different affs. Between personal reaction time and latency, there's quite a relevant time frame during which he might (and often will) otherwise still cure it just before my next stab, leaving me no time to still use my originally intended combo.
This results in me sometimes using superfluous venoms, but also helps me to fight at a decent speed while still remaining calm and strategical. Just watching cures and reacting instantly just doesn't suffice for that, for me. I need to rely on expectations based on previous observation, to a degree.
I agree. Using curare with your ginseng venoms is a great way to stack them quickly. Vardrax/darkshade are like my de-facto stackers now since some classes will ignore euphorbia (monks)
As you already know, once you hit camus every venom in their bloodstream will relapse on camus. If you can manage to stick sensitivity, the relapse is even more deadly.
Also play around with sileris illusions - they can save you time by not having to flay right before biting scytherus/camus.
I agree. Using curare with your ginseng venoms is a great way to stack them quickly. Vardrax/darkshade are like my de-facto stackers now since some classes will ignore euphorbia (monks)
As you already know, once you hit camus every venom in their bloodstream will relapse on camus. If you can manage to stick sensitivity, the relapse is even more deadly.
Also play around with sileris illusions - they can save you time by not having to flay right before biting scytherus/camus.
I'm lost... but I don't really understand relapsing yet.
Scytherus makes any venoms afflicted afterward to repeat once. So if you stab curare/kalmia, in the next few seconds curare then kalmia will be reafflicted.
Now, if camus is bitten, it turns any and all relapses into camus rather then whatever venoms were actually used. So scyth, camus, curare/kalmia bounces 3 camus. This is why sometimes you'll see a serpent bite bite and just go into dstabs - to keep the target from curing scytherus. Then they explode in camus relapse glory.
And the only reductions are % resistances like TF, Mir, Scales, Alchemist armour, algiz etc. It toally ignores armour, it just seems those reductions stack to hard.
And the only reductions are % resistances like TF, Mir, Scales, Alchemist armour, algiz etc. It toally ignores armour, it just seems those reductions stack to hard.
If it ignores armour but is reduced by % resistances, me being horkval would also factor in.
Fairly sure it's a flat 10% cutting and blunt. If bite is not one of those (e.g. if it's like dsb or black dragon breath that don't have specific resistances), then it wouldn't matter anyway. Hadn't considered damage type.
But a little rant : @Bonko - I can see this behavior. It's how he's always been... but @Earionduil used to be a stand up dude. I honestly never expected this out of him on a regular basis.
To be fair, you died in Mhaldor to guards and you're a member of the mark. You decided it would be a good idea to go do something during the death sequence that would take long enough for grace to drop? Probably not the best idea.
To be fair, you died in Mhaldor to guards and you're a member of the mark. You decided it would be a good idea to go do something during the death sequence that would take long enough for grace to drop? Probably not the best idea.
Mixing a Manhattan is never a bad idea. Didn't really count on spilling the cherries all over my counter inadvertently, but that's entirely besides the point.
These sorts of deaths aren't because of any action other than being a logged in member of the Mark, and while it comes with the territory - there's legit ambushes, and then grace-griefing. (Talk to @Eld for example)
Just gets old and smells "Qasharish", if ya ask me.
Where did that 65% number come from? Because this is what I'm seeing...
Prone, no truefavour, runes, etc:
6080h, 4495m, 25635e, 19224w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (-15m, 0.3%) Havyn snaps her massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before catching you with a second powerful bite. 3160h, 4570m, 25635e, 19242w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (sip health|eat irid|outr 1 irid)(-2920h, 48.0%, +75m, 1.6%)
Take off my bracelets and belt:
3731h, 3867m, 21000e, 18963w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (-154h, 3.5%) Havyn snaps her massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before catching you with a second powerful bite. 1546h, 3867m, 21000e, 18963w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (sip health)(-2185h, 50.1%)
Eld and I double checked that last night too, it was hitting for 46% against me in dform without any out of the ordinary reductions. Mir/TF, however, dropped Eld's damage intake to something silly like 35%, which is almost immunity to bite deaths.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Now, if camus is bitten, it turns any and all relapses into camus rather then whatever venoms were actually used. So scyth, camus, curare/kalmia bounces 3 camus. This is why sometimes you'll see a serpent bite bite and just go into dstabs - to keep the target from curing scytherus. Then they explode in camus relapse glory.
All I've had today are six gummy bears and some scotch
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Prone, no truefavour, runes, etc:
6080h, 4495m, 25635e, 19224w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (-15m, 0.3%)
Havyn snaps her massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before
catching you with a second powerful bite.
3160h, 4570m, 25635e, 19242w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (sip health|eat irid|outr 1
irid)(-2920h, 48.0%, +75m, 1.6%)
Take off my bracelets and belt:
3731h, 3867m, 21000e, 18963w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (-154h, 3.5%)
Havyn snaps her massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before
catching you with a second powerful bite.
1546h, 3867m, 21000e, 18963w ex|cdbk Nobody nothing [0|0|0|0|0|0] - 0 (sip health)(-2185h, 50.1%)
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files