Can there be a cap of 3 relics per person? It seems a bit silly when someone is able to haul up 7 relics and they are generally considered untouchable..
Especially when that person idles in-city or off-continent.
It's in a temple that no one else can enter, or burrowed on an island.
I had two relics once, was able to hold them overnight by phasing in a house hall. It was really dumb.
Bugged both of them a whIle back and got told it was working as intended.
The additional problem is that even if someone does get one of the good relics, they are relentlessly ganked by Ashtan until they get them back. Unless you happen to get one and none of them are around.
I'm super salty I finally got someone to add Jinsun to the soulfinder after years of trying, and then they go and lose it to Oberion and it's been sitting there ever since.
I definitely think relics should have a continuous reset (far less than the current one, if it even exists...) applied to them when on mobs or in a new location. It is pretty daunting when we see them held by the most powerful mobs in the game that require a group to even have a chance of defeating. Perhaps every 2-3 hours the relic can reset from Grandmaster, Oberion, etc. to a new spot. This could keep people that are interested on their toes. For clarity's sake, they should only reset upon day change, so people have a common time to check rather than spamming relics status all day.
Finally, I still think a 3 relics per person limit should go through. It just feels so silly that someone can haul almost all the relics and hide out for the rest of their days (or basically be untouchable).
I also am not against a time limit for relics when collected, but it may be seen as unfair so i'm not sure.
Finally, I still think a 3 relics per person limit should go through. It just feels so silly that someone can haul almost all the relics and hide out for the rest of their days (or basically be untouchable).
I idea'd something similar a while back, except it was for 1-2 relics instead. Forces people to choose (do I want the second chance of Lifegiver, or go bashing with Luckbinder, or raid with Earthshaker...), spreads them around to more people, and so on. A kind of "the relics of Proteus are too powerful for any one mortal to hold more than X at any one time" thing.
Of course, it would have to be changed so that they can't all spawn to one denizen. I doubt most people would go after the Grandmaster if she had eight relics and they could only get one of them at a time. Expanding the list of potential holders isn't such a bad thing either, as well as including something to ensure that the relics go back to the Reliquary more often than they currently do.
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Relics should have a chance to reset to a denizen/area each time they're transferred on death. The big problem is people just bursting each other to reset the timer and keep them, isn't it? Maybe the chance for reset could go up the more times a person's died in the last 12 hours, too?
Relics should have a chance to reset to a denizen/area each time they're transferred on death. The big problem is people just bursting each other to reset the timer and keep them, isn't it? Maybe the chance for reset could go up the more times a person's died in the last 12 hours, too?
Relics don't have a timer to disappear off you unless you're on a ship or offline, right? I had Soulfinder for like a year at one point
I don't think they need to disappear from the people holding them, really. The problem is when one person has ten of them and is nigh-unstoppable, or when they're rotting away in the coffers of the Grandmaster or Oberion, and nobody wants to do anything about it since a bajillion deaths brings the rewards for two people (honours line + relic?), or one if they get lucky.
Just my two cents
ETA: Though Aylek's suggestion seems like a good one.
Can we get an option to spar someone for combat rankings if both people are present, too?
Can limit it to like once every 12 hours so it's not just you fighting the same person over and over if that's a concern, but sometimes you wanna fight someone specific!
Seragorn said he qq'ed and logged back in and was still in the queue- that intended, or an oversight? Might be kinder to people waiting on others to not have to wait for the queue to sort out logged out people before getting to people who're actually around, if that's not how it works already!
(It's a really neat system, though, I'm mostly super happy with it)
Seragorn said he qq'ed and logged back in and was still in the queue- that intended, or an oversight? Might be kinder to people waiting on others to not have to wait for the queue to sort out logged out people before getting to people who're actually around, if that's not how it works already!
(It's a really neat system, though, I'm mostly super happy with it)
Can confirm, qqing keeps you in queue. But dying kicks you, so it seems like an oversight.
Probably qqing keeps you in to avoid brief dcing taking you out. That said, maybe add a timer to it.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Can we get an option to spar someone for combat rankings if both people are present, too?
Can limit it to like once every 12 hours so it's not just you fighting the same person over and over if that's a concern, but sometimes you wanna fight someone specific!
Would eliminate the point of the queueing system, which is to force you to fight whoever comes rather than just who you choose. Inconvenient sometimes, but less gameable.
I would like preservation folders. These would be one or two page journals which you could paste single letters or scrolls into for preservation and addition to libraries. You'll be able to title these little scraps of paper as well making them easier to handle.
(Basically just thinner journals for single item writings and letters)
I would like preservation folders. These would be one or two page journals which you could paste single letters or scrolls into for preservation and addition to libraries. You'll be able to title these little scraps of paper as well making them easier to handle.
(Basically just thinner journals for single item writings and letters)
Can we get an option to spar someone for combat rankings if both people are present, too?
Can limit it to like once every 12 hours so it's not just you fighting the same person over and over if that's a concern, but sometimes you wanna fight someone specific!
Would eliminate the point of the queueing system, which is to force you to fight whoever comes rather than just who you choose. Inconvenient sometimes, but less gameable.
Turns out you can still use combat challenge, actually! I didn't know, but Proficy set me straight on this. I think the only limitation is you can't be super far apart in ranking (so the top-ranked can't just fight a 100 over and over, I guess).
Can we get an option to spar someone for combat rankings if both people are present, too?
Can limit it to like once every 12 hours so it's not just you fighting the same person over and over if that's a concern, but sometimes you wanna fight someone specific!
Would eliminate the point of the queueing system, which is to force you to fight whoever comes rather than just who you choose. Inconvenient sometimes, but less gameable.
Turns out you can still use combat challenge, actually! I didn't know, but Proficy set me straight on this. I think the only limitation is you can't be super far apart in ranking (so the top-ranked can't just fight a 100 over and over, I guess).
I messaged Mak about it, and he said it's def not intended. Should be fixed sometime soon
Can we have an option where like, if in a certain timespan, a person's contract hasn't ticked down more than a couple hours, the Mark can give the contract back and have it re-posted on the board, or canceled completely? (Forbidding the Mark from taking that contract again).
Something like if the contract doesn't tick down more than two hours in a whole RL week or something? It's super frustrating to have to wait and wait and wait cuz someone doesn't log on/stays off-plane all the effing time.
Idea # : 440 Filed by : Aesgar. Filed on : 2016/09/12 23:01:23 Approved : NO Idea text: Can we get a function to LISTOFFERINGS NORMAL in reverse, i.e starting from the most current offerings and working backwards instead of starting when the logs were last reset (which can sometimes be months at a time)! Thanks.
Unless this already works (in which case please let me know), it would be nice to have '<emote verb> &tar' so when you 'slap &tar', you slap your target instead of slapping a corpse of same type in your inventory.
Unless this already works (in which case please let me know), it would be nice to have '<emote verb> &tar' so when you 'slap &tar', you slap your target instead of slapping a corpse of same type in your inventory.
You can use the suffix "here" to interact with something in a room, if you have something with the same name in your inventory, eg "probe orb here"
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
With control over your homunculus's hands, you may now manipulate items from afar. All commands require your homunculus to be in the same area as yourself, with the exception of looking in its inventory.
HOMUNCULUS INV[ENTORY] will show you what your homunculus is currently holding.
HOMUNCULUS GIVE <item> TO <person> allows to your homunculus to hand an item to another. The homunculus must be in the same room, on the same elevation, as the target, and the target may not be phased or similar.
HOMUNCULUS GET <item> will pick up an item from the ground. This can only be done if your homunculus is holding fewer than five items already, and is subject to the same restrictions as picking up an item yourself.
HOMUNCULUS DROP <item> will drop an item from your homunculus's inventory into its current room. This is subject to the same restrictions as dropping items yourself.
HOMUNCULUS DROP <item> HOMUNCULUS EMOTE <text> Cooldown: 6.00 seconds of homunculus balance
With control over your homunculus's hands, you may now manipulate items from afar. All commands require your homunculus to be in the same area as yourself, with the exception of looking in its inventory.
HOMUNCULUS INV[ENTORY] will show you what your homunculus is currently holding.
HOMUNCULUS GIVE <item> TO <person> allows to your homunculus to hand an item to another. The homunculus must be in the same room, on the same elevation, as the target, and the target may not be phased or similar.
HOMUNCULUS GET <item> will pick up an item from the ground. This can only be done if your homunculus is holding fewer than five items already, and is subject to the same restrictions as picking up an item yourself.
HOMUNCULUS DROP <item> will drop an item from your homunculus's inventory into its current room. This is subject to the same restrictions as dropping items yourself.
HOMUNCULUS EMOTE <text> will allow you to command your homunculus to perform various emotive actions. Refer to HELP EMOTING for more details.
Also: A diminutive homunculus resembling Medeia says, "To humgii I wish I could talk to you directly! As well as say things sadly or laughingly! Please make it happen! ."
Do it! Do it for the sad little homunculus!
I have 150 Lusternian credits that I'll trade over for Achaean ones. Let me know if you're interested!
@Katsuragi I kinda prefer homunculi as they are, myself. They're supposed to be limited, rudimentary creatures. Being able to show a full range of emotion and any action they'd like is pretty much taking that and throwing it out the window.
For me it's not necessarily a matter of conveying emotion as it is being able to do other little things like "homunculus moves stiffly towards you" or other little things like that.
Surely there's room for abuse but that's just how the free form emoting system works.
I have 150 Lusternian credits that I'll trade over for Achaean ones. Let me know if you're interested!
Finally, I still think a 3 relics per person limit should go through. It just feels so silly that someone can haul almost all the relics and hide out for the rest of their days (or basically be untouchable).
I also am not against a time limit for relics when collected, but it may be seen as unfair so i'm not sure.
Of course, it would have to be changed so that they can't all spawn to one denizen. I doubt most people would go after the Grandmaster if she had eight relics and they could only get one of them at a time. Expanding the list of potential holders isn't such a bad thing either, as well as including something to ensure that the relics go back to the Reliquary more often than they currently do.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
A rustic sack - 1 mayan crown
Rattling around in this sack you will find 5 Lucrescent nuts
I don't think they need to disappear from the people holding them, really. The problem is when one person has ten of them and is nigh-unstoppable, or when they're rotting away in the coffers of the Grandmaster or Oberion, and nobody wants to do anything about it since a bajillion deaths brings the rewards for two people (honours line + relic?), or one if they get lucky.
Just my two cents
ETA: Though Aylek's suggestion seems like a good one.
Can limit it to like once every 12 hours so it's not just you fighting the same person over and over if that's a concern, but sometimes you wanna fight someone specific!
Seragorn said he qq'ed and logged back in and was still in the queue- that intended, or an oversight? Might be kinder to people waiting on others to not have to wait for the queue to sort out logged out people before getting to people who're actually around, if that's not how it works already!
(It's a really neat system, though, I'm mostly super happy with it)
Can confirm, qqing keeps you in queue. But dying kicks you, so it seems like an oversight.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
(Basically just thinner journals for single item writings and letters)
Something like if the contract doesn't tick down more than two hours in a whole RL week or something? It's super frustrating to have to wait and wait and wait cuz someone doesn't log on/stays off-plane all the effing time.
Filed by : Aesgar.
Filed on : 2016/09/12 23:01:23
Approved : NO
Idea text:
Can we get a function to LISTOFFERINGS NORMAL in reverse, i.e starting from the most current offerings and working backwards instead of starting when the logs were last reset (which can sometimes be months at a time)! Thanks.
emote slaps $calaurn
Lots of fun stuff you can do in HELP EMOTING
What would be a nice addition:
Cooldown: 6.00 seconds of homunculus balance
HOMUNCULUS EMOTE <text> will allow you to command your homunculus to perform various emotive actions. Refer to HELP EMOTING for more details.
A diminutive homunculus resembling Medeia says, "To humgii I wish I could talk to you directly! As well as say things sadly or laughingly! Please make it happen!
Do it! Do it for the sad little homunculus!
Surely there's room for abuse but that's just how the free form emoting system works.
It sends : emote (a dimiuative homunculus resembling) ..matches[2]
Only works in room of coyrse. Im a bit tired and not the exact code but you get the idea