Next Big Thing: Engagement!



  • edited February 2019
    You want a ramp, a way to engage players in the various toys of achaea. Orders are a toy, houses and cities are a toy. I certainly agree the effort should be expended most where its going to be most appreciated, but if a framework is built that makes it easy to add it to the more exclusive aspects of the game then that's a win-win.

    I say this as someone middling around the 80s in level and essentially in a game where a conservative 50% of the content is still locked to me, Achaea is big on what I am forced to call "the end game" even though that's hardly correct as a term.

  • Morthif said:
    Allowing orders to create/complete tasks like sermons etc is a great way to get people involved.

    Shirszae said:

    If anything, having Order-placed engagement thingies would help Orders whose Divine is dormant. So in that regard this system would actually be a plus there.
    @Shirszae It seems like you're misunderstanding what Nicola said. She never stated in her latest post that Cities and houses would be creating tasks to be added to the engagements to be completed, but rather manually tic boxes for citizens. If tasks were able to be created by these Orgs, then I can 100% understand how beneficial it can be for an order. However, as it stands, it seems rather pointless and unneeded for Orders to have such a system in place when they could so easily manage such things amongst their few members.

    I dont see in any way how giving Orders the ability to manage engagement completions will somehow save the many inactive ones...

    In the end it comes down to the admin anyway, but I definitely do not see a point to it, in its current suggested state, for orders.
  • edited February 2019
    Shirszae said:

    If anything, having Order-placed engagement thingies would help Orders whose Divine is dormant. So in that regard this system would actually be a plus there.
    This.  When @Aegis went dormant for 6-8? years, Nicia and I kept it going (at the time we were allowed to induct).  We would do little things very much like this. It kept it interesting.  Then one day i logged in and Someone had removed all the members we added and took away the induct power. That was the final straw and I went dormant fir about 5 years or so.

    Having something like this would at least give the Order measurable things to pursue, as well as stop the bleeding/attrition in dormant-God Orders.  It would also help @Makarios and/or @Nicola better gauge which Orders are still thriving in meaningful ways to try and get a dormant Divine back.  

  • I thought admin have stated repeatedly that order activity will be the purview of gods and not mortal members
  • Gods can designate mortal leaders giving them some authority. While I think for the most part active gods should be involved in crafting the tasks/guidelines it’s not unreasonable for dormant orders to work on ideas and have Nicola/Makarios approve them for the dormant god. 
  • Dupre said:
    I thought admin have stated repeatedly that order activity will be the purview of gods and not mortal members
    This is true, they have stated this before a fair few times. 

  • tbf, I think that rule was put in place back when there were more players (and more people to play gods). times have a'changed.
  • edited February 2019
    And God or not, current OH (or highest ranking person) can still say "let's go do this here". This would just be a better tool for doing so. And for Orders w an active Divine, it helps streamline tasks and show next steps (possibly) so that Divine can track progress along w the OH/se ior members

  • Ysela said:
    Meropis month: give temporary access through the portal normally only usable by those with a pebble (maybe restrict to one pass through in each direction every RL day), perhaps gated behind relatively simple introductory quest. Tasks could include exploring new rooms (especially hidden ones), completing quests, speaking to denizens, killing denizens, etc on Meropis. Perhaps connect to Black Wave and have some tasks related to shards or the tsol'teth fortress
    This is actually a really good idea. Leaves pebble value intact while allowing people to periodically experience content without a long ship ride or painfully tedious wilderness walk.

  • Ysela said:
    Perhaps connect to Black Wave and have some tasks related to shards or the tsol'teth fortress
    This in general is what I'd love to see from some kind of engagement program, though I imagine that most of what I'd like is outside the scope of what's being talked about in this thread. Even just over the last few years, there are a -ton- of different factions in this game with interesting motivations or goals that have just disappeared after their part in the major event (IE, there's still a tsol'teth threat behind a tenuous barrier, but we almost never think about it; the elemental planes are still passively at war; the urvamps are still plotting; the tree has a ton of different power players). While I'm sure some of these will come up in future large events, I feel like there's a lot of room for smaller, more regular tasks that draw player engagement to a certain part of the world.
    Basically, I just think there's a lot of room for small happenings that encourage people to go do tasks in a place, without being the kind of huge, mechanics-rich event that takes place every once in a while.
  • What's the plan for assigning credit for tasks that involve killing honours denizens? That's obviously not the kind of thing that most people can do solo, and it's not going to be feasible for many people to complete it in an IC month if only the person who gets the killing blow is credited with completion. There are also ways to contribute towards killing them that don't involve actively dealing damage (e.g. healing the people attacking them).
  • Ooh, the pk ones have participate in a raid defense, but not detonate tanks? I appreciate that, since Cyrenians can also get involved too. I also like the idea of exploration ones just being about actual exploration, I hunted creville for a while and it was into dragonhood that my curiosity got the better of me and I started exploring deeply. I love that place for what it is, and the ascent to the top was a cool thing! 
  • Minifie said:
    Ooh, the pk ones have participate in a raid defense, but not detonate tanks?
    They're examples, not exhaustive lists. Detonating a tank could well be a PK task.
  • Is the intention to be that you'll have to preemptively claim an adventure or will they just tick off as you do them? Some of these things seem incidental that you might not necessarily plan ahead for unlike the way the resolutions system was set up.

    Also wondering how long adventures will persist to be able to complete them within the window? This somewhat relates to the above, being able to claim adventures or not.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Ictinus said:
    ...purging the city of Arcadia (Nerai)...
    You and I are going to fall out...

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Ictinus said:

    Life: That which all must come to know

    This theme is unique insofar as it relates to all manner of miscellaneous features of Achaea that don't necessarily fit into other aspects of the game system. It's so named because these are - quite literally - the things you'll do as part of daily life, often without thinking! 

    Please make getting married a goal in one month and getting divorced in another. Imagine the drama, the scandal! 

    Then for bonuses, do it again with marriage, and never ever offer divorce again. 

  • Finchy said:
    Ictinus said:

    Life: That which all must come to know

    This theme is unique insofar as it relates to all manner of miscellaneous features of Achaea that don't necessarily fit into other aspects of the game system. It's so named because these are - quite literally - the things you'll do as part of daily life, often without thinking! 

    Please make getting married a goal in one month and getting divorced in another. Imagine the drama, the scandal! 

    Then for bonuses, do it again with marriage, and never ever offer divorce again. 
    Don't forget, "The people throwing RP to the wayside, and gaming the system purely for whatever rewards the thing has."
    Not that that ever happens.
  • Next announce post : 

    RANKINGS DIVORCE is now a thing!
  • edited March 2019
    Klendathu said:
    Ictinus said:
    ...purging the city of Arcadia (Nerai)...
    You and I are going to fall out...
    Pfft, they can try. We haven't had people really invade Arcadia in awhile :( 

    I blame penwize

    Also, for 

    Bathed in Blood; this is a hunting related theme

    Sample tasks include murdering Zsarachnor (everyone), hunting and killing Maim (for the Targossians), completing a foray (everyone), and purging the city of Arcadia (Nerai).

    Maybe you could introduce a set of guards or event npcs that aren't normally there? Like adding Jaru pilgrims that are 'crushingly' strong for us to kill. I mean, killing the entire city is fun, but think of the fun we could have if they fought back!
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • Astarod said:
    Klendathu said:
    Ictinus said:
    ...purging the city of Arcadia (Nerai)...
    You and I are going to fall out...
    Pfft, they can try. We haven't had people really invade Arcadia in awhile :( 

    I blame penwize

    Also, for 

    Bathed in Blood; this is a hunting related theme

    Sample tasks include murdering Zsarachnor (everyone), hunting and killing Maim (for the Targossians), completing a foray (everyone), and purging the city of Arcadia (Nerai).

    Maybe you could introduce a set of guards or event npcs that aren't normally there? Like adding Jaru pilgrims that are 'crushingly' strong for us to kill. I mean, killing the entire city is fun, but think of the fun we could have if they fought back!

    Do a deathsight search on Discord for "Farrah was slain by an armoured stormshaper." Then blame those guys. They are scary. :(
  • Farrah said:
    Astarod said:
    Klendathu said:
    Ictinus said:
    ...purging the city of Arcadia (Nerai)...
    You and I are going to fall out...
    Pfft, they can try. We haven't had people really invade Arcadia in awhile :( 

    I blame penwize

    Also, for 

    Bathed in Blood; this is a hunting related theme

    Sample tasks include murdering Zsarachnor (everyone), hunting and killing Maim (for the Targossians), completing a foray (everyone), and purging the city of Arcadia (Nerai).

    Maybe you could introduce a set of guards or event npcs that aren't normally there? Like adding Jaru pilgrims that are 'crushingly' strong for us to kill. I mean, killing the entire city is fun, but think of the fun we could have if they fought back!

    Do a deathsight search on Discord for "Farrah was slain by an armoured stormshaper." Then blame those guys. They are scary. :(
    That's what I'm saying, they should expand a village that's loyal to you guys and give it harder mobs. hehe. 
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • "harder mobs" more like "impossible mobs".  B)
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Glad to hear it! Excited to see this come out! I did agree that stuff like using news and the banking system made me a tad apprehensive about the engagements ‘fun/challenging’ aspect as a whole. However, I’m happy to see something so cool take some strides. Thanks for all your hard work @Ictinus and Co!!!!
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • For the org themed related tasks, would you like any suggestions from us or is it all set?
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Is this already implemented? If so, how would one check and start participating?

  • Kresslack said:
    Is this already implemented? If so, how would one check and start participating?
    Not yet, I would guess they are implementing all the adventures!
This discussion has been closed.