Woah woah woah @Anedhel! We're supposed to be tapping their DND addictions in-game! What is this online stuff you're talking about. Start with charging like 1k for the first night, then 20k for every other night. What can possibly go wrong?
I've DMed for years. I still use second edition however (viva la Thac0) I also storytell most if not all white wolf old and new and play a mean game of paranoia.
Hey! Haha, I'm way late but I've played 3.5 a good amount, never had any real experience with any other versions and, if anyone wants, I'd happily look up all the info they need from my books.
Also, I'd be game to play any edition/setting, although my experience is in 3.5/Eberron from DDO (lorewise).
I've DMed for years. I still use second edition however (viva la Thac0) I also storytell most if not all white wolf old and new and play a mean game of paranoia.
I knew you were twisted, but I never for one second imagined you were -EVIL-
Amen to that. I've realized that all I really want from the newer editions is for them to start printing more material for 3.5. I think if that happened I would just be content for life.
I currently DM one campaign and play another. I'm pretty darn familiar with the system, though much less so with actually running games (likely in part because I pretty much just dm out of necessity). Still, it's a blast. Eberron ftw!
Can't someone super creative and wicked at coding HTML5 set up some nice interactive DnD website with DM content, Player content (character sheets) and built in voice2voice or video chat?
Can't someone super creative and wicked at coding HTML5 set up some nice interactive DnD website with DM content, Player content (character sheets) and built in voice2voice or video chat?
edit:(Or is that what roll20.net is?)
It basically is. It's a really well done site that I've had a blast using. It supports maps, voice chat, non-voice chat, rolling, characters, tokens, and pretty much whatever else you could want. It's made running a group online very streamlined for me, at least.
ETA: Also! We're looking for one more person to play with us. We'll be hosting games between 4 PM and 11 PM GMT, on Thursdays! Playing 3.5, because everything else is sick and wrong.
I haven't been able to play D&D in years, mostly because of people moving away and not having another group of friends interested in it. I'd definitely be down for joining in a game run online, but I'm in the same EST boat there.
I liked 3.5, but after moving to Pathfinder, looking back makes me sad (I have to train Hide and Move Silently as separate skills!?). Do love 3.5 Clerics for the occasional one-player game though. They have just about everything in some form or other.
Personally, nothing can really beat old White-Wolf. Some Vampire sessions have been the funniest afternoons of my life.
I'd be up for playing if I wasn't already playing one and running another. Just remember, if anyone gets munchkin enough to try the bag of rats, all other people are compelled to punch them squarely on the nose. http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/Bag_of_rats (I don't know how to hyperlink from my phone)
Ffs, yes, training hide and move silently separately makes sense to me. I shouldn't be this ragey, but I get this from pathfinder players all the time and it drives me up the wall. They're different things. I can know all I want about camouflage, that's not going to help me walk across a room with shattered glass on the ground without making noise. I can similarly have great awareness of the lighting conditions of a space without being able to sneak up on someone successfully. It's like the perception thing. Spot and listen are different things, and they require different talents to be successful at. Spot isn't being able to see real well, it's about being able to notice things that shouldn't be there. Listen's about filtering out ambient sound to pick out something important. One doesn't learn both those things simultaneously.
@anedhel so, while Thursday arrives, I am thinking of re-familiarizing myself with rules and such. Anything in particular I should re-read to have fresh in my memory?
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
@anedhel so, while Thursday arrives, I am thinking of re-familiarizing myself with rules and such. Anything in particular I should re-read to have fresh in my memory?
The goal is to make anedhel regret ever putting together such a group of newb dnd'ers.
meh, if you know how to roll skill checks, saving throws, attack, and can roleplay, there shouldn't be any chaos. The system is actually pretty simple if you want it to be.
Ok. PM me if you are interested. I have most of the campaign done. If anyone knows a decent ten pt character generator or gameboard for online play we csn use that or use my no.gameboard rules if people prefer watered down combat for non boss battles.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Hey! Haha, I'm way late but I've played 3.5 a good amount, never had any real experience with any other versions and, if anyone wants, I'd happily look up all the info they need from my books.
Also, I'd be game to play any edition/setting, although my experience is in 3.5/Eberron from DDO (lorewise).
ETA: Also! We're looking for one more person to play with us. We'll be hosting games between 4 PM and 11 PM GMT, on Thursdays! Playing 3.5, because everything else is sick and wrong.
Do love 3.5 Clerics for the occasional one-player game though. They have just about everything in some form or other.
Personally, nothing can really beat old White-Wolf. Some Vampire sessions have been the funniest afternoons of my life.
I'd be up for playing if I wasn't already playing one and running another. Just remember, if anyone gets munchkin enough to try the bag of rats, all other people are compelled to punch them squarely on the nose.
(I don't know how to hyperlink from my phone)
/end rant.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
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Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important