How do you pronounce your character's name?



  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Cooper said:
    You guys should spell your names like they are pronounced.
    Some of the names in this game are just ridiculous. I remember times during raids where the entire party would have to target someone based off a shortname, or in some cases a specific variable they actually set up, because the target's name was so obnoxiously long and complicated.

  • Kresslack said:
    Cooper said:
    You guys should spell your names like they are pronounced.
    Some of the names in this game are just ridiculous. I remember times during raids where the entire party would have to target someone based off a shortname, or in some cases a specific variable they actually set up, because the target's name was so obnoxiously long and complicated.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited June 2018
    Pyori said:
    Kresslack said:
    Cooper said:
    You guys should spell your names like they are pronounced.
    Some of the names in this game are just ridiculous. I remember times during raids where the entire party would have to target someone based off a shortname, or in some cases a specific variable they actually set up, because the target's name was so obnoxiously long and complicated.

    I haven't done anything combat related in over a year, but that's pretty nifty.

  • Feritas is pronounced Fur-it-us. It means wildness
  • Feritas said:
    Feritas is pronounced Fur-it-us. It means wildness
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Pyori said:
    Feritas said:
    Feritas is pronounced Fur-it-us. It means wildness

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Fajita
  • Cutio, like the end of Mercutio.
  • Omi is pronounced like "Jorge"
  • Omi said:
    Omi is pronounced like "Jorge"
    And how is "Jorge" pronounced like?
  • Omi, duh

  • Oh my.
  • edited September 2018

    my contribution

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • edited September 2018
    @Icraa asked me this and my answer was, and still is "Agzohmqueks".

    (Party): You say, "Since we are discussing it OOC, I'll let you know that I'm from Australia."
    (Party): Mariya says, "That does explain a number of things."
  • @Icraa asked me this and my answer was, and still is "Agzohmqueks".
  • I literally give up on rezzing agzo sometimes and just qq cause INVOKE RESURRECTION AGZODHEUSJDFDHH too many times gets annoying
  • I pronounce Giomanach as "Zho-mah-nahk" or "Jzo-muh-nohk"... but literally everyone just says Gio "Jee-Oh".

    The name is Irish/Gaelic, and this is how my friend in Northern Ireland told me it was pronounced, so that's how I've always pronounced it, but when I am looking it up, I'm finding several different pronunciations, such as "Gim-ana-kh" and "gee-oh-man-ick" both with a hard G-sound. So I guess it really depends on what dialect, as to how it's "really" pronounced...

    surname: Tai'Shael: Tai sounds like "tie my shoe".. and Shael is just.. "shale" like the rock.  /tī SHāl/

    (Surname has no real meaning. I just didn't care to wear the Lighthawk name because I like to be unique, and I liked the way Tai'Shael looks/sounds with the rest of the character's name.)
  • Kamilae is pronounced Cam-E-lay, phonetically based off the name Camille! ^-^
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Kamilae said:
    Kamilae is pronounced Cam-E-lay, phonetically based off the name Camille! ^-^
    But I pronounce Camille as Kam-eel...

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Jeer-eye-shin, emphasis on the first syllable.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • @Icraa asked me this and my answer was, and still is "Agzohmqueks".
    Okay Ankhareoutef
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Nil-eeh-ahn
    Like "Million" with an "N."

    Everyone does Nye-lee-ahn though. :(
  • Chissa is pronounced Kissah but i've also heard people pronounce it Tsihhah 
  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    Chissa said:
    Chissa is pronounced Kissah but i've also heard people pronounce it Tsihhah 
    I say it as chi (like the start of chitter) - ssa (rimes with fa). Now do I switch to your Ki or keep my Chi?
  • Taleila: Tuh-Lay-Luh... pretty simple.
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    The pronunciation of my name is BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION
  • UtianimaUtianima Norway and Austria
    Utianima: Wha-teva-suits-your-fancy.

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Utianima said:
    Utianima: Wha-teva-suits-your-fancy.
    Uzi-annie-mah personally.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • edited October 2018
    Kyrra said:
    Utianima said:
    Utianima: Wha-teva-suits-your-fancy.
    Uzi-annie-mah personally.
    or "yew-tee" (like 'beauty') because I'm lazy and just say "Uti" :grin:
  • Ker-ghen (hard G like gun)
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