Anyone going to be playing? Pre-patch is coming next week (the 17th).
I got pissed off enough at BDO to dump playing it for a couple months probably, and since I told myself I wasn't buying any more into this month's promo, I decided to buy a completely new account to start fresh with. It was only $90NZD for the account, legion and BfA all together... Which is only like $15 more than BFA would've cost me on its own.
Wish I had as much time as I used to in college, raiding progression BC content 6 hrs a day like nothing
Same with sammy. Tried healing and got bored even faster. Priest is ok but druid seemed the most fun to me.
I always hated healing the few times I tried it, though. I played Protection Paladin throughout Wrath of the Lich King, including finishing up 10-man heroic Icecrown Citadel and getting the mount for completing all of the achievements. I mostly ended up tanking because nobody else was any good at it. I also had a pretty decent set of gear for Retribution by the end of the expansion, and switched servers to a guild that focused exclusively on 25-man raiding for the last month or so of Wrath as a DPS, then raided as DPS for the first couple of tiers of Cataclysm (before I quit WoW for good). From what I could tell from the major ranking sites, I seemed to be one of very few Ret Paladins actually raiding at that time.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Retribution definitely wasn't bad for those expansions, it just also wasn't the best option, especially at the start of Cataclysm. The really serious guilds all switched to other class characters.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Going to stop reminiscing before I find myself subscribing to WoW again though!
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
I didn't mind doing Naxx again since I didn't get a chance to really raid it in Vanilla and Ulduar still remains as one of my favorite raids of all time. ICC was also super flavorful and challenging.
I miss tanking as a warlock--SSC, SWP, and even in Uld.