Battle for Azeroth



  • Been playing since Vanilla, leveling a Havoc DH so I can play that or my rogue in the new content.

    Raided at a very high level in Legion, definitely got burnt out by obnoxious fight design in Antorus. Played a ton of Subtlety towards the end, but the removal of DfA basically makes the spec as boring as it was in Nighthold, which is super meh. Assassination looks solid but pretty much exactly what it was in Legion with a few passive changes. Outlaw is looking pretty good, but I still hate RtB rng even though it's much better. Havoc DH is a similar playstyle that I haven't played for a ton of hours already so hopefully that's something new.

    My plan for BfA is to start a solid Heroic core and get people who are good over time. Only one vaguely scheduled raid per week for an hour or two, along the lines of "We'll be forming at 8pm EST Thursday be around if you want to come". The eventual goal being clear heroic in 60-90 minutes and move on with our lives.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Jarrod said:
    Been playing since Vanilla, leveling a Havoc DH so I can play that or my rogue in the new content.

    Raided at a very high level in Legion, definitely got burnt out by obnoxious fight design in Antorus. Played a ton of Subtlety towards the end, but the removal of DfA basically makes the spec as boring as it was in Nighthold, which is super meh. Assassination looks solid but pretty much exactly what it was in Legion with a few passive changes. Outlaw is looking pretty good, but I still hate RtB rng even though it's much better. Havoc DH is a similar playstyle that I haven't played for a ton of hours already so hopefully that's something new.

    My plan for BfA is to start a solid Heroic core and get people who are good over time. Only one vaguely scheduled raid per week for an hour or two, along the lines of "We'll be forming at 8pm EST Thursday be around if you want to come". The eventual goal being clear heroic in 60-90 minutes and move on with our lives.
    Two of my best buds and I are looking for a guild exactly like this.

    We struggle because late evenings are hard when you're an adult.
  • I play on US Horde side, currently have 1/1/3 or so as a core group. Not sure yet if it will be an actual guild, or just a loose grouping of people with a discord or something. I'm still in the hard pushing guild I was in for Legion, but as a casual. The question is whether I want to break that potential connection or not.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Jarrod said:
    My plan for BfA is to start a solid Heroic core and get people who are good over time. Only one vaguely scheduled raid per week for an hour or two, along the lines of "We'll be forming at 8pm EST Thursday be around if you want to come". The eventual goal being clear heroic in 60-90 minutes and move on with our lives.
    Undecided yet on if I'll be playing paladin or Shaman, but I'll definitely have them both at 110 by the time BFA hits. Paladin's already nearly there; might be willing to tank/heal depending what I end up going. Just need a rough time; I can make pretty much any schedule, so long as I know ahead of time.
  • Didn't see your message about being Horde; might make things harder. Though if I decide by then, I might be willing to xfer. Will see how things go.
  • There really won't be a set schedule, will mostly try to decide on the weekend when during the next week we want to try to run whatever.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • I forgot about vamp council, forcing my imp to shoot at the bouncy balls, hahaha!

    ToC was ok. I feel there are definitely worse raids, such as Nightmare. Actually, I didn't very much care for the Legion raids. ToC was neat because it was pure bosses, and I really enjoyed the PVP fight. It was the story connection that was odd. "We are gonna hold a tournament to find the strongest heroes so the weak ones don't die and become zombies. Oh, but you can die here too so don't be weaksauce, kthxbai."

    Barrel Roll Deathwing and his platform fights were the absolute worst, imo.
  • edited July 2018
    Jarrod said:
    There really won't be a set schedule, will mostly try to decide on the weekend when during the next week we want to try to run whatever.
    Oh I just meant I'm pretty much available for whatever time... I just have to know what time :p
    Xias said:

    Barrel Roll Deathwing and his platform fights were the absolute worst, imo.
    Dragon Soul wasn't even a raid in my eyes. We 1 tanked and 1 healed half of it, once me (feral tank) and the GL's girlfriend (hpal) got our 4set / trinkets.

    My favourite was Feral Tank pre-nerf Vial of Shadows, doing like 900k crits with full vengeance. (I think it was called vengeance? The ap bonus tanks got when they took damage)... Then it got nerfed and crit for like 70k :/ it procced more post nerf, but still.
  • Right? It was a sad raid. I had more fun completing Sarth +3 or Maly. Or hell, shout out to Gruul!
  • TBC Gruul was so much fun though
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Jarrod said:
    I play on US Horde side, currently have 1/1/3 or so as a core group. Not sure yet if it will be an actual guild, or just a loose grouping of people with a discord or something. I'm still in the hard pushing guild I was in for Legion, but as a casual. The question is whether I want to break that potential connection or not.
    It's never worth breaking that connection.

    A large raiding guild can usually support a semi-casual extra raid along the lines of "10 or so friends smash the raid in a few hours", because that large guild provides a lot of extra support. Reliable people who want to gear alts to fill in for missing spots. Easy access to crafting professions and recipes. A large friend base for running heroics/mythics/etc.

    Every small group like that that I've seen outside of a side group on a larger guild has fallen apart, and it's usually due to that lack of support. 
  • Yeah, the main benefit is a lot of people with alts who are exceptionally good.

    I made it up to US 27th ranked Rogue for a bit in ToS, and I know the others in the main M+ group I run with are more than good enough to smash through Heroic mode, so filling out the last spots with alts and others should be easy.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • edited July 2018
    Jarrod said:
    Yeah, the main benefit is a lot of people with alts who are exceptionally good.

    I made it up to US 27th ranked Rogue for a bit in ToS, and I know the others in the main M+ group I run with are more than good enough to smash through Heroic mode, so filling out the last spots with alts and others should be easy.
    Also the main benefit of non-Mythic raids is that so long as you have the standard 10 you're good. Flex raids were a good addition imo. Means you don't really have to leave anyone out on normal/heroic (so long as you can, at least, get 1 healer every 5 people (counting the healer themselves) ) - Although if they know what they're doing you could probably do 1/6 or 1/7 if they're geared as well.
  • I'm thinking about playing again, haven't really played since Cata except to play around with DH at the start of this expansion. Anyone playing AU times/server?
  • AU times, yes- usually. AU server, no.
  • edited July 2018
    I love the raids, bg's, arenas, keyhole instances, and even sometimes the farming of gear. I hate the everlasting grind and farming quests and reputation though. Feels like sooo much work!
  • Wow! Beginning today, just being a subscriber nets you all lvl 1-110 content, leaving you only needing to buy the current expansion at the time.

    Perhaps Blizzard will see a surge in new players then, as that cuts out generally the extra $15 or more to buy the "battle chest" to catch up on past expacs.
  • Man I'm glad. Just 'catching up' without the expansion used to be like 80$+ lmao
  • Kiet said:
    Man I'm glad. Just 'catching up' without the expansion used to be like 80$+ lmao
    No joke! It used to be a turn off to friends I'd recommend the game to. Usually I'd end up buying them the previous expacs when they went on sale for Black Friday, just to get them in the door.
  • They have rolled it into the base game for a while now when a new expansion comes out. They did it at the end of mop and they did it at the end of wod. Before that they had the battle chest which included bc and wrath.
  • I mean, when I tried WoW last year that was already the way this worked. Why are people acting like it's new?

  • I never noticed since I usually buy the latest expac each lifecycle and never really had to play catch up.
  • Xias said:
    I never noticed since I usually buy the latest expac each lifecycle and never really had to play catch up.
    They always make a news/blog post on the website when they roll the expansion into the base game though.
  • @Jarrod out of curiosity what server are you on?
  • I'm playing. I've been playing since Vanilla.

  • Haven’t played since Legion. Anything new or interesting that might spark the interest of returning players?
  • @Pyori I'm on Area52 now, I'm in <Happy Accidents> so I doubt I'll be leaving that, at least on whatever I end up maining.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • @Jarrod damn haven't played Area52 since... When they opened Oceanic servers. Although on WRA right now since that's where the only person I know still plays... Well, the only person I cared to add when I got my new account.
  • edited July 2018
    I loved the ones they did for Legion. I'm glad they're continuing these shorts. Not a huge fan of Jaina in general, but this was pretty well done.
    The art style is cool.

  • Managed to get the Lucid Nightmare mount yesterday. It only took me 52 minutes in the Endless Halls. Would not do again, but I'm glad I did it once.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

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