Curing Bible



  • Gilliam said:
    I... Are you guys taking the piss? Or just not reading the words on the page...?

    Neither? The first sentence of your post (the only part I quoted, and the only part I was responding to) just isn't accurate; relapsing nausea has nothing to do with why you parry head.
  • Well, it is, but it's a secondary concern as to why you do.

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • It's not a secondary concern. It's not even a tertiary concern. What's the equivalent of secondary and tertiary for the number 100? It's not even that.

    Nobody should be thinking "I'd better parry head because if I don't they can negate my parry that isn't even on the only bodypart I should be parrying anyway."

  • If they frac arms/torso they won't prone you long enough for it to be a concern, if they start on legs my first thought would be "are they prepping for a quick prone with head fracs on the parry bypass?" 

    You are going to be parrying head by default, but how they approach the first number of fracs is important to gauge potential offenses. Torso/arms means I can prep a bit longer, legs means I have to be read for them to work in a quick parry bypass or potentially a weird route for DSB.
  • Antonius said:

    It's not a secondary concern. It's not even a tertiary concern. What's the equivalent of secondary and tertiary for the number 100? It's not even that.

    Nobody should be thinking "I'd better parry head because if I don't they can negate my parry that isn't even on the only bodypart I should be parrying anyway."

    I didn't say that the parry bypass was the problem, nausea also gives damage on a tick and is cured by the same mineral as lethargy  (arm fractures) so I still think it needs to be mentioned. 

    Of course parrying anything other than head against 2H is of course a very dangerous.

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Great read, thanks!
  • This was a great post for me to read. Thank you @Atalkez

  • @Atalkez are you planning on keeping all of this information up to date? I'm just curious, it seems like it would be a useful tool for new players, and people new to pvp to learn how to fight and defend against classes instead of just saying 'go fight other people and figure it out!' Not saying that people say that, just having all of this information in one spot will help for sure!

    As a side note, I actually really enjoyed reading about all the classes and how they fight and what you can do to prevent them from killing you. It's really nice to know!
  • edited January 2019
    I think the thing that this is missing is Psion. Anyone can post updates regarding changes to the other classes, I’m not super familiar with Psion quite yet. 

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • I was just curious to see if you were going to update it, or if people in general were going to update this.
  • *chants* THIS IS AWESOME *claps*  B)
  • Galyleo said:
    I was just curious to see if you were going to update it, or if people in general were going to update this.
    I’ll try to get some updates to stuff this weekend as needed.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    about that
  • Soon™           
  • Soon™           

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    I'm gonna lock you now 
  • The route formerly known as rarely seen*.
  • Correction I would make is that bloodfire wont usually come before the pressure of the lock, it's at the end of it. Bleed reqs for bloodfire and anorexia are both 160 and we  can give them simultaneously. So imp + 160 is locked on the next balance. Typically that'd be imp + haem + 160, but I've run into people with shockingly high cut off points for clot which made haem unnecessary outside of sealing.
    Locking hit will likely be:
    bfire + nau + ano + par or haem

    (Also locks are the main way I kill people in psion so they're not all that rare I'd say)
  • Thanks @Namino, I've been wondering how that class works for the longest time.
  • Couple quick things I didn’t see before in the thread.
    First, is that dw has a room hinder as was mentioned, but also an ability to let them follow you when you move, even if they are off balance. To stop this from being a problem you can escape with fly or dash, however if you can do neither it can be a bit hard to escape from.
    Second is that against shaman/jester, there is a chance they will use factions on the doll or puppet to strangle, which hurts a lot if they have artifacts. This might not be enough to kill most people, but is still worth note.
    Third is that earth lord has a titan ability, and if they use it they can spam paste to do huge damage, and it ignores shield. If you see them do this run, or hinder them a lot, you cannot kill them with damage for about 30 seconds. When titan fades they will be hurt and suffer a long stun, so focus on not getting squished and take advantage of the stun to make them regret trying to cheese kill you.
  • edited September 2020
    Occultist (the better version)

    Class route: Affs into Enlighten. The other routes need some looking at (I'll detail them below anyway).
    Primary Afflictions: Paralysis, Addiction (needed for WM), WhisperingMadness

    Rather than how Occultist used to be, it now achieves enlightens by sticking afflictions into a firelord/enlighten combo. Hecate/Cadmuscurse aren't a thing anymore, instead Firelord is their method of delivering mental afflictions and it's almost always combod with Enlighten to prevent curing of any of them in between. There's two different possible combinations that can be used, depending on how the person cures...
     - Addiction + WhisperingMadness + 3 of (Asthma, Paralysis, Slickness, Haemophilia, Clumsiness, Healthleech, Sensitivity, Darkshade).
     - Addiction + 4 of the above.

    Technically whisperingmadness + 4 works as well, but addiction is the only non-focusable affliction that works for sticking WM and enlighten. So unless you don't catch a hidden mental affliction, one of those two are gonna be their method of doing it. Firelord converts up to 4 of the above afflictions, into mental afflictions (reckless, dementia, stupidity, claustrophobia, shyness, agoraphobia, paranoia, confusion respectively)

    Smart shielding, or being a class that is simply able to outpace it, is gonna be your best bet on surviving it. Shield too early, and you're not gonna get any progress unless you're a prep class. Shield too late, and gremlin strip will be too fast.

    They do have a mana route that can be pretty oppressive if you're mismanaging your mana. Generally speaking you don't need to clot against Occultist much, as they have no way to actually capitalise on bleed aside from if you clot it constantly. Their damage route simply isn't all that feasible currently, and anyone with decent hinder will put them on the back foot fast. Mana route is still pretty much handled the same way that Truename is detailed in Atalkez' post.

    Finally they have a number of different aeon-centric strategies, that are all pretty foreseeable multiple balances in advance. The most reliable one is based around Ruinate Wheel, the entire thing you can safely ignore, until you see 'Vibrant indigo rays of light lash out from the Wheel of Chaos.' then you need to start looking at defending. Occultists also currently have the only silent speed strip in the game, which was confirmed to not be a bug:

      Saonji makes a sudden, quick gesture in front of you, almost hitting your nose. Her hand glows with a vibrant violet light before snapping back to her side.

    Roughly 2.3-2.4s after you see that, your speed is gonna be stripped most likely (since the other defences aren't worth stripping), and you won't see that it got stripped. So make sure to sip speed again around that time. In general, handle it the same way you'd handle any other aeon-centric strategy.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • Forgot to add that if they're going the whisperingmadness method, you can leave it low prio for most of the fight, then swap once they have affs stuck. It'll force them to adapt how they're afflicting, especially if timed at a point where they can't give paralysis with slime.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • Wait! Someone do Sublimation, but leave out "Don't Dedication to death" and "Stop missing and double missing every attack"!
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Mizik said:
    Wait! Someone do Sublimation, but leave out "Don't Dedication to death" and "Stop missing and double missing every attack"!

    Hit homunculus seventeen times in a row and die. 
  • While these classleads are up, did anyone ever figure out if Sublimation Alchemist is actually combatable?
  • Well, I lose more than I win but I have a strong feeling I know where that weakness lies... 

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Mizik said:
    While these classleads are up, did anyone ever figure out if Sublimation Alchemist is actually combatable?
    Disloyalty helps. 
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