Also how dare@Cooper spit such blasphemy on today. The most holiest of days. The day of the Tyrannus' birth.
Which he has celebrated heartily so far. As he should.
Sir Pickles, Sartai Barkus - the best and most revered Tyrannus of Mhaldor surveys the city from his subdivision house. Grumbling something about how in his days people actually did subdivision raids. Lazy children.
He was startled when originally told he had to come and participate in his birthday banquet, forcing the Ambassador to carry him to his meal.
The traditional offerings of eggs and yoghurt were cooked by a very tired and overworked Ambassador who #reallywantstogobacktobashing #sheneedsadragonbufferdamnit, but she was reminded she didn't earn that shit herself, rudely. Apparently some other Tyrannus did with the rageblade or something.
In the end he was pleased by the offering.
And then, full from his spoils he demanded WALKIES loudly to the Ambassador, who groaned mightily about having paperwork to do, but relented eventually and after much WALKIES he went off to his bed to hide from everyone to regain his endurance.
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
It's a kitten (10 weeks) and a geriatric dog (he's not malnourished, we've just been fighting sickness for a hot minute now), so I think our chances are about the same as they always are.
Kitten is Sir Bertram McSqueakers and the dog goes by many names. Chiefly, CopperTopperHopperBottom, Emelio Estevez, and 4x4. There are many other names that I use, but he's deaf, so it doesn't really matter, as long as I say them with love.
ETA: sorry about the shitty phone camera picture. I'm still not sure why it'll take amazing photos sometimes and others they look like shit.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
Kismet lives the Catechisms. Her greatest act of Cruelty was catching live cockroaches, bringing them all the way upstairs from the garage, and releasing them in my bed. Then meowing endlessly when she was shut outside the bedroom. Pretty sure she's a tiny daemon.
Reaching down with a massive hand, Sartan lifts your head and draws a taloned finger across your throat, the wound closing as He does so.
Kismet lives the Catechisms. Her greatest act of Cruelty was catching live cockroaches, bringing them all the way upstairs from the garage, and releasing them in my bed.
My cat tears the legs off of one side of bugs and then leaves them to skitter in circles on the kitchen floor.
He wasn't a cat of Mhaldor, but a general overlord of all things in my house, which kind of made him the three-legged overlord of Achaea also. This was B.C, short for Big Cat, and he lost his fight with FIV and pancreatitis last week.
Achaea is down. Meet my brand-new Targossian kitten, Wolf!
Which he has celebrated heartily so far. As he should.
Sir Pickles, Sartai Barkus - the best and most revered Tyrannus of Mhaldor surveys the city from his subdivision house. Grumbling something about how in his days people actually did subdivision raids. Lazy children.
He was startled when originally told he had to come and participate in his birthday banquet, forcing the Ambassador to carry him to his meal.
The traditional offerings of eggs and yoghurt were cooked by a very tired and overworked Ambassador who #reallywantstogobacktobashing #sheneedsadragonbufferdamnit, but she was reminded she didn't earn that shit herself, rudely. Apparently some other Tyrannus did with the rageblade or something.
In the end he was pleased by the offering.
And then, full from his spoils he demanded WALKIES loudly to the Ambassador, who groaned mightily about having paperwork to do, but relented eventually and after much WALKIES he went off to his bed to hide from everyone to regain his endurance.
Hashan is going to raid this thread.
It's a kitten (10 weeks) and a geriatric dog (he's not malnourished, we've just been fighting sickness for a hot minute now), so I think our chances are about the same as they always are.
Kitten is Sir Bertram McSqueakers and the dog goes by many names. Chiefly, CopperTopperHopperBottom, Emelio Estevez, and 4x4. There are many other names that I use, but he's deaf, so it doesn't really matter, as long as I say them with love.
ETA: sorry about the shitty phone camera picture. I'm still not sure why it'll take amazing photos sometimes and others they look like shit.
Reaching down with a massive hand, Sartan lifts your head and draws a taloned finger across your throat, the wound closing as He does so.
Reaching down with a massive hand, Sartan lifts your head and draws a taloned finger across your throat, the wound closing as He does so.
They ignore you more. Break your heart. Make you insecure. Party hardest.