Huge raves to the two different people who bought me 1k lessons each without any kind of real notice or even me having frankly a clue. They can reveal themselves if they wish to, but both of you ladies are absolutely wonderful for surprising me completely out of the blue.
It is amazing how generous the Achaean community can be.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Aoghinius for the very thought provoking discussion on freedom. Know he isnt on the forums. But Aoghinius is quite fun to talk with about philosophy and debating beliefs.
@Galvan for hunting with me endlessly. You give me a reason to hunt bud.
Also for just all around thought provoking conversations. I'm lookin at you @Achimrst. Always enjoy our conversations.
Not logged in at the moment, but rave to @Jurixe. She always puts in so much effort, time, and resources into her projects and it's seriously admirable to see the dedication and care she puts in her interactions and goals
A rave to the female human/s who also purchased lessons for me. I don't know what nefarious schemes you are planning that necessitate a 2k lesson offeringbribegift for an eldritch abomination who will snuff out the stars at the end of time, but nevertheless, thank you.
@Cidusii for asking me questions that actually make me lay down everything I'm doing and force me to think about what I'm going to reply.
Well played, sir
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Rave for getting blademaster stuff set up, figuring out some scripts with a limbcounter to refine it better, and giving pipe locking one last try before logging off last night and it working! (Went Bm 2 days ago so not much time for testing yet)
Really blown away by @Suladan and @Alcinae's dedication in helping me, as well as all the other Nithilar crew in various ways, for just going along with my crazy ideas and putting up with me talking endlessly about my projects. You guys are the reason I do them.
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Just kidding. Some of that is cool information. Some not so much. Don't look up Tanris if you're a PKer because you'll feel like shit.
I wonder if anyone is closer to Tanris' kills than Santar, who has 7k. The only ones I could find that were close are Jarrel and Cain. It would mean Tanris was at minimum 3,000 kills away from the next highest pk-er which is crazy considering the average of active fighters is about 2k.
As soon as I found out about the website change like 3-4 days ago, I checked every PKer I could remember to see where I stacked up. Couldn't find anyone higher than me except Tanris.
And yeah, Tanris' number is insane. Dude just raided like all day everyday. I was dormant for years and years barely doing anything, and rarely apart of any raids before I joined Targ, so my number is mostly just based on my solo pwning(which admitedly, I've always been pretty loose in regards to who I PK). I spent a lot of time dormant, but when I was active I was usually super-active and getting tons of kills per day.
Still though, doesn't feel too bad being 2nd higher all time kills. Someone will probably pass me up before long, though. I'm probably not going to be PKing as much as usual for a long while.
so you only beat me a good few months after I went dormant and you re tooting your horn?
Besides everyone knows it's the ratio that matters, you can seperate the good from the suicidal and the bullies who only fight when odds are stacked and the chaff
Today is a day that I am going to look back over my temporary memory of recent straight edged time to make a judgement of blue parallels. I have been pretty dormantish since @Malifuus stopped PKing, not really showing up to the eight hour raids of yonder ages, since most of the people I would have considered raiding buddies have gone dormant or moved to Ashtan. PK is not as exciting as it used to be for me. That and my reactions have deteriorated to a point where I can't keep up with the extremely fast pace of text excitement.
I finally found some peace 3 months ago, at a huge cost. It's not really relevant anymore, but I don't think I've ever been as happy and content as I am now.
Raves raves raves. Time to butter people up in the hopes I get free money and credits. Okay where do I start. Lets do this alphabetically.
@Jurixe is pretty cool. Work ethic is high, morals are pretty good, ability to say things appropriately needs a bit of wark. Friend wise is nice, will never have a better text daughter for Carmain.
@Hasar is a pretty good sport and one of my favourite new raiding buddies. He will literally do anything you ask him to, no matter how dirty. He sounds exactly like Michael Cera too. So if you ever need a Michael Cera voice for your kids or know any little girls that are hopelessly in love with Michael Cera, call Hasar.
@Khairt for always indulging in my insane idea of spending money for no reason. He is also like the big brother I never had, and easily the most manly man in the world.
@Cahin is also okay. If I ever need support he will magically appear and troll the shit out of me. minus the occasional part where he has to have a life, he will literally try anything and is a nice guy. He is also a pretty good engineer in space.
@Milenka for changing my life in all ways good. I will never be able to pay back everything you have done for me. Bestest buddy. Also for having good internet. Especially for having good internet. So happy that I don't have to use mobile broadband/dialup anymore.
@Wysteria for just talking. You are way too nice to people and I respect you for that.
@Florentino because I re made you in a soccer game I play (FIFA 14) and you turned out to be one of my best players. I don't actually know what you do in Achaea, but well done on being the best supporting winger in a virtual world you know nothing about.
@Peak because you are crazy. Seriously crazy. If I ever need anything in Achaea I just point at you and it appears. You are like magic. This is also advertisement for Peak Services Ltd. Pay him enough money and you will get the satisfaction of having interacted with Peak.
@Rangor@Mizik you guys are the reason I am into raiding at all. If it wasn't for you guys, the years of dig bicking, raging, puffing up, waving wangs and doing anything to be cooler than everyone would never have happened. Did I pitch that funny? You guys are both pretty awesome. If it wasn't for you guys I would have never stuck with Achaea, and probably would have become a homeless guy. Thank you for saving me.
@Tirac, @Lothiac, @Tynil, @Sothantos for sparring me ridiculous amounts of times. You guys inspired me to write my system initially and I am glad I did. I hated losing, still do, but I don't play for escapism anymore so I can just qq and play something else if i am not having fun.
@Jozlyn for the bug love. I still don't know you that well but you are one of those people that just likes to throw your support at people and I respect that.
@Sherazad for still referring to me as boss. I guess I am the text boss still. I would never have finished Omnipave without you though. In the end I had so little support from others that I couldn't realistically support the system. It was nice you stuck by me so long. I am glad the server side curing exists now Kudos to @Sarapis and @Tecton and @Makarios for pushing for it as it takes a little bit of burden off my shoulders. My goal has always been to allow people to pay for free, and I am glad that option exists now.
@Proficy, @Hasar, @Xer for going balls deep. Who needs to win when you have no fucks. Also for being beast counter attackers in my soccer squad. (Along with Talifuus down the left wing)
@Dragonknight, @Vaehl for being excellent 12 year olds. That may come across as weird.
@Ruth for going with the flow, and also for becoming a base unit of measurement. (@Khairt is 5 Ruths tall, and weighs 3.5 @Xer)
@Vadimuses for releasing his affordable system. In 2007 I bought a vadi nexus. I briefly liked it but when I realised how abusable it was I grew to hate it, and it inspired me to build my own. When I thought that waving my wang around was the most important thing in the world, i despised Vadi's systems because I felt like they took the edge out of Achaea. Everybody is using the same systems optimised to be awesome and fighting everyone got pretty boring. But Achaea isn't about the individuals, and I've grown to accept that, Vadi has made achaea better for a lot of people and I respect him for that. I have started recommending svo to people lately but I will continue to support Omnipave for whoever needs it.
@Dalavan for dumping me with your trash. I wouldn't have had a computer otherwise. I am still using it, 5 years later. It's still good enough to run anything, even high end crysis, but it won't run mudlet properly. One day I'll figure out why.
@Kholm for occasionally not being a carpenters fan. Also for introducing me to sins of a solar empire.
@Kaevan for being incredibly enthusiastic in the most disassociated way. I am not sure that makes sense, but I am sure you get at what I am trying to get across. Mhaldor will always need it's Kaevan.
@Teela, @Orzaansyn for always asking questions. I love being asked questions. It makes me feel like I know something. I have always been a big fan of training novices, and have this weird hatred of independence. Feel like everyone should be group hugging all the time.
@Silas for putting crap into perspective all the time. I have no idea why you play Achaea, you should be out fixing England or something. Or at least fixing Man U. #moyesout
There are definitely more of you that have made my life more exciting lately but you know, no money, no sponsorships. Achaea seems to be pretty fun at the moment, and I'm feeling like playing more. I even went bashing this morning (I forgot I was bashing when I went to make breakfast, came back and played space engineers. AFK for 45 mins in annwyn. Rangor said hi. Somehow I was still alive, and then I walked into Oberion's room. and started gutting him and went afk again. whoops).
One of the things that makes me feel better with taking part is accepting the fact that Achaea isn't about winning, and no one wins Achaea. I am taking a leaf out of Fez's book. Time to wark it up.
oh and @Sartan for having faith in me for no reason to get work done. Sorry i keep disappearing! And thanks for staying active. I think i griefed the last two gods we had out by being a bitter cactus, I am glad you have managed to put up with me long enough to see my nice side.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
@Aepas for being stupidly fun to rp with and taking the time to actually rp without rushing things. Was a very fun fight. Still kicking myself as I almost had you! Haha
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Of all the people who have I have seen go or will ever see leave, I want you to know that you will be missed the most of all by me.
It is amazing how generous the Achaean community can be.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Galvan for hunting with me endlessly. You give me a reason to hunt bud.
Also for just all around thought provoking conversations. I'm lookin at you @Achimrst. Always enjoy our conversations.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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so you only beat me a good few months after I went dormant and you re tooting your horn?
I might actually need to come back sooner than I thought now. Thank you, whomever!
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Just because.
Viva la Bluef.
always a good sport, life or death.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby