Achaean Raves



  • Belated rave for @Szareine: Thanks for putting up with my eccentricities as a mentor. 

  • edited January 2014
    Deleting this. Nvm.


  • edited January 2014
    A bit strange rave this.. But thanks @aluciana and @kaie for your shenanigans that let me play a part of my role I don't often get to play! I really enjoyed that. :D 

    Oh and @penwize for beeing more reasonable than I would have been.
  • Rave for @Gibbi for his crazy Dungeons and Dalamyrr game. I'm sorry I trolled you guys so bad with the story, but once I went down the dark side, nuking the village, I couldn't go back. I was laughing too hard! :))
  • You missed Halos filling his application to remedial witchcraft and wizardry school, before getting eaten by a big monster thing! Super excellent ending :D
  • That all went FARRRRR better than I expected.

    Also Szareine, way to get caught in a villain monologue. xD   

    I have undressed a god.

  • Good to have you back! @tharvis

  • @Tirac getting my panties all wet.

  • @Ellodin, @Melodie, @Tessa

    I had a blast sailing around with the three of you, thanks for letting me captain!  I appreciate it, I really do!
  • KuyKuy
    edited January 2014
    Redacted in case it's supposed to be a surprise!
    [2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
  • I really enjoyed @Rakon's market ad.
    But gosh darn it, if there do exist some people who just can't handle the uniqueness of your snowflake...
    - Mathonwy

  • @Jovie which one? I only have like three... I'll have to make that one used a lot more often.
  • Rakon said:
    @Jovie which one? I only have like three... I'll have to make that one used a lot more often.
    - 2014/01/29 22:02:44 - Rakon says, "I've got nothing. Selling hot air and empty promises! Otherwise known as, books and gambling."
    But gosh darn it, if there do exist some people who just can't handle the uniqueness of your snowflake...
    - Mathonwy

  • Rave @shameus my ig dad. Really great to see him. And @tharvis for being awesome to rp with

  • EiredhelEiredhel California
    The latest batch of Hashani novices are so cute and fun, I think I'm going to dieeeeeee...

    Meow, meow, etc. 
    Eiredhel's Family Tree

  • Way to be a good guy @Jonesey!
    But gosh darn it, if there do exist some people who just can't handle the uniqueness of your snowflake...
    - Mathonwy

  • EiredhelEiredhel California
    @COEUR, how I have missed theeeeeee. You are the stars in my sky, and the waves beneath my ship, and I'd totally marry you if Eiredhel wasn't married already with kids!

    Meow, meow, etc. 
    Eiredhel's Family Tree

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Naah said:
    Omg @Xer for being awesome
    Omg I'm level 77 (3 levels away)
    Omg @Cooper for literally trying to explain to me how pinch works and I could only go, "Huh?!"
    Omg @Anedhel for awesome opposite faction RP
    Omg @Alrena because y'know, she's a general (IKR, very observant of me)
    Omg @Syth because you brough mt down by 7% because of that radiance kill
    Omg I got my first artefact
    Omg This is the furthest I've ever gotten into Achaea, thank you everyone for making this game so worth my time. <3
    Strata will try to leave you alone so you can get logosian. Keep up the good work :)

    As per slanderous TargWTFAbuseBrigade policy: _____________________buttons_below_this_line_____click_to_bury________________
  • Rave @Kroac for a roleplayed conversation today. Thanks for that!
  • @eiredhel Making me blush! You too, are very awesome. I've missed that!

    Rave also at Hashani inn fare. Chocolate cake rocks. So much.

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