A bit strange rave this.. But thanks @aluciana and @kaie for your shenanigans that let me play a part of my role I don't often get to play! I really enjoyed that.
Oh and @penwize for beeing more reasonable than I would have been.
Rave for @Gibbi for his crazy Dungeons and Dalamyrr game. I'm sorry I trolled you guys so bad with the story, but once I went down the dark side, nuking the village, I couldn't go back. I was laughing too hard! )
You missed Halos filling his application to remedial witchcraft and wizardry school, before getting eaten by a big monster thing! Super excellent ending
Thank you for continuing to elaborate on, and improve my storyline, @divine. The bit of contact helps as a reminder to let us plebs know we are not forgotten.
@Santar He let me command the ship in the middle of chops. It was my very first time and I sucked balls, but it was absolutely amazing! Him and @Avianca, @Reonna kept whispering me hints and they were all so patient and understanding. I learned tons and I honestly appreciate you guys taking the time and teaching us newbs as well.
props to @Caoimhaen for playing along when I illusioned Gred jumping on his head, pulling on his hair to steer him around the room and into a wall :P
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Omg @Xer for being awesome Omg I'm level 77 (3 levels away) Omg @Cooper for literally trying to explain to me how pinch works and I could only go, "Huh?!" Omg @Anedhel for awesome opposite faction RP
Omg @Alrena because y'know, she's a general (IKR, very observant of me) Omg @Syth because you brough mt down by 7% because of that radiance kill
Omg I got my first artefact Omg This is the furthest I've ever gotten into Achaea, thank you everyone for making this game so worth my time.
That even though I'm inactive I am slowly building up my stockpile of credits so that I can dump them into artifacts upon my return. Totally gonna get a Hood.
@COEUR, how I have missed theeeeeee. You are the stars in my sky, and the waves beneath my ship, and I'd totally marry you if Eiredhel wasn't married already with kids!
Omg @Xer for being awesome Omg I'm level 77 (3 levels away) Omg @Cooper for literally trying to explain to me how pinch works and I could only go, "Huh?!" Omg @Anedhel for awesome opposite faction RP
Omg @Alrena because y'know, she's a general (IKR, very observant of me) Omg @Syth because you brough mt down by 7% because of that radiance kill
Omg I got my first artefact Omg This is the furthest I've ever gotten into Achaea, thank you everyone for making this game so worth my time.
Strata will try to leave you alone so you can get logosian. Keep up the good work
As per slanderous TargWTFAbuseBrigade policy: _____________________buttons_below_this_line_____click_to_bury________________
I have undressed a god.
I had a blast sailing around with the three of you, thanks for letting me captain! I appreciate it, I really do!
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
- Mathonwy
- Mathonwy
Omg I'm level 77 (3 levels away)
Omg @Cooper for literally trying to explain to me how pinch works and I could only go, "Huh?!"
Omg @Anedhel for awesome opposite faction RP
Omg @Syth because you brough mt down by 7% because of that radiance kill
Omg This is the furthest I've ever gotten into Achaea, thank you everyone for making this game so worth my time.
Viva la Bluef.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
- Mathonwy
Thanks @Nellaundra for the help.
Edit: Also @Hasar for wtfdroppingfromthesky!? Seriously it's like..creepy, funny and something that's just made me stop and stare at times.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
Rave also at Hashani inn fare. Chocolate cake rocks. So much.