Am I the only one that feels like Monks drew the short straw when it comes to offensive artefacts?
Let me explain.
Weapon-wielders can buy artefact weapons, which increase Damage, Accuracy, and Speed. Monks can buy Armbands, which increase accuracy, and knuckles, which increase punch damage, which is only around 60% of our combo damage. We have no offensive artefacts to increase speed, or to increase the other 40ish% of our damage, the kick.
On top of this, we can not get Asp, which I understand isn't for every class either, but it again leaves out Monks.
So, in comparison to, say a DWC Runie, we have a maximum of 20% increased to-hit and 35% increased damage to tekura punches. The Runie can have a maximum of Two Lvl3 Artie Scimitars*, each Asp'd, to increase their total damage, to-hit, speed, and venom.
This thread is about artefacts, but another thing to factor in is that Monks have no bleed or fracture, in comparison to weapon-wielding classes, so why do I feel we draw the short straw on arties as well?
NOTE: I want it known I'm not a numbers guy, I haven't crunched these. I understand that our max Armbands (20% increased to-hit) may be higher than the to-hit increase of a lvl3 weapon from a forged one, but I personally feel like in the big picture, monks have less of an advantage using max level artie Armbands and Knuckles than a weapon-wielding class would with their max level artie weapon and asp. Please feel free to crunch these numbers and let me know I'm wrong, as I said, this is just how it feels to me.
*- I also know most dual wielders won't spend 3200cr on both lvl3 weapons, but this is an example for theory, not actuality.
Omor Ceberek - Targossas
got gud
Monk benefits from both strength and intelligence, and the bonus from strength and knuckles on raw damage is higher than it is for knights, as far as I know. They definitely don't draw the short straw.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
(with stats-boosting artefacts)
I did the math and a level 3 sword is somewhere in the ballpark of 10% boost to all levels compared to a forged sword (i think i compared it to the best one you can get). 10% faster, 10% more accuracy, and 10% more damage... roughly. Two handed weapons get better damage outputs.
The downside is that uh... the accuracy armband, as a whole, seems kindddd of useless unless you're attacking people who dodge a ton. Even then.. yeah. Now the knuckles are 'sort' of good. 35% extra damage to your punches (which are about 35-40% of your tekura damage) is pretty cool. It helps with hunting, a bit, and makes limb breaks take less time. It's still 3200 CR, but you know.
I appreciate you changing this from your original comment, because the very title of the post is "Offensive Artefacts". I am fully aware of how useful stat boosting artefacts are, but this post wasn't about that.
I agree Asp isn't much use, but it's still an option. And like I said, I'm unsure if the dmg boost form knuckles outweighs the artefact dmg, but that still doesn't consider the speed boost that artefact weapons supply that Monks can't get. If it evens out, sure, no problem, but just doing base rounding, I don't think it does. May be wrong though.
got gud
Edit: Eh, can't be bothered to figure out how.
Okay, for all future comments, please keep in mind that I'm speaking about OFFENSIVE artefacts, outlined in HELP ARTEFACTS OFFENSIVE, not those listed under any other HELP ARTEFACTS helpfile.
got gud
So, to answer your question: yes. Monks "draw the short-straw" when it comes to artefacts on HELP ARTEFACTS OFFENSIVE. It's made up for in other ways. See HELP ARTEFACTS STATS and HELP ARTEFACTS MISC. This seems intentional and thematic.
Monks benefit from artefacts probably more than any other class. Offensively you can buy collars and Int that increases your choke/crush damage. You benefit from Collar, Sash, Knuckles, Armbands, band of mind distension, Intellect crown, Int stats, Str stats, Con stats. You can't say "only the WEAPONS", and expect responses that aren't discussing the merits of ALL artefacts.
Sure, you don't get a flat speed increase from your artefacts, but that's more due to the fact of how Monk is designed with difference stances. SCS stance with a 15% modifier on speed would be ridiculous to have to balance or fight against. Monks put out some of the highest DPS in PvP once artefacted, they have two fantastic kill chains on top of their damage, and they have prep that outstrips all other prep classes except maybe a fully artefact'd Blademaster. That's still a push.
Not sure what Asp even has to do with anything, it doesn't even add anything to a knight kit except the ability to basically give Loki venoms. Which is worthless.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
By that logic Magi are also rather gimped because they have no arte staves, and yet they have a handful of artifacts that can help to boost their damage output.
Or... cut Radiance time in half.
And no.
So what about an artefact third arm growing from your chest that lets you punch 3 times instead of twice.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Yeah, sure. By this logic. Let's give Apostates level 3 offensive arties to make their Deadeyes 1.5x faster too. Might as well give them an asp add-on with those magical 'piercing' glares.
Also shall we whine about how blunt weapon users can't have asp add-ons too?
What about blademasters and their swords not having asp add-ons?
Oh yeah... Jesters, Occultists, Sylvans, Druids, and Alchemists can use some "offensive artifacts" with asp add-ons and increased attack speed too.
Magical 'offensive artifact' attack speed increasing and asp add-on arties for everyone!
Yeah, that will go swimmingly for those who have no arties or are in the mid-tier artie range. Pay more to avoid getting completely roflstomped.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Oh, I figured it out, fuck off.
If anyone feels like discussing the topic that was originally posted, the benefit of offensive artefacts for monks, I'm still interested in people's opinions.
got gud
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Gauntlets to increase str increase your punch / kick damage, ergo offensive artefact
Armbands increase chance to hit, ergo offensive artefact (though not nearly as much bang for buck)
Sash to increase int increase your mind crush / kai choke damage, ergo offensive artefact
Collar to increase magic damage increase your mind crush damage, ergo offensive artefact
Knuckles to increase punching damage, ergo offensive artefact.
No, there's no "weapon", other than the knuckles, but that's because monks in Achaea don't use weapons other than their bodies, and perhaps a sword / axe for behead and throwing weapons for the occasional advanced strategy.
You can choose to ignore this answer too, if you wish, but if enough people tell you the same thing, will you then believe them?
I appreciate the 2-3 actual answers I got.
To repeat what I said already, I understand that artefacts listed under every other category assist Monk, and I never once said they didn't. So when a handful of people say "get other arties", that doesn't answer the question, which was explicitly and only about artefacts listed under offensive artefacts. Many other classes also benefit off other artefact types, but also have weapons. Knuckles count as weapons, but only give 1 out of 3 of the stats of other weapons. That is where my question originated.
@Atalkez, @Klendathu (kinda), and @Frederich answered. So a thank you to them.
got gud