Instead of just "Cooldown", could we get lines for "Requires" and "Cooldown"?
So "Requires" tells you whether you need to be on-balance or on-equilibrium to use the ability (or on class balance) and "Cooldown" tells you how muc balance or equilibrium it actually takes (or class balance, which I'm not sure whether it current lists).
Right now, the documentation for a lot of this stuff is really piecemeal and in a few crucial cases pretty unintuitive, with only certain random AB files mentioning that certain abilities can be used together. It would be nice if it were just made clear and, since obviously the game's engine already knows which abilities require which balances, I'm guessing it should be possible to add this programmatically without having to go through all the skills by hand?
It seems the skills files are very rp but sometimes I'm like wtf does this do and i have to try it out to figure it out... Maybe that's the point??
I like the idea though, would help out a fair bit.
I have had some novices asking me what abilities are shield and what abilities are sword.
For example, trip doesn't specify.
Its not possible to do this programatically, unfortunately. It'd have to be a manual job like the assigning of bal/eq times (which is a massive time sink; there are over 2000 ability entries that would need to be audited, and its not a small number over 2000 either).
It could happen down the line (or it could not), but given the time investment I am about 99.9% sure it isn't going to happen in the immediate future.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
It might be worth submitting TYPOs in-game asking for that information to be added to the individual AB files. It's going to be a considerably smaller effort than going through all 2k+ abilities and adding that information for each one, and a lot of the actual work involved in identifying the abilities that need changing would be done by players rather than coders. Maybe get somebody to confirm that that's something they're going to be happy with us doing first, though.
It's probably not quite as good as having a specific listing for each ability of what they require, but much better than nothing. The default assumption should be that if an ability uses balance or equilibrium, it requires both, unless there's a specific exception mentioned in its AB file. Something as simple as "This ability may be used without equilibrium." at the end of AB WEAPONMASTERY ARC should be sufficient in that case to indicate that it can be combo'd with any other ability that uses equilibrium.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Honestly, if you email me a list (not one email per file please) of ones that you think are missing and problematic, I'm happy to update the abfiles if appropriate. Probably easiest as I can do them without someone having to spend time verifying if the report is right or not. If its a skill wide thing (like say, striking, artifice), that should probably be bugged as it can just get added to the general skill helpfile or some such.
I've updated chasten/arc/engage, for reference.