These don't need a feedback, just random weird musings.
Like, the day you create your character is basically your character's birthday. So, as you turn 18, you either wake up completely naked in a bar on a floating island where a guy takes you out to soothe your munchies and go on an ill-advised adventure in one of the most dangerous places on mainland, meet some creepy old lady who tells you to 'enter the fire' and you end up in a mythical place with golden fields, legendary figures who are all happy to see and talk to you, or find yourself in a cell about to be sacrificed by cannibal pygmies.
You really have to wonder: WTF kind of 18th birthday celebration did you have the night before?!
Then proceeded to have all sorts of shenanigans.
I'm almost terrified for what the tutorials were like before, tbh.
The order is kinda jumbled up for me but that's the gist of it. In the end you get to choose your city etc and of course after all that Shallam exposure, lots of genuine newbs tend to choose Shallam. Except the ones with stories of paladin raep in the dakhota hills. Those usually go to Mhaldor or ashtan or something.
One part you have to go find this old guy who has a map and he teaches you about all the different cities, and how to use tells. Other guy - god, his name escapes me, but the troll - basically teaches you how to do KICK and PUNCH and etc, and then takes you to a little market where he gives you gold to buy a vial of health and a pack. Then lastly you have to go face some "scary" creature to get the Dragon Orb... the creature itself escapes me, I remember it had an annoying name I could never remember how to type out. But basically this Dragon Orb is supposedly full of your power and potential (and I believe in lore, is what grants you both the distinctional difference from denizens, and the reason why you're able to be granted a dragon soul once you get so strong). That orb disappears and then you leave the plane by entering a pool, and then that throws you into the actual real-world of Achaea, at the ring of portals.
Thinking about it now, that tutorial had a lot of lore tied to it that isn't in the new tutorial. Sort of curious how some if it is meant to be conveyed in the new age.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
"Prospero's merchant-lords had been out negotiating with the infamous mercenaries of Arn. Consisting of beings from many planes and planets, these forces were famous for their courage, their ferocity, and their absolute loyalty once paid for. The overlord of this army of mercenaries was an eight-foot tall powerful and craft warrior-lord of a previously unknown race, called Gruul. He traveled constantly surrounded by an elite guard called the Arcanians, composed solely of members of his race, none of whom spoke any language but their races' own." --
The plot thickens...
The other guy was Severian, the cynical foil to Nikolas optimism before the founding of Seleucar. He later helped Nikolas (who became Emperor Nicator) found Seleucar and became the emperors right hand man, even outliving him.
I remember going "wow!" making an alt later after reading the founding of Seleucar mythos. I also remember at one point finding a bug where you could actually pick up the orb without having to kill the dragon guardian.
I feel like the Trial actually did what it was suppose to do: it drew me into the story of Achaea. After finding Achaea through the site we're always voting for (after trying Aardwolf out. Horrible experience), the interesting story behind it with the colors text that actually looked good (So much hate, Aardwolf) that I not only enjoyed my experience but that made me want to come back, as my first second encounter with a Mud and true newbie at the time.
Yea, that one!
I still remember the 'awesome' moment when the Paladin saved me from the killer goblin, as my first introduction to a text-based game.
Aardwolf sucks terribly, having tried it for 2 hours.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.