


  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Jonathin said:
    Mosr was perma enemied for a long time and after just talking to a few people it was removed and whatnot.
    This. I'm so glad to be seeing some of that bullshit go away there were some of the old guard who would do anything the could to keep certain people enemied. They'd petition and I'd ask my superiors (in the occultists) hey what'd they do what's their fine? And they'd be vague and say we're not going to unenemy them you just have no clue how awful they are. And I'd say you're right because you won't give a specific example. After the Renaissance some of those peor wanted Ashtan to put in a law preserving any old house rights from the old houses to keep those people permanently out. Most of those hateful people are dormant now and it's such a blessing. Good fucking riddance.
  • Your sunny disposition might have something to do with the cause of a decent portion of your rants. Just a thought.

  • Actually, I was one of the people 'perme-enemied' to Ashtan under the old guard. The first time I sought to get unenemied to Ashtan I was told that my status was unresolvable.

    Second time I was told there was a specific note that Amunet put on my file that said only she could unenemy me and they are going to uphold that (even though she was long dormant and no longer an archon).

    Third time was after Grandue stepped up and I paid a 30k fine and was unenemied in 10 minutes.

    Glad that shit was finally resolved.
  • I just based permanent enemy statuses off my mood on the day upon which the inquiry arrived at my eyeballs.

  • edited March 2016
    Seems I spoke to you on twat days.
  • Tahquil said:
    Actually, I was one of the people 'perme-enemied' to Ashtan under the old guard. The first time I sought to get unenemied to Ashtan I was told that my status was unresolvable.

    Second time I was told there was a specific note that Amunet put on my file that said only she could unenemy me and they are going to uphold that (even though she was long dormant and no longer an archon).

    Third time was after Grandue stepped up and I paid a 30k fine and was unenemied in 10 minutes.

    Glad that shit was finally resolved.
    @Grandue is a businessman. 30k today and the potential of future enemy status and more fines to be paid.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    edited March 2016
    Rangor said:
    Tahquil said:
    Actually, I was one of the people 'perme-enemied' to Ashtan under the old guard. The first time I sought to get unenemied to Ashtan I was told that my status was unresolvable.

    Second time I was told there was a specific note that Amunet put on my file that said only she could unenemy me and they are going to uphold that (even though she was long dormant and no longer an archon).

    Third time was after Grandue stepped up and I paid a 30k fine and was unenemied in 10 minutes.

    Glad that shit was finally resolved.
    @Grandue is a businessman. 30k today and the potential of future enemy status and more fines to be paid.
    @Grandue is actually Achaea's Trump... now you're all screwed.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Klendathu said:
    Rangor said:
    Tahquil said:
    Actually, I was one of the people 'perme-enemied' to Ashtan under the old guard. The first time I sought to get unenemied to Ashtan I was told that my status was unresolvable.

    Second time I was told there was a specific note that Amunet put on my file that said only she could unenemy me and they are going to uphold that (even though she was long dormant and no longer an archon).

    Third time was after Grandue stepped up and I paid a 30k fine and was unenemied in 10 minutes.

    Glad that shit was finally resolved.
    @Grandue is a businessman. 30k today and the potential of future enemy status and more fines to be paid.
    @Grandue is actually Achaea's Trump... now you're all screwed.
    Building a wall around Ashtan would explain why he mines so much.
  • Antonius said:
    Klendathu said:
    Rangor said:
    Tahquil said:
    Actually, I was one of the people 'perme-enemied' to Ashtan under the old guard. The first time I sought to get unenemied to Ashtan I was told that my status was unresolvable.

    Second time I was told there was a specific note that Amunet put on my file that said only she could unenemy me and they are going to uphold that (even though she was long dormant and no longer an archon).

    Third time was after Grandue stepped up and I paid a 30k fine and was unenemied in 10 minutes.

    Glad that shit was finally resolved.
    @Grandue is a businessman. 30k today and the potential of future enemy status and more fines to be paid.
    @Grandue is actually Achaea's Trump... now you're all screwed.
    Building a wall around Ashtan would explain why he mines so much.
    All those commodities that he's keeping off the market has to go somewhere!
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Rangor said:
    Antonius said:
    Klendathu said:
    Rangor said:
    Tahquil said:
    Actually, I was one of the people 'perme-enemied' to Ashtan under the old guard. The first time I sought to get unenemied to Ashtan I was told that my status was unresolvable.

    Second time I was told there was a specific note that Amunet put on my file that said only she could unenemy me and they are going to uphold that (even though she was long dormant and no longer an archon).

    Third time was after Grandue stepped up and I paid a 30k fine and was unenemied in 10 minutes.

    Glad that shit was finally resolved.
    @Grandue is a businessman. 30k today and the potential of future enemy status and more fines to be paid.
    @Grandue is actually Achaea's Trump... now you're all screwed.
    Building a wall around Ashtan would explain why he mines so much.
    All those commodities that he's keeping off the market has to go somewhere!
    But are they going to make Targossas pay for it?
    Huh. Neat.
  • Ahmet said:
    Rangor said:
    Antonius said:
    Klendathu said:
    Rangor said:
    Tahquil said:
    Actually, I was one of the people 'perme-enemied' to Ashtan under the old guard. The first time I sought to get unenemied to Ashtan I was told that my status was unresolvable.

    Second time I was told there was a specific note that Amunet put on my file that said only she could unenemy me and they are going to uphold that (even though she was long dormant and no longer an archon).

    Third time was after Grandue stepped up and I paid a 30k fine and was unenemied in 10 minutes.

    Glad that shit was finally resolved.
    @Grandue is a businessman. 30k today and the potential of future enemy status and more fines to be paid.
    @Grandue is actually Achaea's Trump... now you're all screwed.
    Building a wall around Ashtan would explain why he mines so much.
    All those commodities that he's keeping off the market has to go somewhere!
    But are they going to make Targossas pay for it?
    They tried that, Eleusis now has 10k stone and 50k wood from Targossas.
  • I don't like the direction this is headed.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Grandue said:
    I don't like the direction this is headed.

    Niether do I.
    Huh. Neat.
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    I'm curious as to the gap between the responses in this thread and the responses elsewhere. 
    @Grandue is actually Achaea's Trump... now you're all screwed.

    Been saying this for a while. Lol'd heartily. 
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • edited March 2016
    Skarash said:

     you'd never know it from ct - people just wouldn't use it

    I'm noticing more and more that this has become kind of a general problem.

    Nearly every city seems to be pushing more and more conversation out of CT. A week ago I saw more than a dozen people in one city and over the course of four or five hours there wasn't a single message on CT. And when conversations do happen, they're treated like spam - people are asked by glorified hall monitors to "take it to tells" or to some other channel or something, even when it's many people discussing something explicitly related to the city with more and more people chiming in. 90% of the messages on CT seem to be people congratulating newbies for finishing the tutorial or announcing the formation of groups for combat.

    I'm not really sure when or why it changed - it was always that way in Mhaldor when I was playing Tael, which makes sense thematically, but it definitely wasn't that way when Tael was in other cities before Mhaldor.

    This trend of treating CT like everyone treats shouts (i.e., not for discussion, only for announcements, only to be used rarely) seems to have made the game feel much more socially isolated, especially now that houses don't really provide the same community that they used to and cities are supposed to have largely become the main social organizations.
  • Don't hashan/cyrene still have super chatty CTs? Targ seems semi-chatty too for a dictatorship kind of city. Eleusis wasn't too chatty, I guess.
  • Taeltwo said:
    Skarash said:

     you'd never know it from ct - people just wouldn't use it

    I'm noticing more and more that this has become kind of a general problem.

    Nearly every city seems to be pushing more and more conversation out of CT. A week ago I saw more than a dozen people in one city and over the course of four or five hours there wasn't a single message on CT. And when conversations do happen, they're treated like spam - people are asked by glorified hall monitors to "take it to tells" or to some other channel or something, even when it's many people discussing something explicitly related to the city with more and more people chiming in. 90% of the messages on CT seem to be people congratulating newbies for finishing the tutorial or announcing the formation of groups for combat.

    I'm not really sure when or why it changed - it was always that way in Mhaldor when I was playing Tael, which makes sense thematically, but it definitely wasn't that way when Tael was in other cities before Mhaldor.

    This trend of treating CT like everyone treats shouts (i.e., not for discussion, only for announcements, only to be used rarely) seems to have made the game feel much more socially isolated, especially now that houses don't really provide the same community that they used to and cities are supposed to have largely become the main social organizations.
    I've notice this trend happening over the last several years and have tried to put my finger on reason and feel that it is a combination of several factors. 

    First, like you said, the monitors who sit so high and lofty on their horses. People are afraid to discuss something or comment on an event for fear of someone telling them to take it to tells or slap them with a channel silence. I feel like they sit perched on their branches like vultures waiting to swoop down and tear into someone who is BARELY slurred from drinking or who asks a question that would be better suited for Market/House/Newbie/Order/mentor/Clan. 

    Secondly, the changes in house/city have left a lot of people "faking it". Before people were very educated on their house and city lore and now that so much has changed a lot of people aren't really confident in their understanding and so they're afraid to ask questions for fear of making it known they don't understand it and afraid of answering questions for fear of answering them wrong. If you asked Grandue what tasks needed to be completed for the ranks of his house he would have to cheat and start skimming hhelp files quickly. Hell, had he not become CL and spent hours studying what all took place during our Reno and interviewing people about the different houses he wouldn't be able to tell you shit about Ashtan's lore or the relationship between the Court and Ashtan.

    And lastly I think that the new "branding" for most cities in one that is more serious than the previous ones were. As factions we're MORE dedicated to our cause than before and I think this has bred a feeling of "THAT type of conversation doesn't reflect the gravity of our existence/situation/purpose. Spend less time discussing the best hunting class or the best place to buy clothing and spend more time doing Evil/Chaos/Good/Forest/whateverHashan+Cyrenedo". And maybe on a lesser note people want to be seen as being more dedicated to their faction's cause and this results in a more stoic type of conversation from them. You wouldn't expect the general in an army or the glorious high secretary of the house in charge of whatever path to discuss their favorite hobby or their preference of rum over tequila on the city/house channel with the "peons". I've seen this kind of mentality and admittedly even participated in it in Ashtan. People consider your interactions over ct/ht when deciding who to promote/appoint to a position. Are they the type of person you always see joking around and shooting the shit over CT? Well then of course no one will take the seriously and it will make the house look bad if you appoint them to leadership council of your house. 

    And I don't know if this is technically a reason behind the decline in using CT/HT but people seem to get so easily offended now. Say something that could POSSIBLY be construed as being directed at them or a dig against their personality/opinion/character/performance/history and they get so butt hurt about it. I get probably 1-2 messages a week from some citizen sending me a log of something someone said that hurt their feelings and they are SO BLOODY IRATE about it and when I look at the log I just want to tell them to grow the ef up a little bit. This is a city with hundred of different personalities from all walks of life, not a daycare.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Kiet said:
    Don't hashan/cyrene still have super chatty CTs? Targ seems semi-chatty too for a dictatorship kind of city. Eleusis wasn't too chatty, I guess.
    Eleusis used to be :(

    Targ is semi-chatty, yes. Cyrene has conversations on CT some of the time, but it's mostly when someone has a question and gets fifty different answers. Dunno about Hashan, and Mhaldor is Mhaldor. The only CT usage is for Sartan or when someone's on the phone with Verizon.
    Huh. Neat.
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Man the people who call for my head for being drunk on ct over one capitalized letter.
  • For those of you wondering, no, I am not playing Achaea from a prison cell. :p

    Back to your regularly scheduled topic!
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Hashan's CT is pretty chatty from time to time. It's doesn't get quiet for the reasons stated, but just because people are absorbed in whatever they're doing. Of course, it always devolves to phallic innuendo (because of one or two people) or offensive topics and that's when my hall-monitor senses kick in.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Heh, Targossas CT is hilarious especially with @Rohai as Dawnlord. Serious when we need to be but... you guys are really missing out on some fun stuff.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Kiet said:
    Don't hashan/cyrene still have super chatty CTs? Targ seems semi-chatty too for a dictatorship kind of city. Eleusis wasn't too chatty, I guess.
    Hashan seems a lot like the way @Taeltwo described it these days, occasional games, raid announcements, welcomes, and goodbyes, with most other things being discouraged.
  • edited March 2016
    Hashan is the city from my example - more than a dozen people on with not a single CT message for several hours. And I've seen that happen more than once. There seem to be rare bursts of chatter, but almost all of them that I've seen are initiated by newbie questions and even then people seem to be pretty frequently told to take any ongoing attempts at help or explanation to tells.

    The two times I can think of where I saw an actual discussion start, in each case something involving the city that a number of people were weighing in on, someone came onto the channel and told everyone to meet up somewhere or form a party or use tells (presumably because there was mild disagreement, which I suppose speaks at least a little bit to Grandue's point about thin skin, or at least a mistaken assumption that people have thin skin and thus need to be "protected" from seeing people disagree). In one case I even remember the CT message almost verbatim (I'm not sure it was the Dragon's Tail, but I remember most of the phrasing pretty distinctly): "I think this has gone on long enough. Anyone who wants to continue this discussion is welcome to meet up at the Dragon's Tail. A lot of people probably don't appreciate this continuing to clutter up the city channel."

    And it's a good thing that they "uncluttered" CT in that case because I think it was only about half an hour later when next everyone spoke on the channel to say "Congratulations" to a newbie who had just finished the Minia tasks.

    I'm not sure Grandue's diagnosis that it's all people throwing their power around just to feel self-important or that there's much of a problem with people "faking it" or any of that is accurate for Hashan. But the radio silence is definitely a thing there. I really don't think it's just that people are absorbed in what they're doing.

    I'm not really sure what the reason is, but if I had to venture a guess based on the tone and content of most of the messages I've seen asking people to stop using CT, it's that people are viewing it as some sort of limited resource - that they're trying to pre-emptively prevent it being "clogged" or something. At a guess, I think it's just a new manifestation of the natural trend toward well-meaning premature regulation that ultimately invades every social aspect of Achaea.

    That trend is almost always at odds with player engagement and I think this is probably another instance where that's happening.

    As evidence of how quiet Hashan is, here's a summary of Hashan's CT history after removing people saying hello and goodbye:

    9 messages over 2 minutes (someone got maggot on the wheel, people briefly reacted)
    33 minutes pass
    5 messages over 2 minutes (request for force ability to use on disconnected newbie and reply)
    35 minutes pass
    2 message over 9 seconds (someone got turned into a toad, no replies)
    6 hours pass
    3 messages over 2 minutes (question about whether the city was hostile to a village and a response)
    15 minutes pass
    5 messages over 4 minutes (request for help with seafaring and someone confirming that they'll help)
    1 hour 28 minutes pass
    6 messages congratulating a newbie for finishing the tutorial
  • edited March 2016

    yes some where or other people got extremely anal about ct useage - I always thought this was extremely weird as I felt that the defining experience of being in an organization is that shared channel.  Definitely one of my initiatives as archon is to restore usage of CT and to restore Ashtan's sense of community. Drama queens and problem makers  will be hit with the banhammer - I expect people to know how to responsibly use an ic on-line community channel

  • edited March 2016
    I have to agree with @Taeltwo
    It definitely feels like a ghost town most of the time and if anything remotely spicy happens on CT then it's basically feels like forced radio silence.    I can understand trying to keep some basic decorum but half the time it feels like people need it to feel like a 100% safe space for whatever reason.

    I'm not sure why people feel like keeping things off the channel will deescalate the situation when in my experience it becomes very much more explosive under the scenes at that point through tells or secret meetings.
  • @Taeltwo, I've noticed that sort of thing start to creep up in Eleusis too every now and then, but lately it hasn't and I'm pretty thankful for that.  This notion that any time you talk about some potentially divisive subject it must immediately be taken to tells is absurd and highly damaging to the community.  Those sorts of discussions help flesh out a city/faction's narrative, help make sure everyone understands the actual ethos behind the faction's RP, and helps everyone develop and clarify their character and their stance.  That shit is GOOD for the game, even if it devolves to fighting.  Perhaps even especially if it devolves into fighting.  I'll take that over stagnation any time.

    So with that, a note to city leaders abroad: avoid squelching conversations over CT.  If you ever feel the need to say "take it to tells," and it's not just petty inter-personal stuff, you are doing it wrong.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    edited March 2016
    I suppose that there have been a couple instances where a legitimate discussion was muted for whatever reason. In those cases though, I have always just ignored the person telling me to go away. However, a large number of the cases drop right down into the lewd category and are silenced then. The ones that are not silenced for lewdness are being silenced because the person doing most of the instigating is being overtly offensive with his/her rhetoric or is being purposefully obtuse in the hopes of beating down opposition to what he/she is saying through attrition, which is not a good thing.

    If the city wants to have a legitimate discussion without dropping into one of those two categories, I don't see any reason why it should be muted.

    ETA: Another reason that a conversation is muted is because the person being interrogated simply doesn't have all of the information, which is a problem that we're trying to solve in Hashan, and they are afraid that they will spread incorrect information. Not everyone can say "I don't know, but when I do, I'll let you know" and a lot of people in Hashan won't take that as an answer and will just continue to rail on despite knowing that there is no more information to be given at the time.

    edit: had an extraneous 'the' in there.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Only times I've seen CT silenced in Hashan is when an argument is getting out of hand and offensive, or people are just being grossly inappropriate.

    That being said, I'm often not around during "peak" hours cause I'm an Aussie.
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