So I was browsing through Steam looking for something new to play since all the mates are busy with Fallout 4 (never played it, so it's kinda an 'Eh' release to me). Anyway, being a longtime Minecraft fan, I stumbled across Creativerse. Now I know a few people from here, mainly
@Sunny, and
@Halos (ones I could remember off the top of my head) like Minecraft and we've played both Vanilla and Modded versions in the past.
Well, this pretty much gives you a Industrial/Techic experience without the need to run or install mods (though I'm sure there are mods for this or will be soon) as part of a Vanilla experience. You get visible, in-game blueprints when building certain things (if you have the blueprint in your inventory), things like Teleport stones to let you get back to your base, and machines, etc.
I've just recently started playing to fiddle around and try it out, and it's a good deal of fun, so thought I would make a mention. I've started a 'World' (akin to server) called Achaeaverse if anyone wants to join me in creativity and adventure. Password is 'ironrealms' (or 'Ironrealms', don't think it's case sensitive). You'll just have to search 'Achaeaverse in the main menu after launch.
Here's a quick demo video to peak your interest:
Bump this when you log on to Achaeaverse. If I'm around, I'd be happy to play with you guys.
edit: ah its Steam / Online gameplay only? That'd be a problem for my crappy Philippines internet.
Also, whomever 'Tangerine' is, I left you a chest with armour and a sword at your teleport stone to get you started.
Super sweet of you to get me a starter chest! :awesome:
My partner and I are logged in right now, and I plan to pop in frequently.
The more I play this game and figure things out, I might just dare say that I enjoy this more than I do Minecraft. Totally fun.
As there's no creative mode currently, I'm gathering resources to make a hub which will contain some starter items.
@Kresslack goes for... what looks like magnificent stone catacombs.
And I have a hut...on a farm, it's cozy okay, though that bloody tame shrew outside my window is noisy as hell.
(And @Dalran went for the I-was-here-for-ten-minutes look.)
Stop making me so impatient. :awesome:
I've had so much fun and so many laughs already in just a few days. You guys are just great and so generous. I can't wait to see what the world looks like in just a month's time.
If anyone else wants to come and join us, we'll help you get set up and get you some basic gear and teach you the ropes! Kresslack is also making an awesome common house for all the new people to have a safe place to start out in until you get going on your own buildings. Come and join us!
Battlemaiden @Tibitha, aka Demeter, aka I-never-close-my-door.
The Unnameable Horror (Really dark, but I didn't want to get close enough for TKO
Yggdrasil, maybe?
IGN will be Zero.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.