It really depends on whether you use the server side queue or svof's queue. As @Austere said, svof does not use the server side queue at all. If you use the svof queue, have a look at "vp balance". If parry is below the entry for do/dor, you found the other possible reason.
Svo(f) uses your prompt, and looks for the "e" and "x" characters to determine whether or not you have equilibrium and balance, respectively. If you use in-game queueing, there's never a prompt that indicates you have balance, because it's used immediately when you regain. Even if it did use the "You have recovered balance..." line, you'd be off-balance when the triggered send actually reached the game.
make a new achaea profile, and add your script packages one by one, restarting as you go. This'll be a slow process, but it'll allow you to single out which script package exactly is corrupting all that information.
Since it's not only svo errors I'm seeing in there, I believe one of those functions to be Trevize's script? and some other scripts I can't place.
Sessiongold isn't mine, I don't have a variable named that, and I don't pollute the global namespace. It's being referenced by his UI.
Everything else aside, @Raoh, you have three huge problems that need fixed.
First, GMCP is not being collected/stored in tables properly. All your GMCP references are dying.
Second, your GUI is freaking confused. I know you said it's not the issue, but by all that is holy, it's likely to obscure and make difficult identifying the actual issue, in the spam of those errors.
Third, as mentioned, SVO should -not- have two folders named the same, that's why it gives an error.. From previous experience fixing people's, it almost looks like you may have imported an svo zip previously, rather than adding it as a package. Then added it as a package properly over that.
Fresh install with nothing but svof still does that.
I just noticed this. Two things come to mind then.
1) Are you adding it as a -package-? Or are you importing?
2) Are there any modules when you click that button? Modules should be empty. They're cross-profile, and if there's a module messing things up, that would explain a lot.
1. GMCP tables are dying. How do I fix this? I reference GMCP myself and it seems to work fine, just at login do I get that weird nil error. 2. I install as package and see 13 serpent svo in package manager. What is modules, I don't see a module button? 3. I use server side queueing when fighting, is there anyway I can still have svo use shrugging and parry?
4. svof is always stuck on insomnia when deffing up. vdefs cancel and redoing basic or combat never fixes it. I have to manually put up insomnia and some others sometimes.
1. GMCP tables are dying. How do I fix this? I reference GMCP myself and it seems to work fine, just at login do I get that weird nil error. 2. I install as package and see 13 serpent svo in package manager. What is modules, I don't see a module button? 3. I use server side queueing when fighting, is there anyway I can still have svo use shrugging and parry?
edit: nevermind, I see that was addressed. I'm late to the party, trying to catch up on everything. Don't mind me!
Most of the things could be addressed now. The "multiple alias" thing counted an alias that was called "svo", but had nothing to do with svo and didn't interfere. The gmcp table thing seems to be gone (?) and the defup issues have to do with server side wanting to use insomnia (which he doesn't have). Putting it on svof helped.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank @Keneanung for stepping up and working on Svof (amongst others) for no reward and a substantial amount of grief.
Thank you.
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
I'm kinda getting the same issues as Raoh with "....config\mudlet\profiles\Achaea Deana/Serpent svo/svo:18558: attempt to index field 'race' (a nil value)". Any help would be appreciated, and thanks to @Nylian for showing me this thread.
Svo(f) uses your prompt, and looks for the "e" and "x" characters to determine whether or not you have equilibrium and balance, respectively. If you use in-game queueing, there's never a prompt that indicates you have balance, because it's used immediately when you regain. Even if it did use the "You have recovered balance..." line, you'd be off-balance when the triggered send actually reached the game.
Not quite correct, it does not use the prompt but GMCP. However with queueing, as Svof doesn't pre-queue actions, the serverside queue uses up the balance before Svof can.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
GMCP documentation:
svof github site: and documentation at
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Sessiongold isn't mine, I don't have a variable named that, and I don't pollute the global namespace. It's being referenced by his UI.
Everything else aside, @Raoh, you have three huge problems that need fixed.
First, GMCP is not being collected/stored in tables properly. All your GMCP references are dying.
Second, your GUI is freaking confused. I know you said it's not the issue, but by all that is holy, it's likely to obscure and make difficult identifying the actual issue, in the spam of those errors.
Third, as mentioned, SVO should -not- have two folders named the same, that's why it gives an error.. From previous experience fixing people's, it almost looks like you may have imported an svo zip previously, rather than adding it as a package. Then added it as a package properly over that.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
I just noticed this. Two things come to mind then.
1) Are you adding it as a -package-? Or are you importing?
2) Are there any modules when you click that button? Modules should be empty. They're cross-profile, and if there's a module messing things up, that would explain a lot.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
2. I install as package and see 13 serpent svo in package manager. What is modules, I don't see a module button?
3. I use server side queueing when fighting, is there anyway I can still have svo use shrugging and parry?
edit: nevermind, I see that was addressed. I'm late to the party, trying to catch up on everything. Don't mind me!
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
GMCP documentation:
svof github site: and documentation at
Thank you.
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