I was using the recent version of svof serpent v9. Everything was working fine until about 3 hours ago. I have had several people try to help me solve the problem but it persists. I have completedly deleted svo and mudlet 10 times and reinstalled both. Everything works fine until I try to install svo. The first problem is it doesn't recognize GMCP until after a few restarts. After it isntalls it looks like this:
Achaea's IP address is
For general questions e-mail support@achaea.com.
131 adventurers are currently in the realms.
1. Enter the game.
2. Create a new character.
3. Quit.
Enter an option or enter your character's name.
You may only give one name to your character at the moment. Prefixes and
suffixes may be assigned later.
1. Enter the game.
2. Create a new character.
3. Quit.
Enter an option or enter your character's What is your password?
Enter an option or enter your character's What is your password?
"...rs\HP\.config\mudlet\profiles\Achaea/Serpent svo/svo:18572: attempt to index field
'race' (a nil value)"
"...rs\HP\.config\mudlet\profiles\Achaea/Serpent svo/svo:18572: attempt to index field
'race' (a nil value)"
Password correct. Welcome to Achaea.
It spams something invisible during the character login.
Then I will get spammed by index field errors at login and randomly while playing.
Here it references line 18572: if gmcp.Char.Status.race:find("Dragon") then
I changed this with the help of another player to == if gmcp.Char.Status.race == "Dragon" which stopped that particular error but other errors persisted. Strange thing is even with a fresh install of mudlet and svo the problems keep persisting. Everything was working fine until 3 hours ago.
Do you have GMCP active in the mudlet settings?
for other things I'll refer to @Keneanung and the svof clan
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
When you installed svof on a fresh profile, you installed svof only (no other packages7scripts)?
Do you connect through some kind of proxy/mudbot/anything else?
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
1.) You have a script that deletes that field
2.) You connect through some kind of proxy that corrups gmcp messages (because you said it took a while to recognise)
3.) You are bugged and Achaea does not send correct gmc messages to you.
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
I know you've also said you've enabled GMCP, but you've also mentioned reinstalling Mudlet a few times. Make sure you enable GMCP, save, then restart Mudlet.
1) Fresh install and no scripts so I have nothing interfering, I had 3 people make new Test profiles with nothing in them, problems persist
2) No proxy at all, no everything connects very fast
3) GMCP is active for sure because i get the following when typing lua gmcp
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
I didn't here about shrugging issues yet. Do you use server side?
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
'vshow serverside' then click on Lovers, Shrugging, Impale and Selfishness...this will make SVO do those things instead of serverside. Hope that helps
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I noticed there is alot of errors from the GUI, so please ignore that. I can assure you these problems existed before I installed the GUI.
Second, either you haven't got GMCP turned on (which you said you did above), or something is manipulating the GMCP table, which would be in code you've written or code that is far more untested than svof is.
Since it's not only svo errors I'm seeing in there, I believe one of those functions to be Trevize's script? and some other scripts I can't place.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."