Arie's Accolade in the Wardens where was knighted, then being able to be there when Athylea, @Tynil, and @Ilireth (her IC kiddos through bloodline or adoption) were also knighted.
Any interaction with Maeander while Nereian, including being given raw fish heads and told that I should eat it or being thwapped in the shins with his cane. Along those lines, too, all the stuff with Borak up on Suliel. Being slapped by the spirit of a Caspeid because I was being sassy (with religious cause) was pretty awesome.
Leaving Cyrene, specifically because it was one of the first times Arie had done anything for herself without worrying about pleasing someone else... a liberating feeling that has become pretty permanent.
When Ariettie and @Kross got married in an impromptu ceremony at battlements and he held the reception in Targossas and brought back heads and ears as wedding presents.
My Azatlan dream and being the first to face the manifestation of the Storm and get my dagger for Vastar's order. Being enemied to the Nerai within the past week...
Then there was this little matter last night of being a founder of an Ashtani house that I'm just head over heels in love with. I'm pretty sure that'll stick with me for a while, too!
Well, I've been here for about eleven years. I think some of my favourite things were some of the small events I was involved in.
-Eternal Night. Ourania's temple was flooded with white bats and there was a semi-large group of people trying to clear it out. They weren't aggro on me because I was so little, so I was running corpses out of the temple (and looting herbs/gold while I was at it) and taking them to a nearby grove for rezzing. I remember I'd drop them on the ground, the sylvan would suddenly scream 'DON'T DROP THE CORPSES' and the Infernals were making soulspears from them.
-Kolyartus invading Hashan. A shitton of ice demons descended on the city and backed us into crossroads during a blizzard once. That was a hell of a lot of fun.
-The dreams coming to life event. Standing guard over sleeping novices at Crossroads was amazing.
-Rho and Saltaern facing each other down in Hashan. That's a story I still tell people.
-Being involved a small event which was moving the old man from Tasur'ke to Zanzibaar with the Merchants.
-A long while back, the Merchants discovered a secret room under their househall. There was a Crown of Clovers down there that was part of a discarded event or something, and we used to screw with it for hours. Also under there? Two stone dogs. A thief came and stole the things the dogs were holding in their mouths, and one of them we managed to buy back. The other one was a stick. Carmain (I think it was Carmain) had buried it in the ground after buying it from the thief and it grew into a massive whomping willow, and was just straight up destroying people. Kitarel and he had a conversation, she blew a whistle, the stone dogs came and dug up the bone and everyone was hunky dory.
-Defending the Obelisk (or trying to) from the Order of Justice was insane. Only a few of the people who showed up after the call went out on CT to defend it actually knew how to fight, so it ended up being a massive shitshow. Then they nuked it with a magic sword. After, there was a huge battle in the Darkenwood because the OOJ was coming to burn it down. Very good times.
- Last, but not least, playing spin the bottle at Lush Gardens with the Merchants and one impressionable Shallamite. Pentharian showed up, pissed as hell, smashed the bottle and yanked her out of the city.
- Last, but not least, playing spin the bottle at Lush Gardens with the Merchants and one impressionable Shallamite. Pentharian showed up, pissed as hell, smashed the bottle and yanked her out of the city.
This reminds me of when an old, old incarnation of Pentharian used to get angry whenever someone used Shallamite instead of Shallamese, on my previous main. Freaked a young me out, who'd had little direct experience with the Gods at the time.
And your memories are your memories, @Natliya. Feel free to share them or not, but don't feel like they're no good in comparison. :chuffed:
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."
events: Full member in the Warlocks. Sylvan HoN. Joining Ourania's Order. Orderhead for Ourania.
moment: Once, after I inducted our newest Order member at the time, I was talking to her in person. I made a statement she didn't believe (that was true!) and then said (she was hidden, was just a guess) over OT isn't that right, Mother? Ourania replied (still hidden) quite right, Trevize! Then about ten seconds later I got a tell from her: What the hell did I just agree to?
Pretty sure I was the last person inducted as a full member of the Occultists before we went and fed the Eschaton to the Phoenix. Getting ready for that last test was a blast, even if it took me longer than it probably should have, and I ended up doing far more work than was strictly necessary.
This is going to sound very boring, but, honestly, hanging out with Aldair.
There's no character that I so consistently felt immersed with; everything, from the routine and slice-of-life elements that always permeated our interactions (from not having gotten enough sleep the night before because the fighting went on a long time, to having the sniffles that one time it snowed in Targ) to the very deep conversations their chats usually turned into, no single person, I think, has done more to help me define Anedhel's personality, and bring out more different aspects (along with an opportunity to explore said aspects).
There are a few moments that stand out- preparing for induction in the Aarashi, the ritual we performed together to open a Festival of the Dawn (only one I've ever done with pyrotechnics included), and so on, but, truly, the compilation of all the interactions represents my favorite memory in Achaea.
Two come to mind, but it's been a loooong time and I am no doubt forgetting things:
1) The day (before Achaea opened to the public) that I put time into the game with time-of-day/night messages. Suddenly, the world felt alive in a way it hadn't before.
2) Multiple points during Bal'met. It's possible the liquid on my face when Ashaxei died was tears, and same with when Sarapis said goodbye.
The time where Landmarking and CTF lined up to be the exact same month. I had just gotten Valiant rank and was required to do both. But after 8 hours on the entire Te'serra showed up with Phaestus and faced us one on one in the arena then we went and had story time with them in the Apse. So much wow for a new player having all the gods take time to be with us after we worked so hard to make that happen. (We got 5 of 6 of the landmarks and still won CTF as memory serves).
(Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said. (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?" (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar." (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
I'm sure there's a bunch of moments for me that I forget. I forget a lot of things, okay? My memory practically remembers everything, it has to delete other things to make room
Lesseeee.... meeting @Lisbethae... being picked by @Lisbethae ... yeah yeah, make the whipping noises :P
Then there was the whole Bal'met thing... where I got to zap a Mhaldorian(I don't remember who) who was being ... "noisy"... While the zap itself wasn't a favourite memory, it was the fact that half of Mhaldor(okay, it was more like two of them) thanked me for it. (and then he tried to counter-zap, but I wasn't a moron and had my divine invicibility on(at all times))
There was that time I was Knighted as a Warden of the Cerulean Spire. I tried to get Metzger and ... I think it was Ariettie who was Imperiate at the time, to "jokingly" call Faolin "Sir" (long story, Faolin was occassionally mistaken for a dude and called Sir, even before she was Knighted, so... yeah. They never did it, though.) I think that was one of the Accolades where there weren't any big screw-ups... like I always hear all the other Knights(especially Shallam Knights of yore) laughing about.
Bloodlining and getting to know the in-game children, you all know who you are. All of you.
That one time when I was a newbie with -just- trans chivalry... and got a disembowel kill on Jahan. I mean, I litterally had next to no idea how to properly fight as a Runewarden, he rebounded paralysis onto himself, and I disemboweled him for it. I know, I know, not exactly a crowning achievement of awesome, but for a newbie who was being "harassed"(to be fair, he had cause, but it was dumb... cause rules were freaking convoluted and confusing, some of you remember them) by him all the time, it was a pretty freaking sweet moment for me.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
The only things that really stand out in my mind involve @Neraeos , and it seems He left a lasting impression on a lot of people too. Letting me bounce through the totems in His Temple to explore the rooms when I was Kastalian, subsequently asking me "Why I was not in His Order yet?". Holding his finger down on order entaro slap @Skye;order skye slap entaro. Having a triton walk in on you and spam the greet emote then walking out.. umm.. basically any interaction with him was so fun.
Foremost was the Neraeos v Vastar war and the subsequent discovery of Lothos. Quite honestly the best event I've ever been apart of. Standing there in Lothos with deathsight on fire with triton and atavian deaths, the utter chaos of war all around me sent shivers down my spine. Not even the Bal'met event came close to that for me.
Getting dragon was another fond memory for me, considering how long I spent so long complaining to @Ravien how much I hate bashing, and how often she had to bail me out with food as I lay there starving to death I believe @Sarapis had only -just- come back as well so to have Him congratulate me during my ceremony was pretty special.
Lately, anything in Mhaldor has been pretty special. After not really feeling at home anywhere for a long while I really feel like I've found it in Mhaldor. @Medi, @Watchman, @Taraus, @Ruth, @Melodie amongst others have really made me feel welcome and reasons why I still play this game.
(Party): Crixos says, "Open your wunjos, people of Sapience."
Bittersweet: Old school guilds and how impossible some of the (dozens of) tasks were, but the feeling of accomplishment that came with even getting GR3, becoming a full guild member, and getting class.
God RP: Twilight and the random visions he used to give! Always got the excited tingles from them since they'd pop up randomly. Indrani. All things Indrani. (RIP) Everyone loves a good vice. The three days of being awake (God bless energy drinks and youth) during the event that spawned Indrani. Yay for defending against the masses during their onslaught on Mhaldor after stealing the divine child. Sartan and the Rider of the Apocalypse. It was so badass thoughtful of him to introduce me to the rider in person, not just once, but twice. :proud: All Gods when seeing zap messages followed by instant deaths was actually a regular occurrence.
Landmarks: Sniping people during landmarks. Never a dull moment.
Now? New character, meeting new people, remembering old ones fondly (or otherwise, but mostly fondly) and musing over going from 400+ to 27 and the amusement of going through the motions of being an IC "child" again. RP in general is always a favorite past(present)time. There are great minds in Achaea that write fantastic stories!
- The first time a god spoke to me (Pentharian) as a no-account HR3 Equerry in the Guardians of the Light maybe a week after I had started playing. I wasn't even sure I thought the Gods were real at that point, just gussied-up denizens. I was speechless.
- The first time I joined an order (Pentharian's). I had gone afk to put food in the oven and of course that was the time he swooped in to hold my final initiation dealie.
- Getting HL in the Empyreal Assembly; I remember specifically waiting up for the time to tick over and that feeling of anticipation and elation and dread all at once and the feeling of relief when it turns out I'd won the election. I don't know, there aren't really words to describe how I felt back then.
- Getting Archprelate, back when the Church was a thing. when word got out that I'd taken it over, I think there was a good fifteen minutes of congratulatory tells/messages/etc. sent my way from all walks of people in the game. It was overwhelming (in a good way) because I didn't think people really paid attention to that kind of thing, and remains probably my favorite memory so far, just because of how out of the way the game community went to make it special for me (perhaps unknowingly).
- The Marvinogian raid and the Ritual of the Storm during my time in Ashtan (RIP @Tanris) and the feeling of how cool it was when @Babel wrecked the pyramid. Ahh, so good.
- The time, in Mhaldor, when @Mishgul decided we were gonna knock out like all of my Blood Congregation combat requirements in a day, so we solo-raided Targossas (and died instantly), got raided (and I got like 3 kills in a row with hailstorm, for which I was CF'd into Tronihood) and then ended up doing something like two KOTHs in a row, the second one because @Sartan ordered it. I was on skype with a bunch of Mhaldorians (#codysmdthedream2014) and it was just one of the best, most entertaining, and at times silliest experiences I've had in Achaea.
There was a particular individual in the faction at that time - much older and more experienced than my character - who was brilliant, but was also an absolute perfectionist and kind of an ass when dealing with people (that this is coming from me should tell you something.) I'd like to think that we both knew we were working towards the same overall goal, but that didn't stop us from fighting like cats and dogs half the time, and with them finding the most minute details to nitpick in my work. During this period of time, I got some of my best work done and was pushed harder by this person than I'd ever really been pushed as a player or as a character. I don't know if that was directly correlated to the intense atmosphere this person cultivated, but I can't help but feel like that it is at least to a degree.
Anyways, the time eventually comes where this person decides they're done with Achaea for good and they bow out. I went and found the person while they were off in their own corner, had tea with them, and just talked for a while. Over the course of about half an hour, I got to know and see this person in ways I couldn't have imagined. I saw the human side to the machine, and I was - both as a player and character - quite moved by it. They said that they had been hardest on Aodfionn because they thought he had more potential than the rest, that they were proud, and that they trusted that Aod wouldn't fuck up. Then, after a brief and awkward hug, that person logged out forever.
I don't feel like I really understood that character until recently, and it's been quite some time since they were active. I do miss the hell out of them, though. I wish I could still say thank you.
hmm, favorite memories.... ten years playing, this month, and I've racked up quite a few.
Meeting Elenia, her becoming Nao's mother, introducing her to the world that was the Beloved. Little did I know that that alone would change and shape everything about Naomh for the rest of her Achaean life.
Nao's first marriage to Ashetaka. Where he showed up drunk, Selene officiating, and Elenia killed him for it. Yeah, that marriage didn't last long.
Shopping in Mhaldor with Requa, smearing our fingerprints on all the glass cases in the museum. I miss the shopping that was Mhaldor back then.
Induction to the Beloved, which happened around the same time I divorced Ashtaka, got Squirehood in the Wardens, and fell into a lifetime adoration of Sabiru.
The time that Kameron proposed to me, the world hiccupped, time warp happened, and we lost a day, and he had to go search for the stupid ring all over again, and propose a second time.
The first moment Naomh decided to really make a move on @Greys. Their first kiss at the hot spring in Kamleikan. All the subsequent years of off and on dating the two of them had, even between other marriages for her.
The moment Naomh got her Accolade in the Wardens. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time, and I remember worrying I was going to miss my own Knighting ceremony because I went into labor. (yes I know, addict!!!!)
The moment that she got HoN in the Wardens, HL some years after that too.
Becoming Selene's Order Head, aka Vox Carus, which I held until She was killed.
Being told by @Phaestus that He was going to woo me from Selene, and She laughing when I told Her that.
Being given a Divine Decree by Selene that I needed to make Logosian because She was tired of me falling asleep on Her when She would randonly summon me to Her. The time I went to @Rinzai and @Sadie's wedding, because friends/wedding/procratination... and She zapped me for it- first ever zap. Ten minutes later, as I'm waiting for refills from @Kaiu (never mind that I was also a trans concoctionist) and Lupus then zaps me again, for procrastinating.
@Greys boasting to me that he'd never been zapped. I asked Selene to zap him for me, and She did. hilarious.
losing Selene to Bal'met, Naomh didn't take that very well. @Phaestus coming to her in the Spire, hugging her and offering a place in His "Family" for her whenever she was ready for it. He'd already had a piece of her heart before that, but that was what sealed it for her.
Nao's wedding to @Greys. There's a room in the temple of Beauty that has snowballs, Nao wanted the wedding to be held there so badly because she wanted to throw snowballs at her brand new husband. Being told no, by Selene, Selene then officiating for the second time at a wedding of mine. With Lupus in attendance. in the crystal room. It was really beautiful. Our reception in my grove, a thief stealling all the food and booze, Selene and Lupus both zapping him in response, then Selene showing up to drop off brandy, and platters of brie as replacements.
Deciding to leave Cyrene. Something that I thought would never happen, but I agonized over the decision, went back to being druid and joined Eleusis and the Ancient circle. Best decision ever.
I love the little things that @Greys does for Naomh. She's spoiled, she knows it. Every interaction with @Greys is fun, good solid rp, and is guaranteed to annoy everyone around us cause of the gushyness. It's awesome. The best part is the kids, they all freak out. Even more awesomeness.
@Phaestus calling Naomh a "Bully" on OT. I couldn't help it I motto'd it, which He hates. Anyone who knows Nao, knows she's a softy, but she caused a Novitiate to quit the Wardens because they thought she was a complete and total bitch. All because she told them to shield during a ritual. when they didn't do as was told, for their own safety no less, she chastised them for not following an order. In an elitest militaristic House, following orders from elder and higher ranking members is a must. This Novitiate went to another Knight to complain who basically told them to suck it up, and that kid then quit the House.
Becoming the last member of the Ancient Circle of Druids to reach HR5 before the Renaissance.
Becoming the first Tendril Guide in the Heartwood Kin.
There are so many more, but this post is getting kinda long, so maybe I'll add in more sometime later.
Becoming the last member of the Ancient Circle of Druids to reach HR5 before the Renaissance.
So you were! I remember wondering (when I got HR5) if I'd be the last one, but you snuck in just near the end.
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Pretty much anything involving Clementius.. Also, when Daes kicked all of the Serpentlords out of the House to "revamp", resulting in Ourania banishing him to a dollhouse island where the dolls praised him as their leader.
Any interaction with Maeander while Nereian, including being given raw fish heads and told that I should eat it or being thwapped in the shins with his cane. Along those lines, too, all the stuff with Borak up on Suliel. Being slapped by the spirit of a Caspeid because I was being sassy (with religious cause) was pretty awesome.
Leaving Cyrene, specifically because it was one of the first times Arie had done anything for herself without worrying about pleasing someone else... a liberating feeling that has become pretty permanent.
When Ariettie and @Kross got married in an impromptu ceremony at battlements and he held the reception in Targossas and brought back heads and ears as wedding presents.
My Azatlan dream and being the first to face the manifestation of the Storm and get my dagger for Vastar's order. Being enemied to the Nerai within the past week...
Then there was this little matter last night of being a founder of an Ashtani house that I'm just head over heels in love with. I'm pretty sure that'll stick with me for a while, too!
Things can be arranged.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
-Eternal Night. Ourania's temple was flooded with white bats and there was a semi-large group of people trying to clear it out. They weren't aggro on me because I was so little, so I was running corpses out of the temple (and looting herbs/gold while I was at it) and taking them to a nearby grove for rezzing. I remember I'd drop them on the ground, the sylvan would suddenly scream 'DON'T DROP THE CORPSES' and the Infernals were making soulspears from them.
-Kolyartus invading Hashan. A shitton of ice demons descended on the city and backed us into crossroads during a blizzard once. That was a hell of a lot of fun.
-The dreams coming to life event. Standing guard over sleeping novices at Crossroads was amazing.
-Rho and Saltaern facing each other down in Hashan. That's a story I still tell people.
-Being involved a small event which was moving the old man from Tasur'ke to Zanzibaar with the Merchants.
-A long while back, the Merchants discovered a secret room under their househall. There was a Crown of Clovers down there that was part of a discarded event or something, and we used to screw with it for hours. Also under there? Two stone dogs. A thief came and stole the things the dogs were holding in their mouths, and one of them we managed to buy back. The other one was a stick. Carmain (I think it was Carmain) had buried it in the ground after buying it from the thief and it grew into a massive whomping willow, and was just straight up destroying people. Kitarel and he had a conversation, she blew a whistle, the stone dogs came and dug up the bone and everyone was hunky dory.
-Defending the Obelisk (or trying to) from the Order of Justice was insane. Only a few of the people who showed up after the call went out on CT to defend it actually knew how to fight, so it ended up being a massive shitshow. Then they nuked it with a magic sword. After, there was a huge battle in the Darkenwood because the OOJ was coming to burn it down. Very good times.
- Last, but not least, playing spin the bottle at Lush Gardens with the Merchants and one impressionable Shallamite. Pentharian showed up, pissed as hell, smashed the bottle and yanked her out of the city.
twitter - @spacemanreno
...Annnnd I just read through everyone else's and realized just how minuscule mine are.
Will repost when I do something noteworthy.
And your memories are your memories, @Natliya. Feel free to share them or not, but don't feel like they're no good in comparison. :chuffed:
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."
Full member in the Warlocks.
Sylvan HoN.
Joining Ourania's Order.
Orderhead for Ourania.
Once, after I inducted our newest Order member at the time, I was talking to her in person. I made a statement she didn't believe (that was true!) and then said (she was hidden, was just a guess) over OT isn't that right, Mother? Ourania replied (still hidden) quite right, Trevize! Then about ten seconds later I got a tell from her: What the hell did I just agree to?
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
There's no character that I so consistently felt immersed with; everything, from the routine and slice-of-life elements that always permeated our interactions (from not having gotten enough sleep the night before because the fighting went on a long time, to having the sniffles that one time it snowed in Targ) to the very deep conversations their chats usually turned into, no single person, I think, has done more to help me define Anedhel's personality, and bring out more different aspects (along with an opportunity to explore said aspects).
There are a few moments that stand out- preparing for induction in the Aarashi, the ritual we performed together to open a Festival of the Dawn (only one I've ever done with pyrotechnics included), and so on, but, truly, the compilation of all the interactions represents my favorite memory in Achaea.
I miss Aldair.
1) The day (before Achaea opened to the public) that I put time into the game with time-of-day/night messages. Suddenly, the world felt alive in a way it hadn't before.
2) Multiple points during Bal'met. It's possible the liquid on my face when Ashaxei died was tears, and same with when Sarapis said goodbye.
The time where Landmarking and CTF lined up to be the exact same month. I had just gotten Valiant rank and was required to do both. But after 8 hours on the entire Te'serra showed up with Phaestus and faced us one on one in the arena then we went and had story time with them in the Apse. So much wow for a new player having all the gods take time to be with us after we worked so hard to make that happen. (We got 5 of 6 of the landmarks and still won CTF as memory serves).
(Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
(Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
(Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
Lesseeee.... meeting @Lisbethae... being picked by @Lisbethae ... yeah yeah, make the whipping noises :P
Then there was the whole Bal'met thing... where I got to zap a Mhaldorian(I don't remember who) who was being ... "noisy"... While the zap itself wasn't a favourite memory, it was the fact that half of Mhaldor(okay, it was more like two of them) thanked me for it. (and then he tried to counter-zap, but I wasn't a moron and had my divine invicibility on(at all times))
There was that time I was Knighted as a Warden of the Cerulean Spire. I tried to get Metzger and ... I think it was Ariettie who was Imperiate at the time, to "jokingly" call Faolin "Sir" (long story, Faolin was occassionally mistaken for a dude and called Sir, even before she was Knighted, so... yeah. They never did it, though.) I think that was one of the Accolades where there weren't any big screw-ups... like I always hear all the other Knights(especially Shallam Knights of yore) laughing about.
Bloodlining and getting to know the in-game children, you all know who you are. All of you.
That one time when I was a newbie with -just- trans chivalry... and got a disembowel kill on Jahan. I mean, I litterally had next to no idea how to properly fight as a Runewarden, he rebounded paralysis onto himself, and I disemboweled him for it. I know, I know, not exactly a crowning achievement of awesome, but for a newbie who was being "harassed"(to be fair, he had cause, but it was dumb... cause rules were freaking convoluted and confusing, some of you remember them) by him all the time, it was a pretty freaking sweet moment for me.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Foremost was the Neraeos v Vastar war and the subsequent discovery of Lothos. Quite honestly the best event I've ever been apart of. Standing there in Lothos with deathsight on fire with triton and atavian deaths, the utter chaos of war all around me sent shivers down my spine. Not even the Bal'met event came close to that for me.
Getting dragon was another fond memory for me, considering how long I spent so long complaining to @Ravien how much I hate bashing, and how often she had to bail me out with food as I lay there starving to death
Lately, anything in Mhaldor has been pretty special. After not really feeling at home anywhere for a long while I really feel like I've found it in Mhaldor. @Medi, @Watchman, @Taraus, @Ruth, @Melodie amongst others have really made me feel welcome and reasons why I still play this game.
Old school guilds and how impossible some of the (dozens of) tasks were, but the feeling of accomplishment that came with even getting GR3, becoming a full guild member, and getting class.
God RP:
Twilight and the random visions he used to give! Always got the excited tingles from them since they'd pop up randomly.
Indrani. All things Indrani. (RIP) Everyone loves a good vice. The three days of being awake (God bless energy drinks and youth) during the event that spawned Indrani. Yay for defending against the masses during their onslaught on Mhaldor after stealing the divine child.
Sartan and the Rider of the Apocalypse. It was so badass thoughtful of him to introduce me to the rider in person, not just once, but twice. :proud:
All Gods when seeing zap messages followed by instant deaths was actually a regular occurrence.
Sniping people during landmarks. Never a dull moment.
Now? New character, meeting new people, remembering old ones fondly (or otherwise, but mostly fondly) and musing over going from 400+ to 27 and the amusement of going through the motions of being an IC "child" again. RP in general is always a favorite past(present)time. There are great minds in Achaea that write fantastic stories!
There was a particular individual in the faction at that time - much older and more experienced than my character - who was brilliant, but was also an absolute perfectionist and kind of an ass when dealing with people (that this is coming from me should tell you something.) I'd like to think that we both knew we were working towards the same overall goal, but that didn't stop us from fighting like cats and dogs half the time, and with them finding the most minute details to nitpick in my work. During this period of time, I got some of my best work done and was pushed harder by this person than I'd ever really been pushed as a player or as a character. I don't know if that was directly correlated to the intense atmosphere this person cultivated, but I can't help but feel like that it is at least to a degree.
Anyways, the time eventually comes where this person decides they're done with Achaea for good and they bow out. I went and found the person while they were off in their own corner, had tea with them, and just talked for a while. Over the course of about half an hour, I got to know and see this person in ways I couldn't have imagined. I saw the human side to the machine, and I was - both as a player and character - quite moved by it. They said that they had been hardest on Aodfionn because they thought he had more potential than the rest, that they were proud, and that they trusted that Aod wouldn't fuck up. Then, after a brief and awkward hug, that person logged out forever.
I don't feel like I really understood that character until recently, and it's been quite some time since they were active. I do miss the hell out of them, though. I wish I could still say thank you.
Meeting Elenia, her becoming Nao's mother, introducing her to the world that was the Beloved. Little did I know that that alone would change and shape everything about Naomh for the rest of her Achaean life.
Nao's first marriage to Ashetaka. Where he showed up drunk, Selene officiating, and Elenia killed him for it. Yeah, that marriage didn't last long.
Shopping in Mhaldor with Requa, smearing our fingerprints on all the glass cases in the museum. I miss the shopping that was Mhaldor back then.
Induction to the Beloved, which happened around the same time I divorced Ashtaka, got Squirehood in the Wardens, and fell into a lifetime adoration of Sabiru.
The time that Kameron proposed to me, the world hiccupped, time warp happened, and we lost a day, and he had to go search for the stupid ring all over again, and propose a second time.
The first moment Naomh decided to really make a move on @Greys. Their first kiss at the hot spring in Kamleikan. All the subsequent years of off and on dating the two of them had, even between other marriages for her.
The moment Naomh got her Accolade in the Wardens. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time, and I remember worrying I was going to miss my own Knighting ceremony because I went into labor. (yes I know, addict!!!!)
The moment that she got HoN in the Wardens, HL some years after that too.
Becoming Selene's Order Head, aka Vox Carus, which I held until She was killed.
Being told by @Phaestus that He was going to woo me from Selene, and She laughing when I told Her that.
Being given a Divine Decree by Selene that I needed to make Logosian because She was tired of me falling asleep on Her when She would randonly summon me to Her. The time I went to @Rinzai and @Sadie's wedding, because friends/wedding/procratination... and She zapped me for it- first ever zap. Ten minutes later, as I'm waiting for refills from @Kaiu (never mind that I was also a trans concoctionist) and Lupus then zaps me again, for procrastinating.
@Greys boasting to me that he'd never been zapped. I asked Selene to zap him for me, and She did. hilarious.
losing Selene to Bal'met, Naomh didn't take that very well. @Phaestus coming to her in the Spire, hugging her and offering a place in His "Family" for her whenever she was ready for it. He'd already had a piece of her heart before that, but that was what sealed it for her.
Nao's wedding to @Greys. There's a room in the temple of Beauty that has snowballs, Nao wanted the wedding to be held there so badly because she wanted to throw snowballs at her brand new husband. Being told no, by Selene, Selene then officiating for the second time at a wedding of mine. With Lupus in attendance. in the crystal room. It was really beautiful. Our reception in my grove, a thief stealling all the food and booze, Selene and Lupus both zapping him in response, then Selene showing up to drop off brandy, and platters of brie as replacements.
Deciding to leave Cyrene. Something that I thought would never happen, but I agonized over the decision, went back to being druid and joined Eleusis and the Ancient circle. Best decision ever.
I love the little things that @Greys does for Naomh. She's spoiled, she knows it. Every interaction with @Greys is fun, good solid rp, and is guaranteed to annoy everyone around us cause of the gushyness. It's awesome. The best part is the kids, they all freak out. Even more awesomeness.
@Phaestus calling Naomh a "Bully" on OT. I couldn't help it I motto'd it, which He hates. Anyone who knows Nao, knows she's a softy, but she caused a Novitiate to quit the Wardens because they thought she was a complete and total bitch. All because she told them to shield during a ritual. when they didn't do as was told, for their own safety no less, she chastised them for not following an order. In an elitest militaristic House, following orders from elder and higher ranking members is a must. This Novitiate went to another Knight to complain who basically told them to suck it up, and that kid then quit the House.
Becoming the last member of the Ancient Circle of Druids to reach HR5 before the Renaissance.
Becoming the first Tendril Guide in the Heartwood Kin.
There are so many more, but this post is getting kinda long, so maybe I'll add in more sometime later.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."