Player Pics



  • You haven't changed a bit Skye! Ten years ago you looked just like this! hehehehe :)
  • Laila said:
    You haven't changed a bit Skye! Ten years ago you looked just like this! hehehehe :)
    She probably draws from some unknown source for essence to power her looks
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    edited December 2012
    Arlanda said:

    Laila said:

    You haven't changed a bit Skye! Ten years ago you looked just like this! hehehehe :)

    She probably draws from some unknown source for essence to power her looks


    *hides hearts in her closet*

    (hail Sartan)

  • image

    Smiling soldier!
  • @Jurixe

    I gotta ask, how big are these?  Cause that is just bloody impressive.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    On a half related note to my pic, the concert was attended by a whole bunch of ambassadors and stuff and when they announced Norway I almost burst out laughing :( damn it, my love for Lions in Kenya has become my undoing in any international situation.


  • Skye said:

    I've had a total of four hours of sleep. now off to a christmas concert thingy. @_@

    Arlanda said:
    Laila said:
    You haven't changed a bit Skye! Ten years ago you looked just like this! hehehehe :)
    She probably draws from some unknown source for essence to power her looks

    Apparently just beauty sleep.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • IsaiahIsaiah Georgia
    edited December 2012

    So I totally can't get my pics to load if anyone wants to PM me some instructions on the stipulations to adding pics I will do so. Until then no dice, sorry.

    Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made. 

  • You people make my life seem boring; I never go anywhere interesting....

    Besides awesome museums. (Me on the far left!)
    I'll probably be shifting over to Starmourn, seeya there!
    discord: aciidwire#5240
    Please check out my new art page!

  • @Zulah - looks like you're in my home state, or close to it.  Lucky you.  Please consider contacting local shelters to see if they'll help you get all those cats fixed :/  There's a good chance they will, or will know an org that can.  Or, if someone/you already took care of it, great.
  • Holy crap, Sohl looks like me! Maybe he can start throwing my tarot cards...
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Friztic @Sohl that is disturbingly true. You two look alike, and I had to double take on the name on the post.....

    He probably sounds like a REAL texan though, @Friztic.
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