Now I just need to find an 800 pound black boar to befriend! (This was at an indoor owl 'forest' in Kyoto that we randomly came across in a market. My bar for markets has gone way up, and all markets that are owl-less will forever be lesser to me now.)
Trap... Meet tourist.
P.s. I love you and Asia needs to needs to be my next trip.. (after nyc)
@Sarathai after finding his long lost vibrating stick, some sick CAH burns, @Jukilian savours some of the delicacies of the Gold Coast, and our raiding party before we push into Mhaldor!
I have a few more photos, but already tired and sore since I have to go back into hospital tomorrow :O.
Also I'll clean up some more and post them so they are bigger, but atm they are massive and I just don't have the energy or willpower to fix them right now.
So, I live around Houston and the flooding has been pretty bad. For some reason I cannot upload pictures via my phone but I'll compile a few and post for you guys.
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So I've been absent about a million years now and I just wanted to say I'm alive under the burial that is finals and to share a pic since @Rythnin visited a short while ago, so hi from both of us
Lately my weeks consist of exams, and my weekend traveling for baseball. Hence why I haven't been around much. But figured I could at least share a few pictures since the parents were in town visiting.
All in all, a lot of fun. Even though we're like 3-9
This trip wad me gorging on over priced food and drinking
What a blessed world we live in...
I'd totally do all the traps in Japan
Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."
I have a few more photos, but already tired and sore since I have to go back into hospital tomorrow :O.
@tahquil @Wyd @Tecton (sorry you couldn't get in on time!)
Also I'll clean up some more and post them so they are bigger, but atm they are massive and I just don't have the energy or willpower to fix them right now.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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art stream / twitter / ko-fi
Peek out from among the trees!
Behold the view of the river valley!!
See some goddamn flowers!!!
See... this smug bastard. Ugh.
All in all, a lot of fun. Even though we're like 3-9
Picture Updates!! Yes yes I dyed my hair from red to this weird purpley colour. I regret it every day.
Also some shelter baby fleabags - Gus in the foreground - bonus points if you spot Spook (deaf cat) and Bubba.
.... l of cheeeeseeee
(Also, kittiiiiiies )
Disney California adventure... Smirk