Commissions- Base pay is 15cr/hour of work. See THIS for commission FAQ.
The current commission queue is 5. Estimated delay in new commissions is > one week.
There is currently a freeze on commissions. No new requests are being taken at this time, and current pieces are delayed. See sketchbook thread for details.
TeghaineCape Town - South Africa - Africa (thatcontinentthatlookslikesouthamerica)
Want to show more pics from my work, but I don't think I can upload to here straight from my laptop... Anyone recommend a site other than deviant art for me to upload via?
Want to show more pics from my work, but I don't think I can upload to here straight from my laptop... Anyone recommend a site other than deviant art for me to upload via?
Tinypic, imgur, photobucket.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
TeghaineCape Town - South Africa - Africa (thatcontinentthatlookslikesouthamerica)
More Pictures from The Little Hattery... These I all took myself from my phone, so don't expect quality product photography :P
Notice how I have no reflection... hehehe You can see we don't only do hats. All the clothing we do is custom made... and the leather pieces are amazingly gorgeous...
First snow of the year! In Tennessee, we don't generally get much snow, so the least little bit excites me. You can't see it very well, but huge flakes are really coming down.
Fairly late reply, @Sybilla, as I've been trying to figure out how to get pictures from my phone to here. I don't mind pictures of me being uploaded,, just never a fan of looking at them :P
Here, because I can't make technology work, is an Achaean picture of me. He is a human, fairly tall at just over six feet. He has wide shoulders and fairly average build, but his posture is poor, giving him the appearance of someone smaller in stature. Short, medium brown hair is receding ever so slightly from a rounded, bored-looking face, the lids of his tired eyes drooping slightly as they endeavour to connect with the purple bags underneath. The eyes themselves have irises of blended haze;, aureate, honey-brown outsides flecked with golden motes and changing subtly inward to a velvety, woodland green. His nose is fairly straight, with a gentle outward curve toward the tip. He has a typically British chin, all overbite. He is fairly pale, except for red marks on the broken skin of his hands. Though his nails are kept short, the skin around them on both thumbs and forefingers, as well as a few knuckles, bears many small lacerations at various stages of healing. He is wearing: A short-sleeved black shirt, blue jeans, a pair of suede-look work boots, a dark green fabric wristband, and three titanium hoops through his left ear.
Not into cigarettes or any tobacco, really. Tried those e-cigarettes once, with a fruity oil in 'em. Yeahhh. I have many addictions/obsessions, though.
Hello, my name is Karai, err well it's actually something else but you all know me as Karai.. and I take a lot of selfies.
Not into cigarettes or any tobacco, really. Tried those e-cigarettes once, with a fruity oil in 'em. Yeahhh. I have many addictions/obsessions, though.
Hello, my name is Karai, err well it's actually something else but you all know me as Karai.. and I take a lot of selfies.
How YOU doin? =p
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
How the ship is supposed to look like (This is the sister ship of the one I was on, which is called Mariner of the Seas.)
Found a copy of how my ship is supposed to look like!
This is just a decoration, but apparently, it was supposed to tell us we're going to end up like it on board. Disturbing!
I saw this on the ship. Couldn't resist!
Master (Captain) of the Mariner of the Seas:
Tinypic, imgur, photobucket.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
Notice how I have no reflection... hehehe
You can see we don't only do hats. All the clothing we do is custom made... and the leather pieces are amazingly gorgeous...
One of my favourite hats, its stunning really
Hope you like the pics, my phone is pretty old...
Here, because I can't make technology work, is an Achaean picture of me.
He is a human, fairly tall at just over six feet. He has wide shoulders and fairly average build, but his posture is poor, giving him the appearance of someone smaller in stature. Short, medium brown hair is receding ever so slightly from a rounded, bored-looking face, the lids of his tired eyes drooping slightly as they endeavour to connect with the purple bags underneath. The eyes themselves have irises of blended haze;, aureate, honey-brown outsides flecked with golden motes and changing subtly inward to a velvety, woodland green. His nose is fairly straight, with a gentle outward curve toward the tip. He has a typically British chin, all overbite. He is fairly pale, except for red marks on the broken skin of his hands. Though his nails are kept short, the skin around them on both thumbs and forefingers, as well as a few knuckles, bears many small lacerations at various stages of healing.
He is wearing:
A short-sleeved black shirt, blue jeans, a pair of suede-look work boots, a dark green fabric wristband, and three titanium hoops through his left ear.
Fuck it, I haven't done one of these in a while.
Wilderness excursion c. 2010
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Hello, my name is Karai, err well it's actually something else but you all know me as Karai.. and I take a lot of selfies.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.