Seeing Arditi's post made me wonder... I know a few people who do actually get on the gleam thing, but how does the drug use impact your character and their behaviour? Do you just take them to see the funny drug messages, or have you actually allowed your character to make extremely ill-advised decisions (that you as a player know would screw your own character over) while totally coked up? If so, I'm curious to know what sort of things you've done as a result.
Then 30 years later Syb got Arditi off his face on gleam and got him to join Ashtan and Occultists. Lol.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
discord: aciidwire#5240
Please check out my new art page!
Though, in turn he's got really into adventuring. Like, that's kind of his drug. He'll drop pretty much everything he's doing if he's given the option to explore somewhere new. Heaven forbid if he actually finds the 1000th door, it's been something he's been studying and will just randomly abandon hunting parties if he sees it to just go gamble his time. He hasn't had much luck with it, but has found a number of new places that he explores quite often.
Yea, that one!
Yea, that one!
discord: aciidwire#5240
Please check out my new art page!
She also has an addiction to family. 'Cause yes family is a drug. :pleased:
In trying to keep with the inquiries of the OP - she was in a tough spot already so it was essentially a crutch, and because of the need of an actual Serpent, an estranged bond (mostly mental/emotional). The actual start of the addiction was an accident. Her behavior was shifted towards inattentive, more lax, and depending on the venom (though she was mostly addicted to a single one), sometimes would shift in a near bipolar manner. Basically I sat and thought on how it would logically effect her mindset. Even did some minor research into the effects of venoms, including the gradual buildup of protein venoms. So the entire experience was a mix of a random situation to start, and a bad one keeping it going down the drain.
Also have an alt (sorry, I do, long dormant and stupid old) who did everything under the sun - weed, gleam, bliss, alcohol, snowblossoms, blood, minerals after an odd experiment, an unnamed substance born of further experiments, oddly never venoms. Basically anything she could get her hands on. The LACK of these things is what effected her behavior, not the presence. She was great and 'normal' when she had them.
Hope that helps sate some of your curiosities and answer the lingering questions Skye!
I want to make it clear I'm not promoting drug habits IRL, just that IRL drug habits seem to carry more risk+reward than in Achaea. Marijuana IRL, for example, stimulates incredible creativity and conversation. Cactus weed in Achaea just spams you with smileys. Cocaine IRL was the inspirational muse of many 70s/80s musicians, it made them feel like gods and kept them up all night writing top-charting singles. Gleam in Achaea just gives you +1 Dex after continued usage, and spams you with withdrawal symptons if you don't feed the habit. Shrooms IRL makes you think you can telepathically communicate with your cats. Shrooms in Achaea transport you to a magical world full of talking animals..okay, I guess that one is pretty comparable.
I like how the Fallout series approaches drug usage for your character - immediately tangible benefits, but the downsides of addiction. You really need to consider the pros+cons of popping that Buffout pill in the Fallout series. But Fallout is a single-player game, and Achaea can't approach this style of drug usage because if you gave drugs and alcohol immediate stat benefits upon consumption, people would complain that PvP was unbalance by gleam and whiskey addicts.
I dunno, thats my two cents. If you're the type of person who can RP a drug habit simple for the sake of great character RP, more power to you. I can't help but feel a little letdown by the system in place, but there really isn't a workaround for it.
Make drugs mechanically attractive, and you stray into the same territory. Not only would people start using them purely for the mechanics (no RP), but also you'll force some people to go against their RP and use them, just so they can keep up. I try to maintain a very consistent character, but I also just like combat. If my RP prevented me from taking drugs, but taking drugs afforded me a substantial combat edge, then I am pressured to sacrifice one of the two things I like to do, and that impacts my enjoyment of the game.
If you want drugs to stay an "RP" device, then you can't make them mechanically attractive. Not saying they can't have any tangible effects, but they 'd have to be on par with minor traits; things that don't really influence the game in any serious way.
applies to nose too.
I'm curious as to why you said this. Not seeing how it's anything special given that it's just another aspect of RP, and unless others metagame (as I hope they wouldn't), inconsequential.
"Shrooms IRL makes you think you can telepathically communicate with your cats. Shrooms in Achaea transport you to a magical world full of talking animals..okay, I guess that one is pretty comparable."
Just to say, I laughed so hard at this that I should probably feel ashamed. Also there are the sentient cats in Bopalopia sooooooo yes!
@Aerek Completely agree there. I'd hate to see Achaean RP and combat reduced to that sort of confrontation.