Drugs are bad, mmkay?



  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    Aerek said:
    Very dangerous line.


    If you want drugs to stay an "RP" device, then you can't make them mechanically attractive. Not saying they can't have any tangible effects, but they 'd have to be on par with minor traits; things that don't really influence the game in any serious way.
    Yeah I completely agree with your post, we don't need a situation where people feel forced to take drugs in-game to compete.

    I think one solution could be making drugs have more wild, unpredictable effects, and there's a 50/50 chance of getting either the beneficial or detrimental effects. For example:

    • Snort a packet of gleam and gain random timer based 5 second bursts of numbness to pain, or suffer a sudden heart attack and die on the spot
    • Smoke weed and occasionally have equilibrium return faster, or lose -2 Int for an hour
    • Inject bliss and your limbs can't be broken as easily, or you randomly fall asleep and have trouble waking up

  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    Tessa said:
    @Aktillum "I'm surprised at the number of posts in this thread that admit to running with drug RP."
    I'm curious as to why you said this. Not seeing how it's anything special given that it's just another aspect of RP, and unless others metagame (as I hope they wouldn't), inconsequential.
    I can't think of a good reason why I said that, other than.. I think a lot of people who play Achaea have never tried "hard" drugs IRL, and I don't mean to sound "elitist" because it's certainly nothing to be proud of, but I'd imagine roleplaying someone under the effects of a hard drug, without ever experiencing drugs IRL, would boil down to roleplaying the way you think drugs effect you, based on hearsay. Like um..someone who roleplays smoking weed, but has the idea that marijuana IRL makes you lazy, stupid, etc, so that's how they RP their character under the influence of cactus weed. Or someone who roleplays a gleam habit, but has never really experienced the effects of cocaine.

    I think what I'm saying here is easily countered by the argument that technically, we're all roleplaying stuff we've never actually experienced IRL, but with drugs I just think like...it requires a certain amount of homework to really pull it off, you know what I mean? Like, @Amunet makes a great functional alcoholic IG, because she's actually a functional alcoholic IRL. (rofl, sorry Amunet, <3)

  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    edited January 2016
    I had some more thoughts and I want to expand on what I'm saying. First off, I want to make it clear that I'm not advocating anyone go out and snort coke, smoke meth, shoot up heroin, whatever, to "enhance" your roleplay. That would be completely retarded. I'm also not looking down on anyone who roleplays a drug addiction, but has never used drugs IRL. Achaea lets you roleplay tons of things we've never done IRL, that's the point of a game.

    I think I was more surprised that numerous people have RP'd drug addictions in this thread, due to the negative stigmas of drugs both IC and IRL, and that a few people claim they tried to hide their drug usage in-game (like @Skye saying she hid in Ashtan's bathroom when doing drugs). I think, if you're going to roleplay experimenting with drugs, it's nothing for your character to be ashamed of. If I draw comparisons from real life, drug experimentation isn't necessarily a bad thing - addiction is a bad thing. You can certainly do a little cocaine on the weekends, and go back to work on Monday without having it effect you, if you're a strong-willed sort of person. Of course, you don't want to make FB statuses like "Saturday night hanging with the bros and doing some lines!", because again, the legality of drugs and the negative stigmas attached.

    I also understand that there are others reasons for gleam to have a negative stigma in-game. Where it originates from being the most obvious. Certainly a Targossian wouldn't want to admit to having a little occasional fun snorting up the powdered pineal glands of orphans. I think my main point is that.. if you want to roleplay experimenting with drugs, or being a drug user, don't make the mistake of thinking that you need to immediately roleplay a stereotypical junkie right off the bat.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    edited January 2016
    Actually I hid in the bathroom because when gleam was released, there was a nearly immediate ban instituted on it in Mhaldor. Whether my character was ashamed or not of her experimental ways, only a person with an extreme lack of self preservation would snort a line where they could get caught by city superiors and then get strung up for punishment.

    I feel like I have to stress that I wasn't roleplaying an addict. I just really wanted to see what happened when you took it cause all the hallucinating lines were interesting. But I didn't wanna get my head cut off just for that either.

  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    edited January 2016
    Skye said:
    Actually I hid in the bathroom because when gleam was released, there was a nearly immediate ban instituted on it in Mhaldor. Whether my character was ashamed or not of her experimental ways, only a person with an extreme lack of self preservation would snort a line where they could get caught by city superiors and then get strung up for punishment.
    Yeah I totally understand that and I tried to touch on that a little bit in my post. Drugs IG, like drugs IRL, certainly carry a negative stigma and compel you to hide your usage from the world. Which actually makes me wonder if anyone who has never tried drugs IRL, but roleplayed drug experimentation, found that their opinions of IRL drugs were altered in any way.

    Skye said:
    I feel like I have to stress that I wasn't roleplaying an addict. I just really wanted to see what happened when you took it cause all the hallucinating lines were interesting. But I didn't wanna get my head cut off just for that either.
    Doesn't that feel so much like real life?

  • I wonder if I can find a super old log I had, sitting in the Black Forest with a friend while we were tripping mushrooms irl. We were in the same room irl, and in the same room in the Black Forest, and we had (what seemed to be) a super long conversation with Clementius.
  • edited May 2016
    This weird distinction people have between a class of "drugs" and the effects of minerals or herbs is hilarious.

    Reality is nowhere near that clear cut, unless you drink the kool-aid.
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