I managed to get tokens from the second and third bazaars (here's what I had to do for the third, though: https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/8d917c2f), then managed to buy the book from the first for 70 credits (much less than the hundreds they were supposedly selling for). Had I not been able to get the third, or buy the first for a "reasonable" price, I probably would have ended up selling whichever ones I'd bought tokens for, because I don't want an incomplete set.
There was at least two more token purchases after mine, but still, tokens were cut clooooose and I was slow.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
The whole concept of things being bought out extremely fast has nothing to do with the bazaar being announced and everything to do with more gold being around that people are willing to spend. Even other recent bazaars lost stock quickly because there are always a handful of people around who will show up to buy as many of the 'cool' things as possible as soon as possible.
I'd guess that the average player, mainly from the longevity of the game and the spreading of information of how to get gold quickly, has much more gold laying around than they did in the past, or is able to generate a significant amount in a relatively short time frame.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Almost fell asleep before the bazaar. Glad that I didn't!
With the restock, I managed to get a few gifts for people, and a journal for myself. The tokens did sell out really fast. Am glad to have gotten the three books for the Restoration! That was really intense. Now, to see if the contents of the books would actually be read instead of being ornamental in nature!
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
Jarrod. Heh. You are a great combatant, but I don't think you understand batshit crazy shoppers. I mean, the items are bought with gold, sure, but no... I don't think you are even close here. Hah. It's sort of hilarious. Like, if people couldn't pay in gold, I think they'd pay in blood
Jarrod. Heh. You are a great combatant, but I don't think you understand batshit crazy shoppers. I mean, the items are bought with gold, sure, but no... I don't think you are even close here. Hah. It's sort of hilarious. Like, if people couldn't pay in gold, I think they'd pay in blood
That's another way of saying the same thing. Batshit crazy shoppers have more gold now, and there are more people now who view the bazaars as "unique items I must buy all of" than in the past. The announcement didn't make these people exist, it's been the trend re: bazaars for awhile.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The announcement didn't make them exist, but it did mean a lot of them went out of their way to make sure they were logged in - and within one room, for the second and third - when the bazaar(s) happened, when normally they'd be doing other things other than playing Achaea. That definitely contributes to the speed at which items sell out, probably far more than a few more people having more gold they're willing to spend on that kind of thing.
People having more gold to spend definitely influences demand, but I would say that more people being there specifically to buy things has a far greater impact on how fast things sell. Announcing the bazaars ahead of time definitely increased how many people were there, but the stock wasn't raised to compensate. More buyers definitely means things sell out faster.
Even if you want to suggest the rapid selling out is due to people having more gold and that people suddenly wanting rare items more than they used to, it seems silly to say announcing the bazaars ahead of time has nothing to do with it. I've never noticed prices being an issue in bazaars, and I think people have always wanted rare items. A lot of people were logging in specifically for the bazaar. Significantly more people were at the announced bazaars than previous bazaars. I don't understand why you think that's irrelevant to how fast things sell out.
Well, Achaeans like to nitpick... poor Jarrod. What have I done. Let's try to stay focused It's GREAT that people could be here for the bazaar because they had a heads up. It's not great that there were a grand total of 9? (does Kelath restock at all?) crocs for people who wanted one (for example). I mean sure, Santar's had his for years, but they're making a big comeback I hear. However many there were (and that goes for all of the items) it clearly wasn't nearly enough. Also, the gold matters a bit more for something like mounts. But only a bit... The rest of it, I mean, if you're not a complete pauper, you can afford one or two of quite a few bazaar items - if they were actually in stock.
Jarrod. Heh. You are a great combatant, but I don't think you understand batshit crazy shoppers. I mean, the items are bought with gold, sure, but no... I don't think you are even close here. Hah. It's sort of hilarious. Like, if people couldn't pay in gold, I think they'd pay in blood
That's another way of saying the same thing. Batshit crazy shoppers have more gold now, and there are more people now who view the bazaars as "unique items I must buy all of" than in the past. The announcement didn't make these people exist, it's been the trend re: bazaars for awhile.
Gold was definitely not the problem. All of the tokens, for instance, were completely sold out before a single buying cooldown period - people with more gold didn't buy up a bunch of them or anything like that.
The problem here was the sheer number of people and the comparatively small stocks.
This one was better thanks to the restocks, and I think a lot of people got to come away with a fun little item or two, but I still don't understand the rationale for things like the tokens being that rare. It doesn't seem like it adds anything to the experience or to the item. Given how visible the special mounts are, for instance, I kind of get why they're so rare. But the tokens make no sense to me. Getting more people interested in the mythos and all that seems like a thing you'd want, not a thing you'd want to limit.
The tokens are 'that rare' because they do nothing. They're literally a book with a custom read emote that can be copied or made from copy/pasting.
There's a small prestige attached to having originals, but they're limited in distribution because their actual value (as in, what they can be used to do) can be easily replicated unlimited times.
I'd much rather the books be limited for the above reasons than items that are fun to use with friends be limited, like the ridiculous disc game, etc.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The tokens are 'that rare' because they do nothing. They're literally a book with a custom read emote that can be copied or made from copy/pasting.
There's a small prestige attached to having originals, but they're limited in distribution because their actual value (as in, what they can be used to do) can be easily replicated unlimited times.
I'd much rather the books be limited for the above reasons than items that are fun to use with friends be limited, like the ridiculous disc game, etc.
Ah, the books. I've been thinking about them for a bit now. Lucky me, I don't care about the books, but if I did, they'd be the biggest slap in the face here, because the whole premise of the books is based on intentionally forcing people to plan their entire weekend around bazaars... in a text game, which, no matter how much we love it, is supposed to be a fun, relaxing game. And then, if someone doesn't manage to get all of the books (which is a very good possibility with the extreme scarcity that's been designed into the bazaars right now), they have to go get robbed (and I do mean robbed) on market in order to complete the set. It's actually pretty insulting, if you think about it.
Ideas for bazaar wares, and other event related things can be emailed to events@achaea.com.
(For the sake of some poor administrator's sanity please try and make suggestions in this vein fleshed out ideas, or lists of items rather than just "a satchel please")
Ah, the books. I've been thinking about them for a bit now. Lucky me, I don't care about the books, but if I did, they'd be the biggest slap in the face here, because the whole premise of the books is based on intentionally forcing people to plan their entire weekend around bazaars... in a text game, which, no matter how much we love it, is supposed to be a fun, relaxing game. And then, if someone doesn't manage to get all of the books (which is a very good possibility with the extreme scarcity that's been designed into the bazaars right now), they have to go get robbed (and I do mean robbed) on market in order to complete the set. It's actually pretty insulting, if you think about it.
Meh. I think it added a special flair to each bazaar, so that people who could only go to one bazaar would have a chance for something slightly more unique, whereas those who went to each couldn't just go "I'm getting the token this time, and I'm rushing for the mount next time since I'll already have it." It introduced a tradeoff of 'what do you what more, really?'
Dude, you're a pretty big reseller aren't you? How naïve/dumb do you think people are when it comes to people with vested interests in maintaining the status quo? Wait... never mind...
Dude, you're a pretty big reseller aren't you? How naïve/dumb do you think people are when it comes to people with vested interests in maintaining the status quo? Wait... never mind...
But for real, even if I wasn't a reseller, three bazaars in a row that were the exact same without any defining factors would make them seem a bit less special. But that's just my opinion!
I definitely think announcing the bazaar ahead of time and having multiple time frames where you could get each item was a large step in the right direction.
I think people buying things just to resell is really shitty (almost as shitty as me buying my armoured grizzly bear, and killing one of the other two in existence before it was collared...), and should somehow be more limited. I just can't think of any sort of good or fair way to do it that is better than the current system.
Eh, I think that most of the people who went nuts over the books, went nuts over them because of their inherent characteristics (people interested in lore, etc...), and/or because over the long haul, originals will be extremely rare no matter what.
To me, the bazaars already come along only once in a great while and always have interesting items. That is what should be great about them. The addition of extreme scarcity is completely unnecessary for me and just destroys the magic of the bazaar - and it does look like I'm not the only one who feels that way.
EDIT: an absolutely classic example of how even incredibly common things can become rare - how many Theran mares has anyone seen lately? Much less an uncollared one. I'm not even that avid a collector and I would kill for one, exactly because it was once so common that it was a part of daily Achaean life in a way that "rare" items never are.
I went to the first two bazaars, skipped the third in favor of sleeping in. Got everything I wanted except tokens, but once I missed the first one I had little interest in the last two. Just got copied manuscripts instead.
I'm not going to lie. I bought without even looking, which is the only reason I got things. But I didn't buy any dupilcates, and ended up with a few items I'm really happy about and will become non-decay. My pony's collared and adorable. Everything else will probably be given away.
You put an elegant leather-bound book entitled, "Tsol'aa to Mhun: A History of Non-Human Races" into a frosted azure pouch.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Dude, you're a pretty big reseller aren't you? How naïve/dumb do you think people are when it comes to people with vested interests in maintaining the status quo? Wait... never mind...
Is there any aspect of the game that you're happy about? Genuine question.
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
Dude, you're a pretty big reseller aren't you? How naïve/dumb do you think people are when it comes to people with vested interests in maintaining the status quo? Wait... never mind...
Is there any aspect of the game that you're happy about? Genuine question.
Dude, you're a pretty big reseller aren't you? How naïve/dumb do you think people are when it comes to people with vested interests in maintaining the status quo? Wait... never mind...
Is there any aspect of the game that you're happy about? Genuine question.
I'll take that as a "genuine question". Honestly, yeah... but there is still so much resistance from some people to just the sort of QoL tweaks being discussed here - even when the tide seems to be finally turning (as with this thread, for example). I actually hope to see a day when the sort of people who say "oh, bazaars are just great the way they are, I mean, I got mine and I sold it for mad credits, stop whining" are in the minority and always in the defensive position for their general point of view and approach to other players - although I hope that example becomes somewhat irrelevant due to awesome changes that finally make bazaars something people can enjoy without getting into e-fistfights.
There's a few of us who've said we managed to get what we wanted, and often more without too much fuss. Didn't say the bazaar's were currently ideal though. They're kinda stressful for everyone.
Yeah, Valkyn, I hope it comes across that in this thread at least, there really does seem to be a consensus that people want some QoL changes so they can enjoy the bazaar.
I managed to get tokens from the second and third bazaars (here's what I had to do for the third, though: https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/8d917c2f), then managed to buy the book from the first for 70 credits (much less than the hundreds they were supposedly selling for). Had I not been able to get the third, or buy the first for a "reasonable" price, I probably would have ended up selling whichever ones I'd bought tokens for, because I don't want an incomplete set.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
That not-so-mad-but-tense dash.
There was at least two more token purchases after mine, but still, tokens were cut clooooose and I was slow.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I'd guess that the average player, mainly from the longevity of the game and the spreading of information of how to get gold quickly, has much more gold laying around than they did in the past, or is able to generate a significant amount in a relatively short time frame.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
With the restock, I managed to get a few gifts for people, and a journal for myself. The tokens did sell out really fast. Am glad to have gotten the three books for the Restoration! That was really intense. Now, to see if the contents of the books would actually be read instead of being ornamental in nature!
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The announcement didn't make them exist, but it did mean a lot of them went out of their way to make sure they were logged in - and within one room, for the second and third - when the bazaar(s) happened, when normally they'd be doing other things other than playing Achaea. That definitely contributes to the speed at which items sell out, probably far more than a few more people having more gold they're willing to spend on that kind of thing.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Even if you want to suggest the rapid selling out is due to people having more gold and that people suddenly wanting rare items more than they used to, it seems silly to say announcing the bazaars ahead of time has nothing to do with it. I've never noticed prices being an issue in bazaars, and I think people have always wanted rare items. A lot of people were logging in specifically for the bazaar. Significantly more people were at the announced bazaars than previous bazaars. I don't understand why you think that's irrelevant to how fast things sell out.
The problem here was the sheer number of people and the comparatively small stocks.
This one was better thanks to the restocks, and I think a lot of people got to come away with a fun little item or two, but I still don't understand the rationale for things like the tokens being that rare. It doesn't seem like it adds anything to the experience or to the item. Given how visible the special mounts are, for instance, I kind of get why they're so rare. But the tokens make no sense to me. Getting more people interested in the mythos and all that seems like a thing you'd want, not a thing you'd want to limit.
There's a small prestige attached to having originals, but they're limited in distribution because their actual value (as in, what they can be used to do) can be easily replicated unlimited times.
I'd much rather the books be limited for the above reasons than items that are fun to use with friends be limited, like the ridiculous disc game, etc.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Wish that the tokens hadn't been sold out so I could get one after my first buy cooldown, or that they had restocked them, but oh well.
Simple in design, this stalwart satchel is constructed with an eye to function over beauty. A large,
rectangular pouch forms the main body of the bag, with no pockets or extraneous straps to challenge
its preeminence. Providing a method of protection for any items within the container is a large flap,
easily closed and secured with a polished crocodile tooth. The entire item is constructed from
textured crocodile leather of a charcoal hue, its raw appearance modified only as much as necessary
for the tanning process.
It has 125 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 3 pounds and 0 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Ordruin, a troll leatherworker (a denizen).
A rugged satchel of crocodile hide is holding:
"kite467271" a great jellyfish kite
"kite452451" a great jellyfish kite
"disc446898" a colourful wooden disc
"disc446756" a colourful wooden disc
"disc461958" a colourful wooden disc
"disc463782" a colourful wooden disc
"disc465154" a colourful wooden disc
"disc70316" a colourful wooden disc
"disc490786" a colourful wooden disc
"disc492373" a colourful wooden disc
"disc493579" a colourful wooden disc
"bucket463689" a brightly striped bucket
"bucket470763" a brightly striped bucket
"bucket471630" a brightly striped bucket
"bucket499801" a brightly striped bucket
[Type MORE if you wish to continue reading. (58% shown)]
4367h, 3405m, 20735e, 17000w cexkdb- 64.4% 13:53:03.642
[File continued via MORE]
"bucket499957" a brightly striped bucket
"scabbard417125" a terrifyingly tooled leather scabbard
"scabbard463838" a terrifyingly tooled leather scabbard
"scabbard470856" a terrifyingly tooled leather scabbard
"scabbard488636" a terrifyingly tooled leather scabbard
"scabbard489561" a terrifyingly tooled leather scabbard
"sign287208" a scorched walnut sign reading "Home"
"sign500311" a scorched walnut sign reading "Home"
"sign500572" a scorched walnut sign reading "Home"
"sign500867" a scorched walnut sign reading "Home"
"hennin500734" a salmon hued steeple hennin
"hennin501140" a salmon hued steeple hennin
"hennin285125" a salmon hued steeple hennin
"hennin188772" a salmon hued steeple hennin
"hennin418944" a salmon hued steeple hennin
"hennin69085" a salmon hued steeple hennin
"baldric417495" a skeletal baldric
It contains a total of 32 items of a max of 40.
crocodile51398 a bridled swamp crocodile
Ah, the books. I've been thinking about them for a bit now. Lucky me, I don't care about the books, but if I did, they'd be the biggest slap in the face here, because the whole premise of the books is based on intentionally forcing people to plan their entire weekend around bazaars... in a text game, which, no matter how much we love it, is supposed to be a fun, relaxing game. And then, if someone doesn't manage to get all of the books (which is a very good possibility with the extreme scarcity that's been designed into the bazaars right now), they have to go get robbed (and I do mean robbed) on market in order to complete the set. It's actually pretty insulting, if you think about it.
Ideas for bazaar wares, and other event related things can be emailed to events@achaea.com.
(For the sake of some poor administrator's sanity please try and make suggestions in this vein fleshed out ideas, or lists of items rather than just "a satchel please")
But for real, even if I wasn't a reseller, three bazaars in a row that were the exact same without any defining factors would make them seem a bit less special. But that's just my opinion!
I think people buying things just to resell is really shitty (almost as shitty as me buying my armoured grizzly bear, and killing one of the other two in existence before it was collared...), and should somehow be more limited. I just can't think of any sort of good or fair way to do it that is better than the current system.
Eh, I think that most of the people who went nuts over the books, went nuts over them because of their inherent characteristics (people interested in lore, etc...), and/or because over the long haul, originals will be extremely rare no matter what.
To me, the bazaars already come along only once in a great while and always have interesting items. That is what should be great about them. The addition of extreme scarcity is completely unnecessary for me and just destroys the magic of the bazaar - and it does look like I'm not the only one who feels that way.
EDIT: an absolutely classic example of how even incredibly common things can become rare - how many Theran mares has anyone seen lately? Much less an uncollared one. I'm not even that avid a collector and I would kill for one, exactly because it was once so common that it was a part of daily Achaean life in a way that "rare" items never are.
I'm not going to lie. I bought without even looking, which is the only reason I got things. But I didn't buy any dupilcates, and ended up with a few items I'm really happy about and will become non-decay. My pony's collared and adorable. Everything else will probably be given away.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Ah well, such is luck!
I'll take that as a "genuine question". Honestly, yeah... but there is still so much resistance from some people to just the sort of QoL tweaks being discussed here - even when the tide seems to be finally turning (as with this thread, for example). I actually hope to see a day when the sort of people who say "oh, bazaars are just great the way they are, I mean, I got mine and I sold it for mad credits, stop whining" are in the minority and always in the defensive position for their general point of view and approach to other players - although I hope that example becomes somewhat irrelevant due to awesome changes that finally make bazaars something people can enjoy without getting into e-fistfights.
There's a few of us who've said we managed to get what we wanted, and often more without too much fuss. Didn't say the bazaar's were currently ideal though. They're kinda stressful for everyone.