This might be a really stupid question, but I'm gonna ask it anyway.
Can the server tell when someone's client crashes or they're disconnected? If so, can those deaths be comped when that data is detected? Having just died to Mudlet crashing twice in the span of 18 minutes, figured it's worth asking.
Ah, thought there might be the potential for that kind of abuse. No way to safeguard against fake crashes then?
It is just very frustrating if Mudlet crashes frequently for you, which it does for me.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
(edited because I am incompetent with tags)
If Mudlet keeps crashing, you can make it suck less for yourself in a number of ways:
1. Stop using Mudlet and use the IRE provided client
2. Find out why Mudlet keeps crashing and stop it doing so (there's plenty of people who are willing to help with this kind of thing, myself included)
3. Sharpen your pitchfork, light your torch, rally the townsfolk and march on the castle.
Really don't understand the unnecessary hostility here.