Love the scripts, thank you for the upload! Any consideration to making an rageGUI.abilityFade function to display when an affliction wears off? Depthswalker curse fade is, " ^.+ abruptly begins to move at normal speed again\.$" for example.
<[string "Script: Battlerage main"]:218: attempt to index global 'rage1' (a nil value)>
I get that all the time
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
@Keneanung is there anyway to turn off the way this script views help files? Currently it displays the whole help/scroll/post as one giant thing, removing the need to 'more'. Any way to revert that?
@Kriex I guess you ask this in the wrong thread (This is Klendathu's Battlerage tracker), but you are asking the correct person.
Currently, there is not. I have thought about a solution to this a bit ago and may have an idea. But I'd need to think about the viability some more and actually implement the change which is probably the greatest reason on why it's not in yet.
@Kriex I guess you ask this in the wrong thread (This is Klendathu's Battleragtracker), but you are asking the correct person.
Currently, there is not. I have thought about a solution to this a bit ago and may have an idea. But I'd need to think about the viability some more and actually implement the change which is probably the greatest reason on why it's not in yet.
Having another look at this and got it installed, but its coming up with this error:
[ERROR:] object:<event handler function> function:<dispatchEventToFunctions> <[string "Script: Battlerage main"]:218: attempt to index global 'rage1' (a nil value)>
- changed event handlers which were broken when Mudlet 3.8 fixed a background issue so class changes were not being correctly tracked - thanks @Keneanung and @Vadimuses
- added event to automatically build rage pane once rage GUI system loaded - thanks @Brenex for investigating
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
Currently, there is not. I have thought about a solution to this a bit ago and may have an idea. But I'd need to think about the viability some more and actually implement the change which is probably the greatest reason on why it's not in yet.
GMCP documentation:
svof github site: and documentation at
Showing as installed in Package Manager but nothing in Script Editor.
Have installed Anitimers (appears in Script Editor), tried to load rage tracker several times, restarted mudlet in between etc. but no go.
[ERROR:] object:<event handler function> function:<dispatchEventToFunctions>
<[string "Script: Battlerage main"]:218: attempt to index global 'rage1' (a nil value)>
- changed event handlers which were broken when Mudlet 3.8 fixed a background issue so class changes were not being correctly tracked - thanks @Keneanung and @Vadimuses