Seasonal WD (Got hella lucky, with ancient carnevil + dagger of darts / 6pc zunimassa (sadly DoD isn't ancient )) +Non-Seasonal everything else. ~230/~500 Para respectively, haven't even played a month yet, so still low
Ranslor's is the only thing not available to wizards non-season. It's useful, but not worth me restarting my character to try and get a month or two early.
yeah I know, was just pointing out. Has the potential to make or break a grift at higher levels, if you're running tal'rasha and not using firebirds still (which is still a really strong spec). Almost gotten 43/44/45 multiple times on my wizard, but 1 or 2 packs screw me over cause of the particular TR spec I'm playing. Relies on Ranslor's for stuff like winged assassins and anarchs, which I don't have
Oh well, WD has been fun now that I finally finished gearing it... Ancients would probably help my wiz a bunch, but my luck with rolls on ancient gear has been -horrible-
Firebirds can't even come close to comparing to Tal. I crit for 300m minimum, 6b maximum (solo) with every meteor. The Ranslors is nice for solo, but isn't a make or break item.
R1 wizard has been running Firebirds, so I'd argue differently... And I said it can (essentially) be the difference between completing a rift before the timer runs out, and not completing it, due to affix/mob pack RNG.
It's almost a necessity for higher grifts, because it prevents things from charge-1shotting you from off the screen (like Death Angels? I think that's what they're called). Also things like the already mentioned Winged Assassins / Death Maidens / Anarchs.
-I should note, it's Meteor Firebirds with enough TR pieces to also get the meteor proc, that the R1 wizard has been running. Not the same S2 firebirds.
edit: My bad, haven't checked the leaderboards in a bit, he dropped behind on ranks a bit. He still broke 55 (maybe 56?) with that build, though.
I'm 195 paragon on my seasonal monk. Currently running the monk god build T6 speed runs. T6 rifts take me about 2-4mins. I haven't really got the gear for greater rifts yet. Highest GR I've been able to do was with my Barbarian friend, and we got to 37 on seasonals.
It's all about changing your skills around and matching your passives with them. Set gear stacking benefits with gems, and your abilities. If anyone makes a seasonal character. I can power level you to 70 in about an hour and a half.
If there is someone that wants to t6 me a bit and maybe point me to some kind of easy-to-follow demon hunter build, I'd appreciate it. I play on PC US server.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
The best DH build I've found relies on having kriedershot. The second best (the one I use) requires the quiver that makes chakram generate hatred, and uses fire spec. find a starter demon hunter build. or a gearless demon hunter build. That will be your best bet until you start getting set pieces on your DH. Aslo, @Deladan not going to find much of anything on 360.
Click your class, and you can look through different top builds. You can also search builds for ones with specific weapons if you don't want to use the 'meta' builds.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Hi. New season starts on the 15th. PTR has 2k% mf going right now so you can test builds, except the keywardens drop rate is abysmal. I'm here running T10 and they're not dropping shit.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
+Non-Seasonal everything else. ~230/~500 Para respectively, haven't even played a month yet, so still low
Just solo'd GR49 last night, ranked 439 in wizards.
Oh well, WD has been fun now that I finally finished gearing it... Ancients would probably help my wiz a bunch, but my luck with rolls on ancient gear has been -horrible-
It's almost a necessity for higher grifts, because it prevents things from charge-1shotting you from off the screen (like Death Angels? I think that's what they're called). Also things like the already mentioned Winged Assassins / Death Maidens / Anarchs.
-I should note, it's Meteor Firebirds with enough TR pieces to also get the meteor proc, that the R1 wizard has been running. Not the same S2 firebirds.
edit: My bad, haven't checked the leaderboards in a bit, he dropped behind on ranks a bit. He still broke 55 (maybe 56?) with that build, though.
This is me playing D3.
Eta: not entirely true, non-season barbarian can kill things on torment 1.
Eta2: tbh, season demon hunter is level 67 or something like that, but I still have no idea what I'm aiming for
...n-new season, huh...
Check out:
Click your class, and you can look through different top builds. You can also search builds for ones with specific weapons if you don't want to use the 'meta' builds.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
My tag is archer#11499 if you want to add me.