I made a ZuniTooth (zunimassa (6), helltooth (2)) wd. Do not recommend. I have 31 ents, but while I could theoretically finish a GR50, they don't have the dps to finish it within the time limit.
Going to try for a barbie next.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
( smileyface#1588 if anyone feels like adding ) Still love my WD build I've gone with ever since Kanai's cube was brought out. Armour: Jeram's Jewlery: grandeur ring Weapon: Starmetal kukri
Zuni 5pc (6pc with rorg), carnevil, dagger of darts, focus/restraint and aughilds shoulder/wrist for damage reduction / elite damage.
Still been comfortably farming after coming back to game, trying to get well-rolled helltooth pieces for wall of death GR70+ build
Got a furnace again earlier to cube, when I can be f'd doing more bounties. Gee gee.
Might try out jade again next season when it gets buffed hugely, still got all my sick pieces from 2.2
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I don't see the point to HC, myself. But to each their own.
Hah that's funny because I feel the same way about SC.
Hardcore is about the risk and the adrenaline. I used to only play SC, but after my first HC death I deleted all my SC characters and haven't looked back.
Server lag / whatever random outside influence dc's you = you die, and lose char. Noty for me. I've never been a fan of HC in any game, to be honest. Always found it a waste of time because of those things. After getting 3-4 chars to max level/gear in D2 hardcore, and having them die from random blackout / router dcing (once was the cat knocking it off its stand we had it on at the time), I just felt meh towards it.
'SC' you get to experience progression as it happens, rather than progress a bit -> die -> startover -> get a little further next time, feels like so much wasted time. Also 'fully safe' builds (unity / parthan / etc) are boring to me, probably why I don't like DH / Barb, but eh. Some people like it, play what you like playing.
Just started up again a few days ago, starting to feel the struggle of this build when I have virtually no ancient gear aside from helm Also very low (compared to most now) paragon points makes it more difficult
Yep! I completely agree. Those parts suck. I've only had it happen once in 700 or so hours of HC'ing though, so it's not so bad. The other deaths I've had were from pushing ladder rankings.
The adrenaline bit is what makes it all worth it for me.
Hardcore is fun, but after losing ~4 characters to DC I gave it up. Not fun at all to lose all your work due to an internet hiccup.
I lost my s2 barb with all the trimmings, almost full ancient because of the server hiccups (where it would dc you 1-10 minutes upon starting a game). Had to start again with all my non ancient pieces and 10grift levels behind.
Fun if you die to being overzealous, and I can deal with my end problems, but Blizzard issues costing me is frustrating.
I changed my mind on the wd build, btw. I had a few skills not set to poison damage which was really hindering my dps. I'm running the ZuniTooth bit, but I've got dagger of darts, CoE ring, hellfire amulet with spirit vessel passive. For cube, I have Wilken's reach (remove cooldown from grasp of the dead), carnevil, short man's finger.
btag is Mosr#1590 on ptr atm
I have to admit though, I am pretty terrible at min/maxing and I don't really play to test how high I can grift, mostly just do whatever I feel like doing.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
Whoever thought winged assassins were a good idea, needs to be shot in the face. Mobs that can jump for an entire screen away, whose animation is unpredictable and unpreventable via knockbacks/stuns/etc. Not to mention they always come in packs of 2-3+, and at higher grifts can pop your second life in 1 hit... Yeah go fuck yourself >_>
Whoever thought winged assassins were a good idea, needs to be shot in the face. Mobs that can jump for an entire screen away, whose animation is unpredictable and unpreventable via knockbacks/stuns/etc. Not to mention they always come in packs of 2-3+, and at higher grifts can pop your second life in 1 hit... Yeah go fuck yourself >_>
I only get to have 1 as carnevil WD! That being spirit walk, doesn't help when there's 3-4 of them which jump right back at me after it ends, if I haven't managed to kill them by the time it's over (most of the time I don't get to in such short time, at GR55+)
At least with lacuni and anarchs there's a small delay before they hit you, and won't jump from a thousand miles away, so I can avoid them if I'm paying attention. Also screw vile phantoms and all incarnations of those things with channeled attacks, that you can only avoid by running nearly a full screen away from them (only to have them speedily move over to you and start channeling again) - not quite as bad as assassins, but if you get an elite back of anything mentioned, you might as well just start the grift over if you're carnevil.. I like the spec, but damn is it frustrating sometimes...
Rant over, for now. Can't wait for 2.4, lots of fun things for WD.
Cbf'd farming that shit, it only gives minor boosts for all builds except like... 1 for WD. Is it good, sure. Is it great, eh. If you can stand farming enough to get a perfectly rolled one, sure.
Poison damage is definitely the way to go. It also buffs your own poison darts which hid ridiculously hard as is with focus/restraint. Those 5 shooting poison darts, are doing more damage than the rest are.
I'll be up for it. Barb or monk likely. Have t played since clearing inferno was a thing but changes look good. Running a barb through HC at the moment for the lols. So I will have an idea whats up.
You know what's dumb? 2000%mf and I still haven't run across rorg. Rings rings rings like crazy, no rorg. Also dumb is that I still don't really know what I want to roll for the start of the new season.
What are your tags? I get bored of playing alone. I have Comitis, Cynlael, and Kendrick (if he ever gets off hearthstone).
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
You know you have to do act 1 bounties for rorg, right? It's nearly a guaranteed chance these days, with 100% chance of legendary in bounty cache, there's only 2 or 3 other legendaries that can drop from act1. >.>
Know that feeling, when I was trying to get pride's fall on my DH. Before they buffed the rates, think I ran at least 20-30 rounds of those bounties before I got one... And it was shitty rolled (pre-cube days), so I said fuck it
Going to try for a barbie next.
Still love my WD build I've gone with ever since Kanai's cube was brought out.
Armour: Jeram's
Jewlery: grandeur ring
Weapon: Starmetal kukri
Zuni 5pc (6pc with rorg), carnevil, dagger of darts, focus/restraint and aughilds shoulder/wrist for damage reduction / elite damage.
Still been comfortably farming after coming back to game, trying to get well-rolled helltooth pieces for wall of death GR70+ build
Got a furnace again earlier to cube, when I can be f'd doing more bounties. Gee gee.
Might try out jade again next season when it gets buffed hugely, still got all my sick pieces from 2.2
Hardcore is about the risk and the adrenaline. I used to only play SC, but after my first HC death I deleted all my SC characters and haven't looked back.
'SC' you get to experience progression as it happens, rather than progress a bit -> die -> startover -> get a little further next time, feels like so much wasted time. Also 'fully safe' builds (unity / parthan / etc) are boring to me, probably why I don't like DH / Barb, but eh. Some people like it, play what you like playing.
Just started up again a few days ago, starting to feel the struggle of this build when I have virtually no ancient gear aside from helm
Trudging, trudging.
The adrenaline bit is what makes it all worth it for me.
Now back to bounty farming so I can cube starmetal
Fun if you die to being overzealous, and I can deal with my end problems, but Blizzard issues costing me is frustrating.
I'm running the ZuniTooth bit, but I've got dagger of darts, CoE ring, hellfire amulet with spirit vessel passive. For cube, I have Wilken's reach (remove cooldown from grasp of the dead), carnevil, short man's finger.
btag is Mosr#1590 on ptr atm
I have to admit though, I am pretty terrible at min/maxing and I don't really play to test how high I can grift, mostly just do whatever I feel like doing.
Mobs that can jump for an entire screen away, whose animation is unpredictable and unpreventable via knockbacks/stuns/etc. Not to mention they always come in packs of 2-3+, and at higher grifts can pop your second life in 1 hit... Yeah go fuck yourself >_>
That is all.
At least with lacuni and anarchs there's a small delay before they hit you, and won't jump from a thousand miles away, so I can avoid them if I'm paying attention. Also screw vile phantoms and all incarnations of those things with channeled attacks, that you can only avoid by running nearly a full screen away from them (only to have them speedily move over to you and start channeling again) - not quite as bad as assassins, but if you get an elite back of anything mentioned, you might as well just start the grift over if you're carnevil.. I like the spec, but damn is it frustrating sometimes...
What are your tags? I get bored of playing alone. I have Comitis, Cynlael, and Kendrick (if he ever gets off hearthstone).