Hi! I've been looking into these classes and was interested in learning about some of their differences in RP (like, what could be end-game goals for a character), how they compare in bashing (e.g., apostate tankiness better than alchemist, or magi kill speed better than alchemist etc.) and how they generally approach combat. Any suggestions on trait/stat choices and artifacts are welcome, too! (for bashing mostly but helping combat too)
Low int will be more of a problem for magi. They use a lot more mana than alchemists/apostates, and stoneskin/diamondskin also scale somewhat with int. So I wouldn't recommend full con spec for magi, but you can do fine with int-spec horkval (which gives 14 int).
More specifically (only counting defensive things), I'd do SoA, trans avoidance, L1 sip ring, L1 bracelet+belt (the order depends on whether you care more about mana or endurance, if you only care about health the order doesn't matter much at level 1), L2 sip ring, L2 bracelet, L2 belt, L1 regen ring, L3 bracelet, L2 regen ring, L3 sip ring, L3 belt. That's somewhat based on my preferences, it's not absolutely the best order (though it's definitely best to spread them out and get level 1-2 of multiple artefacts than to get just one level 3). I would also get some offensive artefacts before maxing out defence.
And on that topic, I played around with an Apostate alt many years, when Decay didnt scale with Necromancy, and it was still nice. I liked the RP of the class a lot though, because you can do some very evil stuff if you like that. Played an Alchemist very briefly when they came out (but I decided on making this my main one a BM instead - bashing was waaaaaaaaay better), and I liked how versatile their RP could be! That would also be the case with Magi, but I always liked the lore surrounding Alchemy in our world, and that could help with RP directions, perhaps?
Also, I had a question to ask, too, about Alchemist, now that it popped into my mind. How does the whole Anchor thing affect the class in its aspects? I think you could get several unique bonuses through that?