I've heard differing things from different people regarding the rapier for a bard for PvP. Some people say soulpiercer is the way to go for to hit and loldmg, others say the speed is too low. Before I go and splurge 1600 cr on an artefact rapier to find it's bobbins, here's a handy poll. I don't care if you're an active combatant, ever been a bard, or whatever, just trying to canvas opinion from a broad spectrum of forum users
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
Whether soulpiercer is better or not, it's convenient. It won't decay, it won't get stolen.
Getting a forged rapier that will outdo a soulpiercer is difficult. You can always get the soulpiercer runed before every fight if you have the relevant friends to make it as good as a forged rapier in terms of afflicting potential, but you could do that with a forged rapier too to just be over the top.
Soulpiercers are above the boundary that you need to do well as a combatant, but forged rapiers can potentially make combat easier if you get the right ones.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
You can't get weapons runed anymore (unless you're a runewarden and they're runeblades), can you?
Also, one thing to keep in mind is that in the long run (several RL years), top-end forged rapiers aren't necessarily much cheaper than soulpiercers. Some can go for 100+ credits, for a weapon that will decay.
Mishgul said:
No, unless you're a Runewarden, weapon runes don't take effect until the blade is Empowered.
A forged rapier with incredible stats will be far easier to come by. For 200 credits, you can score yourself a NEW rapier akin to an 70/154/243 or similar. For as low as 10 credits (I've bought one), you can buy the same rapier as mentioned before, but with around 30 months remaining or so if you find it. Store it in a bag of stasis or shop, and it's good for 2 months to almost forever, if you mind it.
In my eyes, a Soul piercer is not worth 1600 credits. Let's examine:
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
Assuming songblessed rapiers don't have a different damage formula (they might): The damage stat (and thus the damage per hit) will usually be lower on a forged rapier, but the total damage output can be pretty similar* because of the higher speed. Then afflictions (and accentato for bards) tip the balance in favour of fast rapiers for dealing damage.
*To match soulpiercer DPS against a player with 6k health (the higher the health, the more of an advantage the speed stat has over the damage stat), a 70 damage rapier needs 247 speed. 239 speed will get it to about 95% of soulpiercer DPS. So it's nearly impossible to actually match the raw damage of soulpiercers, but you can get pretty close, and that's before considering afflictions and such.
>230 speed rapiers are "essential" for affliction combat for knights, almost entirely for the purpose of exceeding the DSL/herb balance "barrier", typically at the expensive of dramatic drops in accuracy, if not both accuracy and damage. This isn't the case for bard (because they're much faster, and also have access to stun), so that leap from 5cr to 100cr for 3 extra speed stat makes no sense.
While really high SP damage isn't essential to bard combat, it does open up a few decent strategies, and also helps keep bard viable in group (albeit still limited to melee) combat. The bashing DPS is also worth considering as a non-dragon, which will be greatly improved by a SP. I can also promise you that when you find yourself fighting that damn 19 dex serpent with trans avoidance, speed, weaving, and mounted, you'll appreciate the crazy to-hit. (it's also nice for DKs)
The downsides of the SPs are no joke though - the big ones being that they (like most offensive arties) do limit your future class changes (without trading in), and also, which I'm surprised nobody mentioned, the upcoming changes to knights (and their weapons?) may impact rapier stats (both artie and forged). I'd be a little nervous about buying raps of either kind right now.
Personally though, I'd just buy a nice, fast (230ish), forged rapier with as much to-hit as you can get, unless you're just rolling in credits to burn. IMO 1600 credits would be much better spent on other things as a bard, like an artie mount, RoF, Lupine, tuning fork, and tanking arties (although bards are already relatively famous for being very hard to kill).
(Also you're still muted.)
I remember you Klendathu. Big ass ashuran dragon monk. Get soul piercer.
Sena said:
if that what indicate there will be update to that artefact, then i hope so because it would make it my worth to purchase those updated artefact rapiers.... however, right now, Forged high-end rapiers are only thing that worth my time in most of situation.
You want a high speed rapier with decent tohit, somewhere above 50/146/235, if possible. You usually have to choose one stat on a rapier to settle for crap with, and I'd recommend letting that stat be damage; accentato scales with int and enough speed lets you hit with accentato absurdly fast (~1.5ish for ~1000ish damage) with just prefarar/accentato and cantata rebounding/shield. I used a 247 runed up to 257, which isn't possible anymore, but you might be able to find a 243 or so if you offer enough credits. I sold my 247 at 200 credits.
@Aelios : I think a 70/154/243 rapier is probably worth much more than 200 credits these days due to scarcity(300-400 credits, maybe). I still can't find any viable rapiers so I'm stuck with two 104/164/225s for bashing and a 88/168/249 in a stockroom, hrrngh.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
@Exelethril - That's, unfortunately, due to the commodity prices more than anything. People just can't afford to make the thousands of rapiers they did before. Stuff isn't cheap!
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
And the fact that rapiers take fucking forever to make a decent one.
I've had the forging script running for IRL days before seeing anything above 227.
You don't even really make a profit considering the sheer quantity of ingots you have to buy, anyway. I would have zero problem making a Smith alt and just forging for 6 months in order to sell for credits and trans his skills and buy some artifacts, but the bottom line is that if I just spent the credits I'd be cashing in for gold in order to buy the comms I'd be better off in the first place.
People just don't value Smiths enough and just think "400 credits for a rapier? WTF dude you're over charging."
Viva la Bluef.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Well, as harsh as it may sound, forging isn't "working", as no creative power or even attention is required. So (having played trans knight five times), I honestly don't see the (lack of) profit as a problem. Since ratting requires actually looking at your screen occasionally, even that should be (and probably is) more profitable.
On another note, most classes don't have attacks than can be directly improved by taking a trip to the ol' weapon shop. So as much as "top 0.0001%" forged weapons go, there really is no room to complain. The class is balanced around "decent" weapons. Anything above and beyond and you're effectively buying artefacts... without buying artefacts.
Since most artefacts can't be forged, yet forged knight weapons can easily be comparable or even "better" than level 3 weapons (one out of every 10 forged flails, for example), I think the pure fact that you even have the option to make your basic attack faster, or do more damage, simply by paying gold, should be something every knight is highly appreciative of.
I know it's an age-old debate, but frankly I think people just expect too much out of non-artefact stuff. I don't expect a forged dirk to out-perform a Thoth's fang, so I don't see why rapiers would be different. Can't wait to see the changes to forging, personally.
Out of curiosity, does anyone ever try augmenting weapons or armor? Does anyone know the success rates, or how it determines which stat is raised?
According to Clementius in 2007, there's about a 50% chance of an item surviving 7 augments, and a bit less than a 1/50,000,000,000,000 chance to reach 30. Aliath was testing augment on darkbows for a while too, which you can see here.
I don't know how it chooses which stat is increased. I would guess each option is equally likely.
lol just saying here. I spent a day forging rapiers, came out with something like 4 229s, 1 230, and a 235. And by day, I mean I stockpiled steel and just forged for near 24 hours.
The Soulpiercer's damage coupled with Accentato is not to be understated. Straight damage strategies will have trouble with artefacted opponents, but speaking for my largely unartefacted self, I have a hard time handling ArtiBard damage even as a Runewarden with 4500+ health, Algiz, and fullplate. You'd probably make 80% of the game weep tears of impotent rage, and grinding would be a breeze.
However, If you really want to unlock the full potential of the class in combat, I think you'd need a forged rapier. A basic, basic Bard lock setup requires 2 jabs inside of 4 seconds (restoration salve balance) to complete, which is only possible with a 1.9 jab speed or faster. A Soulpiercer's 228 speed isn't exactly slow, but I'd expect it to come out right at 2.0-2.1 with Nimble, which is just slow enough to make it not the greatest choice.
Given that, I'd cast my official vote for a forged weapon as the ideal choice, but at the end of the day, I think you'd just have to ask how into 1v1 combat you are. If you only have a passing interest in it, and mostly you take part in group fights or hunting, I think a Soulpiercer would probably be great for you. If single combat is really what you're into, though, you'll probably get bored with 'Piercer damage strats, and will want to find a faster forged weapon.
Edit: I always forget you guys have Canticle. If Canticle can reduce a Soulpiercer's balance time below 2 seconds, Soulpiercer would become fast enough for all the Bard tactics that I know of, plus its insane damage. Really hard to say in that scenario, so it'd be something you'd have to test thoroughly before making a decision.
Sorry, know the thread is about Bards but I had to reply to this and give some air to the situation.
@Aerek brings up a good point about Canticle - one I hadn't considered. Worth a look at least!
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
You raise some useful and interesting points about forging, go right ahead!
[ On subject ]
Now that I have a fully artied bard (again) I can say that, without a doubt, forged rapier is WAY better than a soulpiercer. These numbers are with Nimble and canticle:
Thoth's fang jab: ~1.3 seconds
SP (228 speed) jab: 2.1 seconds
forged (243 speed): 1.75 seconds
Anyone who's ever played an affliction class knows that the difference between 2.1 and 1.75 is pretty damn massive. And the accuracy drop from the forged rapier is actually pretty minimal, thanks to songblessing. Non-existent in some cases. The only real difference is the damage, which for bard, is honestly pretty ignorable, since we have absolutely no hindrance, allowing people to simple leave the room if they get low on health, and ultimately screws over otherwise well set-up lock attempts. As of now, I'm only using my SP for the relatively infrequent 4+ mental aff accentato (which even with SP and 20 str, is still actually somewhat weak), and lunges (requires songblessing for bard, and). Note: forged damage rapiers are better than SP for lunge, too, technically.
Several thoughts come to mind having timed these results:
1) Why the hell is SP so damn slow? A $500 rapier should not suck this hard.
2) Why does bard have no hindrance, at all?
3) Why is a single jab dramatically slower than DSL?
4) Why aren't there "speed" rapiers, akin to lashes, available?
I remember when testing with Tesha awhile back that Bards don't lose any damage when targeting limbs, is that still the case?
3. It's not. Soulpiercer doubleslash is 2.2 seconds, doubleslash with 243 speed rapiers should be about 1.8 seconds; jab is exactly the same speed. You're getting slightly faster results with canticle - how much does that boost balance recovery speed by?
4. Because the whole point of rapiers is that they're fast. There's no real need to provide two options, the single option that's available should just be a lot faster than it is currently.
Also, lunge: Last I tested, Chivalry lunge was weapon stat independent. It's possible Swashbuckling lunge is different or something has changed, but I'd be surprised if that was the case.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Strangely enough all of the above can be used at the exact same time (literally all 5 of these can fit without 1 second)
are you retarded or just not creative?
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.