@Morthif Yeah, around 4 not sure as to the exact number as this was months ago now. I know it was around 4 though. @Tharvis I had to play hell finding anywhere to drop him too.. The city was surprisngly empty
Well, I almost became Senator. Lost it by one vote. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUokay, I'm fine. Played Heroes of Might and Magic 3 for a bit. Because it's even more frustrating than Achaea at this point. (I'm not a masochist, I swear!) I get back after understanding that it could always be worse - I could have thousands of undead stomping my ass in. @Sanaki reminds me that I promised a book on Serpent combat to Cyrene's library. Well, now I know what I'll be doing for the next few days. I started on this thing when Bron was Otoji of the Mind and it just...Never happened. OMG, this was before Darkshade. Before Hypochondria was good. Before envenomed whips. Before Dexterity was even a thing. So I start to scribble, edit things at CC. Talk to a few people. I've never been good at the whole "nice try!" thing, but seriously, you guys are awesome. @Tharvis passes by in Dragonform. He's an Elder Dragon. ..Why not? My schedule's open. So I start hunting for Dragon talisman pieces. I really haven't put any prior thought into this. Oh, hey. I never hunted Prin before. Let's hunt Prin. Spend an hour trying to find Prin. Get there. Realize that Bron's tendency to not kill sentient denizens who aren't evil may be a problem. Hunt the shrouds and spectres. No Dragon pieces. Meander through the temple. Urandesea says that I should totally see the Oracle. Urandesea, Guardian of the Oracle says, "If you seek the Oracle, you may pay me to see her." I toss 100 gold at him. Urandesea, Guardian of the Oracle says, "That isn't nearly enough! Judging by your strength it's going to cost you at least 14342 sovereigns." I toss the gold at him and enter. You say in a dark, forceful voice, "I beseech thee, Oracle." The Oracle begins to tremble out of control. Suddenly, a terrible voice echoes throughout the entire chamber. The voice is impossible to understand, yet the Oracle responds to it as if it were in her native tongue. When the voice subsides, the Oracle straightens herself out, and prepares to speak. The holy Oracle says, "Your city will burn, and from its ashes nothing will arise. Cyrene will be spared, and the owls of power will destroy the dragon of darkness." I'm OK with this. I think. I feel like an owl of power. And even if I'm not, I've 14 of them. The Oracle begs me to beat the daemon Yuthka's ass with a flip flop. Why not? I'm already over 14k in the hole. It'll be the most expensive boss fight I've ever paid for. :frown: Go down beneath the temple. Gotta call her out three times. You say in a dark, forceful voice, "Yuthka!" YEAH, IT'S THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH! You say in a dark, forceful voice, "Yuthka!" Aw, yeah, I'm gonna pimp-smack that daemon. You say in a dark, forceful voice, "Yuthka!" A voice of absolute evil echoes within your mind stating, "You have awoken me mortal, I assure you this shall be your last act." Aw, yeah. Gonna break her in half. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Turning quickly, Yuthka, the daemonic serpent shakes herself off and lets fly the acidic mucous that seeps from her body. The mucous attaches to your skin and causes it to bubble and boil. You have been slain by Yuthka, the daemonic serpent. DEAR GOD WHY
So, that was humbling. The ship trades SUCK this month. :frown: Oh, hi, Blufest. @Kandra asks, wasn't I supposed to do stuff for Blufest? Yeah. I was under the impression that it was for Saturday. Nope. It was for 20 minutes ago. Apparently, @Kenway had a conversation with me that I don't remember having. Doppelganger confirmed. @Kenway told @Kandra that he's going to kill me. She laughed. He said he wasn't kidding. There was a concert for Blufest. If Cyrene's non-coms put half of that effort into combat, Cyrene could forcibly have everyone in a city of its choice dead or wearing a dress within the year. (Just playing, non-coms, you know I love you. ) @Lorielan and @Valnurana were there. @Valnurana ponders as to why no one was falling over themselves to impress the Divine. You smile impishly and say to Valnurana in a dark, forceful voice, "..But Lady Patron, there's only one chance to Empress in this room. And She stands beside you." Spaghetti overflows from my pockets. @Verrucht hits me with a newspaper. I'm still more better looking than you.
So, @Assai has a cooking contest for Blufest. We can only use specific entries in elimination rounds for appetizer, entree, and dessert. Spoiler: Bronislav isn't a chef. Won the Appetizer with a Paradise Quiche. Stuff like this is why I'm a mid-tier combatant at best. :frown: @Cresil interrupts the making of a cooked, disemboweled peahen. I Dragonform, say "Follow me.", and touch prism. GTFO, @Cresil. He earrings away because the two who followed me in time weren't quite as quick on the draw. (But they're awesome for following, anyways. ) @Cresil phases in for more shenanigans. I'm driver of the whoop-ass train. WHOO-WHOO! He gets away because the Serpents were unaware that pinshot is just dandy against people who say "Duanathar". THE MORE YOU KNOW. Anyways, I lost the entree section - barely. Apparently, @Cresil really wants a specific scabbard that a Cyrenian has. This scabbard can be FOUND IN THE DELOS MARKET. Getting real tired of your shit, @Cresil. ..Geez, I really need to hammer out my combat.
Today Seragorn took Atalkez, Skarash, and I through LHG. Then he took Atalkez and I through Underworld and the Fissure. We had a blast and made good amount of experience. Thanks for taking us, Seragorn!
Then Atalkez gave me the most lovely flower as a gift (posted it in the Favorite Achaean possession thred). I so love it, the best gift ever!
I've been so buried in writing pages upon pages about what limb damage and afflictions and defences and sigils and so on do, and standing around eating mountains of minerals while people test their ideas on me, that I forgot this could be fun.
Finally requisitioned an onager for my personal ship after like a real life year or so of procrastination. All this sailing and pirating without an onager will now change. Muhahaha!
Next goal on the list: family estate expansion.
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
Finally requisitioned an onager for my personal ship after like a real life year or so of procrastination. All this sailing and pirating without an onager will now change. Muhahaha!
Next goal on the list: family estate expansion.
Absolutely not. My stone and wood. MINE. Seriously though good lord I need like 10x the material I have saved to make the base outline of my planned estate. That is not including housing upgrades, servants, or -doors-.
Sorry, can't hear you. Too busy bankrupting the trade ministries in Eleusis, Hashan and Cyrene.
Still making a profit!
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Today I appointed the CIJ's new HoNs. Yes, HoNs as in plural, the CIJ has two HoNs so one can pick up the slack if the other goes on vacation or whatever. Its a good system, except both of our last HoNs went dormant at the same time.
So in the middle of discussing application letters with my trusted adviser over HTS, I accidentally mis'd a nitpick I had with one of the applicant letters, while the person was online
- 2015/06/05 06:41:41 - Aktillum says, "For example, <person> letter stated she wants to spend time editing HHELP files, but her letter is hideously formatted with huge, run-on paragraphs and no spacing between them. Its literally a 40 foot wall of text."
I facepalmed pretty hard, and told them privately that was just a very tiny nitpick I had, and we had been saying good things about the applicant in particular up until that point.
And we decided to go with the person anyways, so no harm no foul amirite?
Today I learned a lot. I learned how to get robbed by stealthy folk, and (hopefully) how to avoid it. I learned how to use the mindseye tattoo and some advanced curing. And I learned the scorpion stance.
Fetch water, Carry the Moon
-Cogitations and Ponderations of Disciple Vanceroth, Student of the Trine
I caught myself having Makaela speak in the Third Person. Never had this occur before that first time a week ago. Does this ever happen to anyone else?
You say with a musical southern accent, "I feel like lemonade rum ice bombs need to be a thing."
You have emoted: Aereidhna tips a ball of rum-flavoured shaved ice out of its paper cone and into a glass of fizzy lemonade. She quickly sips it down before the lemonade overflows.
I also played feared ratting for the first time, and am about to play UnCyrenian Families for the first time, but this is definitely the accomplishment I'm most proud of today.
Hunted up 10%. Not bad. Fished for half an hour, without getting a single bite. Quite bad. Submitted 24 bugs (about four of which were extremely snarky). Narrowly avoided getting zapped by Tecton for said bugs. Got my hopes up about Lorielan's mazes reopening. Nearly jumped off the Duckie Wheel when I realized they hadn't. Heard some of the stupidest logic I've heard since starting this game from a citymate Went some places I shouldn't have :awesome: Wrote an extremely depressing poem (it was supposed to be upbeat, it just happened! I swear!) Performing a much less depressing (though not really) poem for the CIJ tour in a few days, so that too.
Changed classes few times, finally went with blademaster to see if that works out for me.
"Pain or damage don't end the world, or despair or beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then you've got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back."
@Tharvis I had to play hell finding anywhere to drop him too.. The city was surprisngly empty
Played Heroes of Might and Magic 3 for a bit.
Because it's even more frustrating than Achaea at this point.
(I'm not a masochist, I swear!)
I get back after understanding that it could always be worse - I could have thousands of undead stomping my ass in.
@Sanaki reminds me that I promised a book on Serpent combat to Cyrene's library.
Well, now I know what I'll be doing for the next few days.
I started on this thing when Bron was Otoji of the Mind and it just...Never happened.
OMG, this was before Darkshade. Before Hypochondria was good. Before envenomed whips.
Before Dexterity was even a thing.
So I start to scribble, edit things at CC. Talk to a few people.
I've never been good at the whole "nice try!" thing, but seriously, you guys are awesome.
@Tharvis passes by in Dragonform. He's an Elder Dragon.
..Why not? My schedule's open.
So I start hunting for Dragon talisman pieces.
I really haven't put any prior thought into this.
Oh, hey. I never hunted Prin before. Let's hunt Prin.
Spend an hour trying to find Prin.
Get there. Realize that Bron's tendency to not kill sentient denizens who aren't evil may be a problem.
Hunt the shrouds and spectres. No Dragon pieces.
Meander through the temple. Urandesea says that I should totally see the Oracle.
Urandesea, Guardian of the Oracle says, "If you seek the Oracle, you may pay me to see her."
I toss 100 gold at him.
Urandesea, Guardian of the Oracle says, "That isn't nearly enough! Judging by your strength it's going to cost you at least 14342 sovereigns."
I toss the gold at him and enter.
You say in a dark, forceful voice, "I beseech thee, Oracle."
The Oracle begins to tremble out of control. Suddenly, a terrible voice echoes throughout the entire chamber. The voice is impossible to understand, yet the Oracle responds to it as if it were in her native tongue. When the voice subsides, the Oracle straightens herself out, and prepares to speak.
The holy Oracle says, "Your city will burn, and from its ashes nothing will arise. Cyrene will be spared, and the owls of power will destroy the dragon of darkness."
I'm OK with this. I think. I feel like an owl of power. And even if I'm not, I've 14 of them.
The Oracle begs me to beat the daemon Yuthka's ass with a flip flop.
Why not? I'm already over 14k in the hole. It'll be the most expensive boss fight I've ever paid for. :frown:
Go down beneath the temple. Gotta call her out three times.
You say in a dark, forceful voice, "Yuthka!"
You say in a dark, forceful voice, "Yuthka!"
Aw, yeah, I'm gonna pimp-smack that daemon.
You say in a dark, forceful voice, "Yuthka!"
A voice of absolute evil echoes within your mind stating, "You have awoken me mortal, I assure you this shall be your last act."
Aw, yeah. Gonna break her in half.
Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Yuthka, the daemonic serpent races toward you with unbelievable speed. She encircles your body, coiling around you until your bones begin to shatter from the pressure. Suddenly she releases you, though your body cannot tell the difference. Turning quickly, Yuthka, the daemonic serpent shakes herself off and lets fly the acidic mucous that seeps from her body. The mucous attaches to your skin and causes it to bubble and boil.
You have been slain by Yuthka, the daemonic serpent.
So, that was humbling.
The ship trades SUCK this month. :frown:
Oh, hi, Blufest.
@Kandra asks, wasn't I supposed to do stuff for Blufest?
Yeah. I was under the impression that it was for Saturday.
Nope. It was for 20 minutes ago.
Apparently, @Kenway had a conversation with me that I don't remember having.
Doppelganger confirmed.
@Kenway told @Kandra that he's going to kill me.
She laughed. He said he wasn't kidding.
There was a concert for Blufest.
If Cyrene's non-coms put half of that effort into combat, Cyrene could forcibly have everyone in a city of its choice dead or wearing a dress within the year.
(Just playing, non-coms, you know I love you.
@Lorielan and @Valnurana were there.
@Valnurana ponders as to why no one was falling over themselves to impress the Divine.
You smile impishly and say to Valnurana in a dark, forceful voice, "..But Lady Patron, there's only one chance to Empress in this room. And She stands beside you."
Spaghetti overflows from my pockets.
@Verrucht hits me with a newspaper.
I'm still more better looking than you.
So, @Assai has a cooking contest for Blufest.
We can only use specific entries in elimination rounds for appetizer, entree, and dessert.
Spoiler: Bronislav isn't a chef.
Won the Appetizer with a Paradise Quiche.
Stuff like this is why I'm a mid-tier combatant at best. :frown:
@Cresil interrupts the making of a cooked, disemboweled peahen.
I Dragonform, say "Follow me.", and touch prism.
GTFO, @Cresil.
He earrings away because the two who followed me in time weren't quite as quick on the draw.
(But they're awesome for following, anyways.
@Cresil phases in for more shenanigans.
I'm driver of the whoop-ass train. WHOO-WHOO!
He gets away because the Serpents were unaware that pinshot is just dandy against people who say "Duanathar".
Anyways, I lost the entree section - barely.
Apparently, @Cresil really wants a specific scabbard that a Cyrenian has.
This scabbard can be FOUND IN THE DELOS MARKET.
Getting real tired of your shit, @Cresil.
..Geez, I really need to hammer out my combat.
Then Atalkez gave me the most lovely flower as a gift (posted it in the Favorite Achaean possession thred). I so love it, the best gift ever!
I've been so buried in writing pages upon pages about what limb damage and afflictions and defences and sigils and so on do, and standing around eating mountains of minerals while people test their ideas on me, that I forgot this could be fun.
Next goal on the list: family estate expansion.
srsly dat wood, needed for so many things.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
So in the middle of discussing application letters with my trusted adviser over HTS, I accidentally mis'd a nitpick I had with one of the applicant letters, while the person was online
- 2015/06/05 06:41:41 - Aktillum says, "For example, <person> letter stated she wants to spend time editing HHELP files, but her letter is hideously formatted with huge, run-on paragraphs and no spacing between them. Its literally a 40 foot wall of text."
I facepalmed pretty hard, and told them privately that was just a very tiny nitpick I had, and we had been saying good things about the applicant in particular up until that point.
And we decided to go with the person anyways, so no harm no foul amirite?
Now i have made like 9 in a day. You all live in the wrong timezone to buy wood obv.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
(get it)
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Carry the Moon
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
I caught myself having Makaela speak in the Third Person. Never had this occur before that first time a week ago. Does this ever happen to anyone else?
I also played feared ratting for the first time, and am about to play UnCyrenian Families for the first time, but this is definitely the accomplishment I'm most proud of today.
say She is glad to hear that.
sent it then facepalmed.
@Aereidhna If you ever played Mafia you will understand UCF Have fun
Fished for half an hour, without getting a single bite. Quite bad.
Submitted 24 bugs (about four of which were extremely snarky).
Narrowly avoided getting zapped by Tecton for said bugs.
Got my hopes up about Lorielan's mazes reopening.
Nearly jumped off the Duckie Wheel when I realized they hadn't.
Heard some of the stupidest logic I've heard since starting this game from a citymate
Went some places I shouldn't have :awesome:
Wrote an extremely depressing poem (it was supposed to be upbeat, it just happened! I swear!)
Performing a much less depressing (though not really) poem for the CIJ tour in a few days, so that too.
XP Rank: 96 Explorer Rank: 96
PS: Open up Nish again at some point because I never got to go there to explore.
Just go break into people's houses, now that they count towards it.