Your idea #762 was deleted. The text was: I think it should be easier to do ALLY PARTY if you are in the party, so I can ally all of the people whom are in the party.. The reason given was: be live soon
Tecton, the Terraformer has bestowed His divine favour upon you. It will last for approximately 1 Achaean month.
Not certain what you're referring to, and I hope it wasn't because of me that you felt humiliated!
No, it wasn't you. I felt bad about messing up in the raid, but I always bounce back and fix things and try, try again. It's what happened after that I am failing to bounce back from. But, rest assured, I am going to try!
Thank you everyone for the pick-me-up. I really needed it.
Not certain what you're referring to, and I hope it wasn't because of me that you felt humiliated!
No, it wasn't you. I felt bad about messing up in the raid, but I always bounce back and fix things and try, try again. It's what happened after that I am failing to bounce back from. But, rest assured, I am going to try!
Thank you everyone for the pick-me-up. I really needed it.
You offer to commission a ship from Captain Maelstrom. Captain Maelstrom says, "Excellent, excellent. Your ship shall be ready in 25 days time, at the harbour. Come back then."
The amount of likes this got broke my heart. Here i was thinking only @Morthif felt this way, but NOO, freaking Dawnlord doesn't even love me. Not a single CF, divine favor, divine interaction(my list of divine interactions still only includes Pandora, people(unless we are counting Jhui)), or high five. After reviewing city credit prices for myself, I now realize the inevitable: time to go back to Ashtan, claiming I was drunk, and sell all your secrets. All I wanted was a high five, dammit!
In all seriousness, Targossas has been rather receptive of @Jadys and I. Ignoring the occasional hiccups, I think I speak for both of us when I say thank you for the reception we have received. We both have big plans together and with our new chosen faction. To all you haters out there, you can kiss my staff.
You offer to commission a ship from Captain Maelstrom. Captain Maelstrom says, "Excellent, excellent. Your ship shall be ready in 25 days time, at the harbour. Come back then."
I've almost never had the inspiration or motivation to use the ship arena, but that recently changed. I had genuine fun teaching @Kitiara some practical sailing skills in the ship arena!
It was a lot of fun and very helpful! Thank you!!
"Kit always gets blood everywhere." Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron." Medi says, "Rule of thumb."
noticed Bella killing people, tried to lure her somewhere safe, died. hear someone lured Bella into eleusis (lots of deathsights!), Iakimen lures her next to hashan(no deathsights!). Lure her to dardanic, put her in a dead end somewhere, she eventually returns to her bedroom. @Kandra made a group, we go to kill Bella, and Kandra killsteals me
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
hear someone lured Bella into eleusis (lots of deathsights!)
Iakimen said she wouldn't fly. Then she flew.
And to the person who thought it would be funny to leave her at Eleusis (they know who they are), it was not. Thankfully, I was the one who ran across her first instead of our newbies/novices.
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
hear someone lured Bella into eleusis (lots of deathsights!)
Iakimen said she wouldn't fly. Then she flew.
And to the person who thought it would be funny to leave her at Eleusis (they know who they are), it was not. Thankfully, I was the one who ran across her first instead of our newbies/novices.
you can hire on whoever led her there, they're directly responsible for any harm a chasing mob causes if they lead them into territories (as per Meletus a few months ago when I asked him how bad it'd be if I dropped Taug somewhere)
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
hear someone lured Bella into eleusis (lots of deathsights!)
Iakimen said she wouldn't fly. Then she flew.
And to the person who thought it would be funny to leave her at Eleusis (they know who they are), it was not. Thankfully, I was the one who ran across her first instead of our newbies/novices.
Remind me to call Iakimen a noob in-game. Bella has flown for a loong time. She can also swing into trees.
Well, she is a vampire and all... Would be kinda silly if they couldn't do either of those things. It's like being confused at Arcadians being able to fly.
hear someone lured Bella into eleusis (lots of deathsights!)
Iakimen said she wouldn't fly. Then she flew.
And to the person who thought it would be funny to leave her at Eleusis (they know who they are), it was not. Thankfully, I was the one who ran across her first instead of our newbies/novices.
you can hire on whoever led her there, they're directly responsible for any harm a chasing mob causes if they lead them into territories (as per Meletus a few months ago when I asked him how bad it'd be if I dropped Taug somewhere)
Makes me wonder why Targossas never enemied me when I dropped Taug at thier Rallying point...
Internal error! IREWS communication error: unable to connect to the game: Please notify the administrator and/or try again later.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Did someone push the big red button that says "Do not touch this button!"
-also yay it's up again
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
hear someone lured Bella into eleusis (lots of deathsights!)
Iakimen said she wouldn't fly. Then she flew.
And to the person who thought it would be funny to leave her at Eleusis (they know who they are), it was not. Thankfully, I was the one who ran across her first instead of our newbies/novices.
you can hire on whoever led her there, they're directly responsible for any harm a chasing mob causes if they lead them into territories (as per Meletus a few months ago when I asked him how bad it'd be if I dropped Taug somewhere)
Makes me wonder why Targossas never enemied me when I dropped Taug at thier Rallying point...
Being Enemied is not the same as "Hey this person cuased me great harm.. Let me go get revenge " I mean Taug killed at least 4 other people there!
just four? my taug killed twelve granted I dropped him in the middle of a skirmish for giggles. THEY NEVER KNEW IT WAS ME
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Message 445
strider or cutter?
In all seriousness, Targossas has been rather receptive of @Jadys and I. Ignoring the occasional hiccups, I think I speak for both of us when I say thank you for the reception we have received. We both have big plans together and with our new chosen faction. To all you haters out there, you can kiss my staff.
Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
Medi says, "Rule of thumb."
hear someone lured Bella into eleusis (lots of deathsights!), Iakimen lures her next to hashan(no deathsights!).
Lure her to dardanic, put her in a dead end somewhere, she eventually returns to her bedroom.
@Kandra made a group, we go to kill Bella, and Kandra killsteals me
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
And to the person who thought it would be funny to leave her at Eleusis (they know who they are), it was not. Thankfully, I was the one who ran across her first instead of our newbies/novices.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Carry the Moon
Kinda expected them to at least come kill me
Forest of silk (indoors).
A bloodroot plant is growing here. Some irid moss gives off dim light. A patch of lumic moss is
growing here. A giant watch spider lurks almost imperceptibly here, cloaked in shadow. The soft grey
body of a whisper spider hangs suspended from the underside of a gigantic fern leaf.
You see exits leading north (hidden), northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, and down.
4269h, 3451m, 20243e, 16600w cexkdb- D|N|NE|NW|SE|SW 88.7% 10:58:01.816
spider208467 a watch spider
spider248244 a whisper spider
Number of objects: 2
4269h, 3451m, 20243e, 16600w cexkdb- D|N|NE|NW|SE|SW 88.7% 10:58:01.948
Sheet webs (indoors).
A patch of lumic moss is growing here. A bloodroot plant is growing here. Some irid moss gives off
dim light. A giant watch spider lurks here, cloaked in shadow. The tentative motions of its eight
legs betray the subtle presence of a whisper spiderling.
You see a single exit leading south.
An adolescent spider raises its bulbous head briefly, ocelei twitching curiously.
4269h, 3451m, 20241e, 16600w cexkdb- S 88.7% 10:58:02.299
spider58778 a watch spider
spiderling109092 a whisper spiderling
Number of objects: 2 --- OHEI some spiders
4269h, 3451m, 20241e, 16600w cexkdb- S 88.7% 10:58:02.409
A watch spider hurtles towards you with its eight legs fully outstretched, wrapping them tightly
around your body and forcing you to tumble to the ground.
1228h, 3451m, 20241e, 16600w cexkdb[pr]- S 88.7% 10:58:02.682 (-3041h, 71.2%) NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE
[Curing]: STAND
You stand up. (0.105s)
1228h, 3451m, 20241e, 16600w cexkdb- S 88.7% 10:58:02.788
[Curing]: SIP HEALTH
You take a drink from a white birch vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
1966h, 3391m, 20241e, 16588w cexkdb- S 88.7% 10:58:02.815 (+738h, 17.3%)
[Curing]: OUTR IRID
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the Rift to 2376.
1966h, 3391m, 20241e, 16588w cexkdb- S 88.7% 10:58:02.828
[Curing]: EAT IRID
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
2307h, 3702m, 20241e, 16588w cexkdb- S 88.7% 10:58:02.845 (+341h, 8.0%, +311m, 8.0%)
spider58778 a watch spider --- NOPE NUMBER ONE
spiderling109092 a whisper spiderling --- NOPE NUMBER TWO
2307h, 3702m, 20241e, 16588w cexkdb- S 88.7% 10:58:02.957
Forest of silk (indoors).
A bloodroot plant is growing here. Some irid moss gives off dim light. A patch of lumic moss is
growing here. A giant watch spider lurks almost imperceptibly here, cloaked in shadow. The soft grey
body of a whisper spider hangs suspended from the underside of a gigantic fern leaf.
You see exits leading north (hidden), northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, and down.
2307h, 3702m, 20243e, 16594w cexkdb- D|N|NE|NW|SE|SW 88.7% 10:58:03.568
Please notify the administrator and/or try again later.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
-also yay it's up again
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Being Enemied is not the same as "Hey this person cuased me great harm.. Let me go get revenge "
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."