I do enjoy the Ranting Menace, it's a place where we don't have to pretend to be nice. I remember the forums being extraordinarily PG-rated a long time ago, and it felt like this weird Disney utopia version of Achaea.
The problem isn't necessarily with the Ranting Menace, but with a handful of people who dislike each other and make things way too personal. Its not exclusive to the Sewers, it happens in General and Combat sections as well.
So that's why I haven't been banned for saying curse words.. and I thought I was just fourm rping a shaman.
Just to be clear, IC and forum punishments remain, and will remain separate barring some dramatic change of heart on admin's part down the road? Because mixing the two really would make anything but the safest sort of foruming downright insane unless you *really* think people have a soft spot for your particular winning brand of assholery (which let's face it, some have more than others).
I think there's nothing to worry about, unless you abuse seconds to bypass a forum ban.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
It is slightly disappointing that this shall be my final post (and very likely will not be seen because I might find out I've already been banned when I click "Post Comment").
I hereby refuse to participate in any sort of community discussion where everyone is under constant scrutiny by a group of individuals who are no different than the rest of us: humans. Achaea admins have declared that they will no longer tolerate violations of forums rules. That's understandable. But it has become apparent that "violating forums rules" and "just being an overall annoying but harmless clown" on the forums are no different according to some of the already-made decisions as evidenced by those whom have already been banned. (With some bans that appear to have been done retroactively based on previous behavior or commentary several months prior to this.)
I will not tolerate a community where someone can get banned because they said something against popular opinion or because a volunteer interpreted someone ranting about an event as a personal attack.
As a simple player/forum-personality, I look at these new "rules" with moderate alarm. As an IRE customer, I look at this decision to no longer participate in forum discussion as an absolutely necessity for the survival of my character.
This is a form of constructive criticism, if your eyes and ears are keen enough to see and hear it. If not, I guess we'll find out if this umbrella deflects the banhammer.
Haha, dramatic. Good luck though, if you're the sort who tends to
flirt with danger on the forums, a self imposed ban would be the safest
thing, but very few people have the chops to stick to it. If
forumers as a whole possessed that sort of resolve, almost no one would
be using the IRE forums in the first place - we'd be using a minimally
moderated board elsewhere for most topics, certainly for things like rants (which IRE would absolutely *hate*
but would also be powerless to stop with a sufficiently determined
player base). But we're all still here, and every attempt
at an offsite forum since IRE began hosting their own has failed (with help from
admin, in all fairness, but again, player base clearly wasn't that
determined to leave, when it came to it).
In one sense, it still surprises me that admin didn't
just tacitly support those moves when they happened. For one, it would
probably remove a fair bit of liability from their shoulders in terms of things like online bullying legislation (though I'm
not completely sure on that point). They'd also just offload a lot of the more
"embarrassing" traffic they're so worried about, leaving a much more presentable forums where people are pretty much just
posting (nicely) about things that really are game
related (Golden Dais, Scarlattan). Then again, they're smart people, and it may be that they consciously realize a
certain amount of salaciousness is a good bit of what makes forums
appealing in the first place, but want to very carefully control the
amount, so here we are.
The stakes seem to have gone up, but still a bit vague, so if you're a forumer who still wants to take part of some of the more useful aspects of these forums, I'd play it as safe as your willpower allows.
One forum I go to gives you negative points when you post in certain threads. A few negative points wont hurt much, but for those who constantly troll, they add up. Lose too many points and they take away your signature, your avatar and eventually your ability to post public threads. They also publicly shame people who get forum sanctions.
What did Daeir even get silenced for? can't think of anything the guy did to warrant having every post he ever made be removed
Yeah, I agree that the punishment for Daeir was both too harsh and completely unprecedented.
I don't have a problem with the moderators enforcing the rules more often to clean up some of the long-term and repeated posters of garbage, but I don't like the way it's being done right now.
The current implementation is both inconsistent and unprofessional. I can't support the idealogy of, "I don't like this poster's slightly out of line attitude in this one thread on this one day so I'm going to permanently delete all of his posts."
The reason why Daeir and Jinsun were hit with that was because of rather overboard comments over the event. You don't like it, that's fine. We can't please everyone.
But rolling into threads and saying things like 'Yo this event is garbage and a piece of shit, why are you even doing this' and the like is not going to end well for anyone, especially when you go and tag a volunteer personally in them. That's what they did. Don't like it? Don't participate. Want to participate, but can't because you don't like it? Outline your problems and we'll see whether or not we can't figure out a solution. We've been working our asses off to try and listen to the complaints and get some solutions for them.
Jinsun's post about the event was pretty harsh, I winced when I read it. I don't know what Daeir did, except quote Jinsun's post. I remember Cooper got forum jailed by Sarapis a few weeks ago for essentially posting "fuck this garbage BS Capture-the-Flag" when Ashtan steamrolled everyone. In a nutshell, there's more creative ways to express dissatisfaction with IG events then "fuck this game".
One forum I go to gives you negative points when you post in certain threads. A few negative points wont hurt much, but for those who constantly troll, they add up. Lose too many points and they take away your signature, your avatar and eventually your ability to post public threads. They also publicly shame people who get forum sanctions.
Public shaming can definitely get out of hand, that would be a bad idea IMO.
Also, I just wanted to say as someone who RP's a lot and in many games over the years. Events are hard to keep everyone interested in, I once ran a guild in WoW, I know lol right, as a co-leader and making a general idea of what will go on is easy. Getting the people to actually think of what their reaction is and to follow through on that reaction is completely different.
Like example, in CoV, City of Villains ;_; , I was in a guild and we had an event in which one of the members did something completely insane and like destroyed our damn base. It was an actual base and it was destroyed . Yet the guideline of the event was to find out what was wrong with the guy and most people got pissed and wanted to kick him from the VG, villain group, and eventually the leaders had to tell everyone: "Dude we are rebuilding the base! That is what this is all about!" and the entire thing was ruined.
So my point, RP the crap as your character, not on the forums and you will have a good time. Trust your admins and you will see where things are going and hopefully have fun going there!!!
It's pretty easy to follow a basic rule of "Don't be a jerk."
1) Re-read your post before you send it. How would you feel if this were directed at you?
2) Stay away if you're feeling emotional. I mean, what would you do if that person was standing in front of you? Scream and shout and verbally abuse them so you feel better? Probably not. Go take a walk or watch television. Or rant with a friend on Skype if you need to vent, etc.
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."
You shouldn't have to message people that they've gone too far, it's pretty obvious when language/attacks on people/their work goes too far. If you have to be reminded of it multiple times, via chunks of posts getting deleted, then you should have toned down your behavior ahead of time.
I'd much rather the admin had to spend less time moderating the forums for things going to far so they can 'warn' people, and have them move to a troll-tag more readily.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Not saying there's a problem and just deleting things is rather passive aggressive, though. Passive aggression is not the best approach to problem solving, as the message may be missed or misunderstood.
What I don't like is people arguing against a topic venomously, and then the admin close it down rather than deal with the people involved. It has a chilling effect that I rather dislike.
I'd much rather the admin had to spend less time moderating the forums for things going to far so they can 'warn' people, and have them move to a troll-tag more readily.
Indiscriminately removing thousands of posts from the forums, including constructive and helpful posts from years ago, is not a good solution no matter how horrible someone's current posts are. And it's even worse if the person being punished isn't even aware of the punishment.
It's fine to entirely ban someone from posting, or delete individual posts (or entire conversations or threads) with even the slightest justification, but retroactively removing every post a person has ever made hurts everyone else on the forums too, not just the one being punished. If it's done more readily, then old threads would become unreadable and valuable information would be lost, you might as well just auto-delete forum threads over a certain age and not keep old posts around at all.
I agree that there should probably be a retroactive time frame on past-deletion, possibly something you set when you make flag them as a troll. Include all posts less than <x> days old.
As for the person not being aware of it, I'd say that's probably the -best- punishment I've ever heard of for flagging someone as a troll. Oh, you wasted all of our time? Now we're wasting your time.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I agree that there should probably be a retroactive time frame on past-deletion, possibly something you set when you make flag them as a troll. Include all posts less than <x> days old.
Even if it was limited to the last day of posts, it would still be bad. Someone could be helpfully answering a newbie's questions in one thread while being a complete jerk in another thread at the same time, and there's no reason to remove the good posts along with the bad. Limiting the time frame helps to limit the damage, but it's the lack of discrimination that's the main problem.
Perhaps having it just remove all of the posts that have > x amount of wtf and or any abuse flags would be better if there were any auto wiping of posts. It'd require the nods to crack down on troll abuse flagging, however. Would be nice if the ability to even flag for abuse was removed from people who waste mod time.
Those aren't options. The option is to either go one by one and remove posts or just hit one command and troll someone. Given that old posts are rarely actually read, it's pretty easy to see what the right choice is in terms of admin time.
Gotta be honest, I consider myself a pretty optimistic person. But...giving the Achaean community the ability to band together to WTF someone's posts into deletion sounds like a truly TERRIBLE idea that will only foster a more toxic environment, not less.
Gotta be honest, I consider myself a oretty optimistic person. But...giving the Achaean community the ability to band together to WTF someone's posts into deletion sounds like a truly TERRIBLE idea that will only foster a more toxic environment, not less.
I was referencing only when the administrators decide to delete posts for people who go to far. Instead of all of them it'd be only the abused and wtf'd ones. Sarapis says it isn't an option so it's fine to me.
I was merely suggesting that the wtf and a use options be used as a deletion guideline.
But yes, the options are limited. And people can be buttheads.
Or you could just ban them from posting, and remove any truly bad post that caused the ban. No need to remove every post ever.
The "that isn't possible" reason is getting old - if this forum host is truly so bad that you can't automatically remove negative posts (they are already auto-buried), or stop someone from posting without removing their posts, or just remove posts from a certain time then we're long past due for a forum host switch.
So that's why I haven't been banned for saying curse words.. and I thought I was just fourm rping a shaman.
I think there's nothing to worry about, unless you abuse seconds to bypass a forum ban.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Hmm, I had a much higher bar than that in mind. That's kid stuff - kid stuff which I admit to doing as a late 20-something many, many years ago.
It is slightly disappointing that this shall be my final post (and very likely will not be seen because I might find out I've already been banned when I click "Post Comment").
I hereby refuse to participate in any sort of community discussion where everyone is under constant scrutiny by a group of individuals who are no different than the rest of us: humans. Achaea admins have declared that they will no longer tolerate violations of forums rules. That's understandable. But it has become apparent that "violating forums rules" and "just being an overall annoying but harmless clown" on the forums are no different according to some of the already-made decisions as evidenced by those whom have already been banned. (With some bans that appear to have been done retroactively based on previous behavior or commentary several months prior to this.)
I will not tolerate a community where someone can get banned because they said something against popular opinion or because a volunteer interpreted someone ranting about an event as a personal attack.
As a simple player/forum-personality, I look at these new "rules" with moderate alarm. As an IRE customer, I look at this decision to no longer participate in forum discussion as an absolutely necessity for the survival of my character.
This is a form of constructive criticism, if your eyes and ears are keen enough to see and hear it. If not, I guess we'll find out if this umbrella deflects the banhammer.
You're doing it wrong.
Haha, dramatic. Good luck though, if you're the sort who tends to flirt with danger on the forums, a self imposed ban would be the safest thing, but very few people have the chops to stick to it. If forumers as a whole possessed that sort of resolve, almost no one would be using the IRE forums in the first place - we'd be using a minimally moderated board elsewhere for most topics, certainly for things like rants (which IRE would absolutely *hate* but would also be powerless to stop with a sufficiently determined player base). But we're all still here, and every attempt at an offsite forum since IRE began hosting their own has failed (with help from admin, in all fairness, but again, player base clearly wasn't that determined to leave, when it came to it).
In one sense, it still surprises me that admin didn't just tacitly support those moves when they happened. For one, it would probably remove a fair bit of liability from their shoulders in terms of things like online bullying legislation (though I'm not completely sure on that point). They'd also just offload a lot of the more "embarrassing" traffic they're so worried about, leaving a much more presentable forums where people are pretty much just posting (nicely) about things that really are game related (Golden Dais, Scarlattan). Then again, they're smart people, and it may be that they consciously realize a certain amount of salaciousness is a good bit of what makes forums appealing in the first place, but want to very carefully control the amount, so here we are.
The stakes seem to have gone up, but still a bit vague, so if you're a forumer who still wants to take part of some of the more useful aspects of these forums, I'd play it as safe as your willpower allows.One forum I go to gives you negative points when you post in certain threads. A few negative points wont hurt much, but for those who constantly troll, they add up. Lose too many points and they take away your signature, your avatar and eventually your ability to post public threads. They also publicly shame people who get forum sanctions.
Yeah, I agree that the punishment for Daeir was both too harsh and completely unprecedented.
I don't have a problem with the moderators enforcing the rules more often to clean up some of the long-term and repeated posters of garbage, but I don't like the way it's being done right now.
The current implementation is both inconsistent and unprofessional. I can't support the idealogy of, "I don't like this poster's slightly out of line attitude in this one thread on this one day so I'm going to permanently delete all of his posts."
The reason why Daeir and Jinsun were hit with that was because of rather overboard comments over the event. You don't like it, that's fine. We can't please everyone.
But rolling into threads and saying things like 'Yo this event is garbage and a piece of shit, why are you even doing this' and the like is not going to end well for anyone, especially when you go and tag a volunteer personally in them. That's what they did. Don't like it? Don't participate. Want to participate, but can't because you don't like it? Outline your problems and we'll see whether or not we can't figure out a solution. We've been working our asses off to try and listen to the complaints and get some solutions for them.
The punishment was still too much.
Jinsun's post about the event was pretty harsh, I winced when I read it. I don't know what Daeir did, except quote Jinsun's post. I remember Cooper got forum jailed by Sarapis a few weeks ago for essentially posting "fuck this garbage BS Capture-the-Flag" when Ashtan steamrolled everyone. In a nutshell, there's more creative ways to express dissatisfaction with IG events then "fuck this game".
I don't really disagree with Jinsun's punishment, we all know the kind of crap he posted, but Daeir's? Pfft.
Eratta said:
Public shaming can definitely get out of hand, that would be a bad idea IMO.
Also, I just wanted to say as someone who RP's a lot and in many games over the years. Events are hard to keep everyone interested in, I once ran a guild in WoW, I know lol right, as a co-leader and making a general idea of what will go on is easy. Getting the people to actually think of what their reaction is and to follow through on that reaction is completely different.
Like example, in CoV, City of Villains ;_; , I was in a guild and we had an event in which one of the members did something completely insane and like destroyed our damn base. It was an actual base and it was destroyed
. Yet the guideline of the event was to find out what was wrong with the guy and most people got pissed and wanted to kick him from the VG, villain group, and eventually the leaders had to tell everyone: "Dude we are rebuilding the base! That is what this is all about!" and the entire thing was ruined.
So my point, RP the crap as your character, not on the forums and you will have a good time. Trust your admins and you will see where things are going and hopefully have fun going there!!!
Egging the server!
→My Mudlet Scripts
It's pretty easy to follow a basic rule of "Don't be a jerk."
1) Re-read your post before you send it. How would you feel if this were directed at you?
2) Stay away if you're feeling emotional. I mean, what would you do if that person was standing in front of you? Scream and shout and verbally abuse them so you feel better? Probably not. Go take a walk or watch television. Or rant with a friend on Skype if you need to vent, etc.
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."
You shouldn't have to message people that they've gone too far, it's pretty obvious when language/attacks on people/their work goes too far. If you have to be reminded of it multiple times, via chunks of posts getting deleted, then you should have toned down your behavior ahead of time.
I'd much rather the admin had to spend less time moderating the forums for things going to far so they can 'warn' people, and have them move to a troll-tag more readily.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
What I don't like is people arguing against a topic venomously, and then the admin close it down rather than deal with the people involved. It has a chilling effect that I rather dislike.
Indiscriminately removing thousands of posts from the forums, including constructive and helpful posts from years ago, is not a good solution no matter how horrible someone's current posts are. And it's even worse if the person being punished isn't even aware of the punishment.
It's fine to entirely ban someone from posting, or delete individual posts (or entire conversations or threads) with even the slightest justification, but retroactively removing every post a person has ever made hurts everyone else on the forums too, not just the one being punished. If it's done more readily, then old threads would become unreadable and valuable information would be lost, you might as well just auto-delete forum threads over a certain age and not keep old posts around at all.
I agree that there should probably be a retroactive time frame on past-deletion, possibly something you set when you make flag them as a troll. Include all posts less than <x> days old.
As for the person not being aware of it, I'd say that's probably the -best- punishment I've ever heard of for flagging someone as a troll. Oh, you wasted all of our time? Now we're wasting your time.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Even if it was limited to the last day of posts, it would still be bad. Someone could be helpfully answering a newbie's questions in one thread while being a complete jerk in another thread at the same time, and there's no reason to remove the good posts along with the bad. Limiting the time frame helps to limit the damage, but it's the lack of discrimination that's the main problem.
Perhaps having it just remove all of the posts that have > x amount of wtf and or any abuse flags would be better if there were any auto wiping of posts. It'd require the nods to crack down on troll abuse flagging, however. Would be nice if the ability to even flag for abuse was removed from people who waste mod time.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
Fair enough.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
I was referencing only when the administrators decide to delete posts for people who go to far. Instead of all of them it'd be only the abused and wtf'd ones. Sarapis says it isn't an option so it's fine to me.
I was merely suggesting that the wtf and a use options be used as a deletion guideline.
But yes, the options are limited. And people can be buttheads.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
In light of this thread I wanted to formally apologise to Relos and Vesence, the only two people I have been a jerk to, ever.
Or you could just ban them from posting, and remove any truly bad post that caused the ban. No need to remove every post ever.
The "that isn't possible" reason is getting old - if this forum host is truly so bad that you can't automatically remove negative posts (they are already auto-buried), or stop someone from posting without removing their posts, or just remove posts from a certain time then we're long past due for a forum host switch.