Hi there,
as promised to some I am releasing the system I use (basically a version of Oregano that's been stripped down and modified for serverside use) to the public. This uses Serverside curing to cure and has a few extra features to cure properly.
This system is and always will be free, that means that while I will support the system it won't be the only thing I ever do. (In other words if you hassle me while I'm raiding I'll make sure make you cure nothing but a broken right leg).
WunderSys is currently in the beta version, so please use the wbug alias to submit bugs and I'll get around to them. I'll get better documentation out by the weekend, this is just something I hate writing since I'd rather be tinkering with the system.
Since I'm too cheap to register a domain and set up nicer hosting you can find the system and more information at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6980966/ServersideSystem/index.html
Update: WunderSys beta v-003
This update doesn't have any really new features, mostly bug fixes.
-Removed the Starbursted trigger in Defences > Tatoos.
-Fixed Starburst not clearing Afflictions and timers/cooldowns.
-Will unsoftpause if you drop below 75% health.
-whelp will now open the Documentation website instead of the index of the WunderSys website.
-removed ttt as an alias.
-deleted the manual concussion alias.
-added the moss() function (needed for the em alias).
-added the hmsip() function (needed for the h and m aliases).
-added the Parrying feature
-added the myPing() script which is needed for the do queue, thanks @Aubrey.
-deleted a duplicate osend() (in the 'osend mod' script) function.
-added a softpaused check to cancure()
-moved def clearing on death back into the prompt() function, was in the 'Prompt' trigger for a serverside tutorial.
-moved the starburst check back into 'Prompt Checks', it was in the 'Prompt' trigger for a serverside tutorial.
You can find the latest version at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6980966/ServersideSystem/downloads.html
I have also written a little more documentation, apologies for the 2004 looking website. That's something I'll be working on another time.
EDIT: Thank you to everyone who submitted wbugs, you're not only helping yourself but other users too (including me).
Update: WunderSys beta v-004
Edit: Wrong title, this is v004 obviously..
Update: WunderSys beta v-004
Implemented Curing Batch On/Off for aeon/retardation and a few bug fixes. I am still working on adding all the trigger lines for class defences, once that is in you will find defup as a feature and keep up will be much easier.
IMPORTANT: If you are using your own priorities make sure that the Insomnia defence priority is lower than both Asleep and Prone affliction priorities!! If you don't do this then even Batch curing won't help you stand faster.
Edit: faulty changelog, thanks @Jhui
Update: WunderSys beta v-006
Added Defence tracking along with a workable 'defup' sequence and easier defence keep up management.
Notes: Feel free to delete the defencePrioritiesDefault table/script if you moved that somewhere else to keep your prios. All of that is now saved in your settings after you set stuff up.
For those of you who can't be bothered to read the Defence Documentation, check the wshow defup alias, the wshow keepup alias and bdef.
Update: WunderSys beta v-007
Custom prompt implemented as well as the usual bug fixes. Documentation is a little spartan but I hope it's enough until I get to it (I hate documentation the most and its why this update took a day or two longer than it should have, Hearthstone is more fun).
Documentation on the Custom Prompt Setting at the bottom of the WunderSys Documentation page or clicky ze link.
Going to try this out the next couple of days. Is there plans to implement a selfishness toggle in the future?
Maybe not a default alias to toggle selfishness, but rather an API function that'll let you toggle upkeep (and set it correctly in the settings) of a defense. I'm not a huge fan of selfishness since it's bad for combat.
Understand. It's just a bit of a pain keeping it enabled under keepup and having to go through the config to disable it to give something away.
As far as the system itself, it's working great so far. Thanks for the hard work.
Somewhere you need to declare your keepSelfishness variable else it may error when checking. This is also completely untested and may cause your system to go nuts.
Priority reset works too. Also you might want to change that alias of Wundersys' strum lyre alias which is sl.
내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
Got bored, so decided to throw something together to run alongside wunderSys
Prolly gonna add toggle buttons to cover the little black space in the bottom left.
Update: WunderSys beta v-008
Added Defence priorities. This way you can make sure that defences def up (with bdef alias) in the right order (so not deathsight before cloak for example). Works pretty much the same way for keepup as well.
Documentation incoming, but the big thing to look at for now is the alias wshow defprio.
Also added siphealth and sipmana settings. Moss will still automatically be 10% below that or at 90% if off sip balance if you have moss usage on. Also aeonsiphealth and aeonsipmana settings so you can keep those low in aeon and cure properly.
EDIT: Oh and with this version the update alert actually works properly again.
Is there no way to run in a sort of mixed mode, where it'll take whatever curatives you have, whether concoctions or transmutation?
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Not without a lot of roundabout coding. Serverside itself forces you to pick one or the other. So what I'd need to do is see what you need to cure and then switch between CURING TRANSMUTATION ON|OFF, but that slows down the curing itself in some situations and then you can just stay with client side curing.
So long story short, nope.
Update: WunderSys beta v-009
Just a bug fix update, nothing special to see here. Check the Changelog below for details. Thanks to everyone who has been submitting bugs, keep sending those in.
Update: WunderSys beta-v010
Another bug fix update in response to some of the def changes and the latest IDEA implementation stuff.
1) No idea.
2) Monk bug, because of how the serverside queuing handles arm balance.
1) No, as stated on the website there is minimal support when I'm in the mood for it.
2) Yeah that's a problem with monk arm balance, its really stupid. Also yes, you'll have to deactivate the DOR yourself after you've killed something. This just repeats something and keeps adding stuff to dorepeat as soon as it sees you added the last thing.
Please keep this thread clear of nonsense.
Is there a list of prompt aff tags anywhere?
Scripts -> Wundersys -> Wundersys -> Consoles -> Aff shortnames
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
Its the aeon affliction, because if you have your sip set relatively high it will sip instead of eating bloodroot or kelp etc.
Update: WunderSys beta-v011
Been a while but here's a few bug fixes and so on. Read through the Changelog to see what changed.
Two other changes. First I bought a used clan for WunderSys help and so on. Mostly so you guys can help each other with problems if I'm not around or I can't help right now. Please ask me for invites and anyone who is in the clan can invite as well. Check CLHELP WUNDER for members. Ignore any help files, news or whatever in there, I'll get that set up later.
Also thank you @Fendo for tossing me a website that looks like it came from this decade, I really couldn't be bothered to do work there or add more documentation but I hope that'll improve with time.
Update: WunderSys beta v-012
Just a few additions, mostly passive curing and the lasthit parry strategy.Remember to check out the WunderSys clan so you can get help easier. Anyone on CLHELP WUNDER can induct.
Update: WunderSys beta v-013
Lets see, biggest inclusion is probably Heartseed curing. Check out the hseed alias.
Oh I added the new Shaman stuff of course. Not like serverside didn't already cure that. I love being able to be lazy with updates because of this, you guys have no idea.
The WunderSys clan is slowly growing in size and I'm sure there's a few helpful members around. I also colored the channel with the fancy new colors so I'll probably notice questions too! Any member on CLHELP WUNDER can induct.
Otherwise bug fixes as usual, do read the Changelog: