hard work breeds success and although I'm in labour with ha' I'ma need a midwife there's so much pressure to deliver
(talking about snitching) the Titanic ain't going down because of me see I can't swim but I be the anchor for the seen see how did they expect musicians to stay afloat when all our sales keep going down the stream
While I cannot relate to what they do, I do appreciate what they do with words more than what popular and less popular songs/genres do.
There are some pretty witty lines out there if you listen:
i'm better with the delivery, punch lines, lyrically, these mortals want to combat, won't make it to the Trilogy you want a shootout, cool, go get your heat, i go get my gun, you the first b*** to run, Hillary
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
I am gradually listing the records I purchased through the 1990s and early 2000s on eBay, which means I am listening to music I haven't heard for a long time. Words cannot describe how deliriously happy this record makes me, it brings back such great memories of free parties in warehouses and disused quarries in the late 90's and 2000s.
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
You really can't beat the older stuff, back when artists had talent!
Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.
Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:
Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"
Found this group while looking through the Cranberries stuff. How I missed such an awesome group is beyond me.
Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.
Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:
Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"
hard work breeds success
and although I'm in labour
with ha' I'ma need a midwife
there's so much pressure to deliver
(talking about snitching)
the Titanic ain't going down because of me
see I can't swim but I be the anchor for the seen
see how did they expect musicians to stay afloat
when all our sales keep going down the stream
While I cannot relate to what they do, I do appreciate what they do with words more than what popular and less popular songs/genres do.
There are some pretty witty lines out there if you listen:
i'm better with the delivery, punch lines, lyrically,
these mortals want to combat, won't make it to the Trilogy
you want a shootout, cool, go get your heat,
i go get my gun, you the first b*** to run, Hillary
Guns N' Roses-Civil War w/Lyrics - YouTube
eta: gdi why do edited posts lost their embedding.
Listening to this as I work on my GUI.
Roy Khan
Different from the expected, but still great!
discord: aciidwire#5240
Please check out my new art page!
This was funny nearly 2 years ago, and it's still sensational.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
love her so much
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.