And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Mezghar says to Farrah in a rumbling, basso voice, "Jiraishin has addopted a hoard of monsters."
Farrah says in Targossian, "A... what?"
You say in a smooth, crystal voice, "With lots of eyes."
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "Yes they have like at least 500 eyes."
You say in a smooth, crystal voice, "Each."
Mezghar nods his head at you.
*Farrah goes to check out Jiraishin's monsters and comes back*
Farrah says in Targossian, "Before any of you gets any ideas." Farrah says in Targossian, "There will be no green monsters with many eyes in Adroushan." Farrah says in Targossian, "I am putting my foot down."
I should really post the slightly longer version of my quote above.
Farrah squints suspiciously at her surroundings.
Farrah says in Targossian, "Sources tell me that you have obtained
a "horde" of "monsters" with "at least 500 eyes each"."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Well."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "It's not quite a
Farrah frowns at you.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "And I haven't counted their
"Ummmm," Farrah says uncertainly.
Regarding you with its central eye stalk, a many green eyed monster
floats here. Dawnlord Farrah Roualt is here. She wields a smooth staff of dark
Yggdrasian wood in both hands. You see a single exit leading northeast.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "...There's one behind
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Iaeum, a distinguished thrall tells you in Mhaldorian, "Formally
broken, special long earlier back detail broke bitch. things revenge door rules
highest security the journey lack stated night class healer protecting, line
fault debate gone book."
I mean that's a pretty plausible Mhaldorian speech.
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Driden suddenly gulps and swallows with pain as his throat swells and his jaw snaps shut! A look of sea-sickness passes over his face briefly.
You hear a loud grumbling noise coming from Driden's stomach.
A scared look washes over Driden's face as you see something kicking from his stomach.
Driden's stomach growls loudly and expands to immense proportions and explodes in a shower of blood and goo! Suddenly a sea cucumber appears from his festering wound that used to be his stomach!
Having finished its life span on dry land, a sea cucumber withers away into the earth and back to the Sea Lord.
Dude. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a while
Driden suddenly gulps and swallows with pain as his throat swells and his jaw snaps shut! A look of sea-sickness passes over his face briefly.
You hear a loud grumbling noise coming from Driden's stomach.
A scared look washes over Driden's face as you see something kicking from his stomach.
Driden's stomach growls loudly and expands to immense proportions and explodes in a shower of blood and goo! Suddenly a sea cucumber appears from his festering wound that used to be his stomach!
Having finished its life span on dry land, a sea cucumber withers away into the earth and back to the Sea Lord.
Dude. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a while
Its incubation complete, a sea cucumber explodes from the intestines of Driden, garnishing the oceans with his blood.
Vaniel lazily tells you, "They are nice, I agree."
You tell Vaniel, "I'd tell you my preferred room for relaxing, but
I'd rather you not try to kill me in my sleep."
You tell Vaniel, "Though really, I only relax phased."
You tell Vaniel, "Or basking."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Oh."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "I have never phasedd."
You tell Vaniel, "Have you ever been a Serpent?"
Vaniel lazily tells you, "No. I have always been
You tell Vaniel, "Well, that would be why."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Maybe if I focus really hard I can
You tell Vaniel, "You could certainly try that."
You tell Vaniel, "Do not forget to vibrate yourself very fast
while you do so."
You tell Vaniel, "It is essential."
...later in the convo...
Vaniel lazily tells you, "I own three baby fawns."
You tell Vaniel, "I'm more of a canine owner, myself."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Dogs are too viscious. Have you met
Dunn's dog?"
You tell Vaniel, "No. Mine aren't dogs, though."
You tell Vaniel, "I have a dingo, a jackal, and a coyote."
You tell Vaniel, "Pups, all."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "A bingo."
You tell Vaniel, "Very much like that. Except with a d."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Well that's just crude."
You tell Vaniel, "How so?"
Vaniel lazily tells you, "You can just say he's a boy,
You tell Vaniel, "Get your mind out of the fissures,
I laughed SO MUCH during this whole thing. I kept trying to find something in my bags of stasis to put in a letter and it ended up taking like 10 minutes because this conversation kept distracting me by making me lol.
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Driden suddenly gulps and swallows with pain as his throat swells and his jaw snaps shut! A look of sea-sickness passes over his face briefly.
You hear a loud grumbling noise coming from Driden's stomach.
A scared look washes over Driden's face as you see something kicking from his stomach.
Driden's stomach growls loudly and expands to immense proportions and explodes in a shower of blood and goo! Suddenly a sea cucumber appears from his festering wound that used to be his stomach!
Having finished its life span on dry land, a sea cucumber withers away into the earth and back to the Sea Lord.
Dude. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a while
Its incubation complete, a sea cucumber explodes from the intestines of Driden, garnishing the oceans with his blood.
Driden suddenly gulps and swallows with pain as his throat swells and his jaw snaps shut! A look of sea-sickness passes over his face briefly.
You hear a loud grumbling noise coming from Driden's stomach.
A scared look washes over Driden's face as you see something kicking from his stomach.
Driden's stomach growls loudly and expands to immense proportions and explodes in a shower of blood and goo! Suddenly a sea cucumber appears from his festering wound that used to be his stomach!
Having finished its life span on dry land, a sea cucumber withers away into the earth and back to the Sea Lord.
Dude. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a while
Its incubation complete, a sea cucumber explodes from the intestines of Driden, garnishing the oceans with his blood.
I thought it was fun
I saw it happen to one of Taleila's friends once. Taleila was equal parts amused and horrified because it happened out of no where, seemingly for no apparent reason. but IRL I was absolutely rolling with laughter. it was great.
Okay, you lost me on that one. Vanial's personality is not at all what I think of when I think of Naga.
The Naga, at least during my time, tended to attract the Mhaldorians who were more quirky and off-the-beaten path than your standard HAIL THE SEVEN TRUTHS, WEAKLING Maldaathi or Blood Congregation type. Especially ones like Vaniel (or young Jir, for that matter) who could have long conversations with heathens that juuuuust dance on the edge of hinting at heretical sympathies and can easily leave people with the impression of "is this person actually Mhaldorian." Made for good spies.
Also, that sense of humor.
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Well, uh. It's VERY humbling to get half a page of memorable quotes dedicated to me.
Vaniel is extremely fun to play and keep in character, and I'm glad people enjoy interacting with him as much as I enjoy roleplaying him.
He's always up to chat with people or try to help, as long as he gets to show off his baby fawns in the process. Who @Syndra , @Stheno and @Seortiae are not allowed to cook up and eat. Why is it the S names?!
His scratch is also based off Naruto/Ash who scratch their cheek awkwardly.
And he's almost entirely based off of Tanaka-kun, with a small mix of Shikamaru Nara!
The poor guy just wants to find the perfect napping place Sapience has to offer.
Well, to keep with the Vaniel theme, recently during our Mayaween ball, Mel spent her time facepalming at the following (though this is just a snippet):
"My mother taught me everything I know about dancing." Vaniel states, watching Lylith spin in the pirouette and holding onto her to keep a disaster from happening. Tugging Lylith back in with a strong tug, the two of them practically crash into the people behind them. "Oops." he mumbles, pushing Lylith back at arm's length and trying to follow the dance with absolutely no success.
And thus the dance goes on, Lylith and Vaniel parading about the room and making a right mess of things. "Your mother should of taught you better!" She hisses, trying to stop the mhun from crashing into any more of the ball's patrons and basically doing so herself in the process. Bumping shoulders with Seortiae, she continues, "see? You must be graceful, like me."
"Its my boots." Vaniel insists, tugging Lylith back from Seortiae and almost hitting Ameer in the process. Indeed, his feet do drag around the floor as if he makes no effort to try and pull the damned things off the ground. "You are very graceful though." He says lazily, blinking once and trying to push Lylith into a twirl, but losing his balance as the music ends and he and her go in very different directions.
Lylith spins off like a top, acting much like she'd just taken a dose of xentio as she crumples against the nearest wall, blinks owlishly - at Vaniel, ironically enough - and then teeters back to the tomb's center only to resume dancing only now it's slower and more sure, something a little removed from the adolescent awkwardness of a moment ago. "We'll get it... eventually."
"This one sounds too fast for me. Thank you for the dance, Reaper." Vaniel says with a bow that goes a bit too low and he almost stumbles forwards. Pulling himself up he walks over to you, herding his fawns closer to him and away from the current dancers. "I think that went quite well." He says with a straight face to you. "Would you like to dance, grandmother? I have gotten better."
You have emoted: Melodie stares at Vaniel, chalice in hand, as she gives him a long, unreadable look. "I don't think so, grandson. But remind me to give you lessons. I shouldn't have let your mother handle that bit," she comments dryly.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Melodie That is a truly amazing interaction and it's logs like that that make me wonder if I made the wrong choice in character, focusing on Maer and dropping my Mhaldorian.
Okay, you lost me on that one. Vanial's personality is not at all what I think of when I think of Naga.
The Naga, at least during my time, tended to attract the Mhaldorians who were more quirky and off-the-beaten path than your standard HAIL THE SEVEN TRUTHS, WEAKLING Maldaathi or Blood Congregation type. Especially ones like Vaniel (or young Jir, for that matter) who could have long conversations with heathens that juuuuust dance on the edge of hinting at heretical sympathies and can easily leave people with the impression of "is this person actually Mhaldorian." Made for good spies.
Also, that sense of humor.
I think this is kind of a myth the naga held for a while that was part of a greater pattern that ultimately led so many naga to simply say naga > mhaldor and led to half of them defecting for the ren. There were plenty of quirky people in every mhaldorian house, including the squarest of them all, the maldaathi (I say this lovingly!). The naga tended to insist they were completely different and unique, though, for who knows what reason, and this only got worse towards the end of the house's lifespan from what I can tell. It was ultimately a weird sort of isolationism that tried to play up differences rather than similarities with the rest of the city, often manufactured.
Now, don't get me wrong, I loved the naga at one point. But the EF had Dethea, Merador, and Jaryn, ffs. There are very few characters in the entire history of Mhaldor as quirky as those three, and Dethea literally covered herself in bling as Tyrannus. The BC had people like Tali and the Maldaathi had Carmain, too, both of which were 'quirkier' than any Naga off the top of my head. The most well known Naga were people like Watchman, Jurixe, Yig, Ulrike and Katia, all of which were pretty stereotypically Mhaldorian--even if they were very interesting characters within that.
Okay, you lost me on that one. Vanial's personality is not at all what I think of when I think of Naga.
The Naga, at least during my time, tended to attract the Mhaldorians who were more quirky and off-the-beaten path than your standard HAIL THE SEVEN TRUTHS, WEAKLING Maldaathi or Blood Congregation type. Especially ones like Vaniel (or young Jir, for that matter) who could have long conversations with heathens that juuuuust dance on the edge of hinting at heretical sympathies and can easily leave people with the impression of "is this person actually Mhaldorian." Made for good spies.
Also, that sense of humor.
I think this is kind of a myth the naga held for a while that was part of a greater pattern that ultimately led so many naga to simply say naga > mhaldor and led to half of them defecting for the ren. There were plenty of quirky people in every mhaldorian house, including the squarest of them all, the maldaathi (I say this lovingly!). The naga tended to insist they were completely different and unique, though, for who knows what reason, and this only got worse towards the end of the house's lifespan from what I can tell. It was ultimately a weird sort of isolationism that tried to play up differences rather than similarities with the rest of the city, often manufactured.
Now, don't get me wrong, I loved the naga at one point. But the EF had Dethea, Merador, and Jaryn, ffs. There are very few characters in the entire history of Mhaldor as quirky as those three, and Dethea literally covered herself in bling as Tyrannus. The BC had people like Tali and the Maldaathi had Carmain, too, both of which were 'quirkier' than any Naga off the top of my head. The most well known Naga were people like Watchman, Jurixe, Yig, Ulrike and Katia, all of which were pretty stereotypically Mhaldorian--even if they were very interesting characters within that.
I'm wounded that I wasn't even an honorable mention from Gryffindor.
Okay, you lost me on that one. Vanial's personality is not at all what I think of when I think of Naga.
The Naga, at least during my time, tended to attract the Mhaldorians who were more quirky and off-the-beaten path than your standard HAIL THE SEVEN TRUTHS, WEAKLING Maldaathi or Blood Congregation type. Especially ones like Vaniel (or young Jir, for that matter) who could have long conversations with heathens that juuuuust dance on the edge of hinting at heretical sympathies and can easily leave people with the impression of "is this person actually Mhaldorian." Made for good spies.
Also, that sense of humor.
I think this is kind of a myth the naga held for a while that was part of a greater pattern that ultimately led so many naga to simply say naga > mhaldor and led to half of them defecting for the ren. There were plenty of quirky people in every mhaldorian house, including the squarest of them all, the maldaathi (I say this lovingly!). The naga tended to insist they were completely different and unique, though, for who knows what reason, and this only got worse towards the end of the house's lifespan from what I can tell. It was ultimately a weird sort of isolationism that tried to play up differences rather than similarities with the rest of the city, often manufactured.
Now, don't get me wrong, I loved the naga at one point. But the EF had Dethea, Merador, and Jaryn, ffs. There are very few characters in the entire history of Mhaldor as quirky as those three, and Dethea literally covered herself in bling as Tyrannus. The BC had people like Tali and the Maldaathi had Carmain, too, both of which were 'quirkier' than any Naga off the top of my head. The most well known Naga were people like Watchman, Jurixe, Yig, Ulrike and Katia, all of which were pretty stereotypically Mhaldorian--even if they were very interesting characters within that.
Eh, it was my personal experience at least. Which was, to be fair pretty bound up in the House's self image.
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Eh, it was my personal experience at least. Which was, to be fair pretty bound up in the House's self image.
Yeah, it was somehow a lot of Naga's experience but not the rest of Mhaldor's. This isn't really a callout of you personally, just saying that the Naga seemed to all have a distorted image of themselves and Mhaldor, as an org. To this day it's the house that most often leads people to go 'ugh' at someone who refuses to move on. Every so often as house leader I had to argue with some ex-naga that refused to let go, and previous HL's had similar stories. Not to mention I'm pretty sure it's the single house with the highest defection rate after the ren.
I have no idea what made a house that was otherwise really cool like this, but it ended up being a really toxic mindset in its solipsism. That kind of mentality is ultimately incompatible with Mhaldor, which is why I try to tell people/proteges that Evil comes first all the time now, even if I really love the Insidium.
This is just a random tangent though, and I wanna be clear that many of our current coolest Mhaldorians were Naga, so it's not like the House was poisonous or anything, it just had this strange pattern with a decent number of its members.
You were warned.
Qwindor ominiously says, "Mine."
Qwindor ominiously says, "Mine."
Qwindor ominiously says, "Mine."
Qwindor ominiously says, "Mine."
Qwindor ominiously says, "Mine."
Qwindor ominiously says, "Mine."
Qwindor ominiously says, "Mine."
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Farrah says in Targossian, "Sources tell me that you have obtained a "horde" of
"monsters" with "at least 500 eyes each"."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Farrah says in Targossian, "There will be no green monsters with many eyes in Adroushan."
Farrah says in Targossian, "I am putting my foot down."
Farrah says in Targossian, "Sources tell me that you have obtained a "horde" of
"monsters" with "at least 500 eyes each"."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Well."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "It's not quite a horde."
Farrah frowns at you.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "And I haven't counted their eyes."
"Ummmm," Farrah says uncertainly.
Regarding you with its central eye stalk, a many green eyed monster floats
here. Dawnlord Farrah Roualt is here. She wields a smooth staff of dark
Yggdrasian wood in both hands.
You see a single exit leading northeast.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "...There's one behind you."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
special long earlier back detail broke bitch. things revenge door rules highest
security the journey lack stated night class healer protecting, line fault
debate gone book."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
You hear a loud grumbling noise coming from Driden's stomach.
A scared look washes over Driden's face as you see something kicking from his stomach.
Driden's stomach growls loudly and expands to immense proportions and explodes in a shower of blood and goo! Suddenly a sea cucumber appears from his festering wound that used to be his stomach!
Having finished its life span on dry land, a sea cucumber withers away into the earth and back to the Sea Lord.
Dude. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a while
Vaniel lazily tells you, "They are nice, I agree."
You tell Vaniel, "I'd tell you my preferred room for relaxing, but I'd rather
you not try to kill me in my sleep."
You tell Vaniel, "Though really, I only relax phased."
You tell Vaniel, "Or basking."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Oh."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "I have never phasedd."
You tell Vaniel, "Have you ever been a Serpent?"
Vaniel lazily tells you, "No. I have always been Depthswalker."
You tell Vaniel, "Well, that would be why."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Maybe if I focus really hard I can phase."
You tell Vaniel, "You could certainly try that."
You tell Vaniel, "Do not forget to vibrate yourself very fast while you do so."
You tell Vaniel, "It is essential."
You tell Vaniel, "I'm more of a canine owner, myself."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Dogs are too viscious. Have you met Dunn's dog?"
You tell Vaniel, "No. Mine aren't dogs, though."
You tell Vaniel, "I have a dingo, a jackal, and a coyote."
You tell Vaniel, "Pups, all."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "A bingo."
You tell Vaniel, "Very much like that. Except with a d."
Vaniel lazily tells you, "Well that's just crude."
You tell Vaniel, "How so?"
Vaniel lazily tells you, "You can just say he's a boy, Targossian."
You tell Vaniel, "Get your mind out of the fissures, Mhaldorian."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Also, that sense of humor.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Vaniel is extremely fun to play and keep in character, and I'm glad people enjoy interacting with him as much as I enjoy roleplaying him.
He's always up to chat with people or try to help, as long as he gets to show off his baby fawns in the process. Who @Syndra , @Stheno and @Seortiae are not allowed to cook up and eat. Why is it the S names?!
His scratch is also based off Naruto/Ash who scratch their cheek awkwardly.
And he's almost entirely based off of Tanaka-kun, with a small mix of Shikamaru Nara!
The poor guy just wants to find the perfect napping place Sapience has to offer.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."