Memorable quotes



  • edited October 2012
    Balybool spammed Ashtan CT with an all-caps post about Occultists/Babel/Terra in a way that would take too much censoring to quote here, suffice to say it was about 15 lines long, and he spammed it as hard as he could before being silenced.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • just ip ban the damn thing

  • Jespar said:
    just ip ban the damn thing

    betting that's been done. Tecton seems to have deleted the character, No suicide in house logs and the character is gone
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited October 2012
    Rovelda said:
    Kresslack said:
    My point is, either why is she seeking a combat ranking, or why is someone combat challenging novices just to look like they know how to fight? >.>

    Kresslack, the combat rankings are for all who want to join. It just happens that most are good fighters, but if you think of it, it is good practice for smaller ones. I have fought against one a bit bigger. He won and got the points, which I like because he has taught me many things. Someone has to be last on the list, and it can be me. Though I would prefer it if there were more smaller fighters there.
    Fighting in general is good practice. I've always seen the Combat Rankings as a competition sort of fighting, as people usually compete for the first rank. When you're a ranked fighter, it gives the indication that you might know what you're doing, and are competing.

  • Sedano's bro, for the win
  • edited October 2012
  • Alyssea said:
    A Baalzadeen makes a soft wheezing sound before coughing up a half eaten cookie from it's maw.

    That's what happens when you have a mouth full of spike-like teeth - no molars to mulch the cookie. 

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Murad exclaims, "I give you Vital Lemming!"

    not mine, but wot?
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.

  • Jonathin said:
    Murad exclaims, "I give you Vital Lemming!"

    not mine, but wot?
    Maybe this one won't fall down endless abysses to it's death.
    Or at least be less stupid than a normal lemming.
  • Tilting her head in a limp, unheimlich manner, Nafireak scents the air.

  • Garao said:
    Tilting her head in a limp, unheimlich manner, Nafireak scents the air.
    Nafireak is the single most ~special snowflake~  person I've seen yet >_>
  • She did it again D:

  • Disembowel her!  Make her stop!
  • NizarisNizaris The Holy City of Mhaldor
    You know, @Nafireak's "special snowflake" tendencies are to me, as someone who works with her frequently, some of the most consistent, and well-written RP in the game. I find her diction, word choice, and sentence construction to be approaching par with @Lodi, @Herenicus, and @Flair. I have interviewed the character thoroughly about her tendencies, and the character has also voiced discomfort at others' perceptions of her more base of impulses, particularly in the realm of cannibalism. Yet, the player chooses to continue, and add a darker taboo to the game that is otherwise not present in Mhaldor, currently.

    So what? She used a word in an emote that you had to look up in a dictionary? I did, too. If you judge the character based upon limited interactions with her, you are going to miss out on a lot of the RP justifications that the player has for making the character act the way that they choose.

    To me, the line between "special snowflake" and "singularly strong RP" is a very fine one. No one looks at @Flair and calls him a "special snowflake". Why is that, I wonder? I think that it has something to do with the fact that the player has been working at it for a very long time, and he is exceedingly consistent with it. Nafireak has not yet had the time to develop that kind of a track record, but from Nizaris' interactions with her, I can tell you that she is, at the very least, consistent.
  • @Nizaris: But I did look at Flair and call him a special snowflake.
  • edited October 2012
    I have to disagree, there.

    Consistently irritating, in my opinion. Which those other great roleplayers you mentioned are not. I think that is why Nafireak is not known up to their standards and most likely never will be. Not because she hasn't had enough time to get that reputation out there... Definitely not.

  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    edited October 2012
    I think it is possible to be a special snowflake with strong writing skills. I don't see anything especially wrong with using unusual words in emotes, though I find that simpler is better when one is trying to convey an action-- ideally, nobody in the room should be left uncertain as to what the action was meant to look like. I still find Nafireak's character ridiculous.

    Edit: to be fair, while I have interacted with Nafireak multiple times I have never done so for any extended period. It's possible she manages to pull it off, and quite likely that she deliberately plays the character as off-putting. Unless I am missing the meaning of 'special snowflake', however, she absolutely comes off as one.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    The chief of the feral Agrashok has been slain by the might of Neraeos, God of the Sea.
  • Cahin said:
    Why are we pretending that was clever word choice and not German.
    Until I looked it up I thought she was tilting her head like someone had just shoved food down her throat.
  • @Jurixe is a great example of  some of the most consistent, and well-written RP in the game. Naifreak, is not. Consistent, sure. But annoyingly, attention whoringly (I know its not  a word STFU) so.
  • Nizaris said:
    You know, @Nafireak's "special snowflake" tendencies are to me, as someone who works with her frequently, some of the most consistent, and well-written RP in the game. I find her diction, word choice, and sentence construction to be approaching par with @Lodi, @Herenicus, and @Flair. I have interviewed the character thoroughly about her tendencies, and the character has also voiced discomfort at others' perceptions of her more base of impulses, particularly in the realm of cannibalism. Yet, the player chooses to continue, and add a darker taboo to the game that is otherwise not present in Mhaldor, currently.

    So what? She used a word in an emote that you had to look up in a German dictionary? I did, too. If you judge the character based upon limited interactions with her, you are going to miss out on a lot of the RP justifications that the player has for making the character act the way that they choose.

    To me, the line between "special snowflake" and "singularly strong RP" is a very fine one. No one looks at @Flair and calls him a "special snowflake". Why is that, I wonder? I think that it has something to do with the fact that the player has been working at it for a very long time, and he is exceedingly consistent with it. Nafireak has not yet had the time to develop that kind of a track record, but from Nizaris' interactions with her, I can tell you that she is, at the very least, consistent.

    I had to look that word up in a German dictionary, actually. My first mental image was one of whatever you wouldn't look like if you tilted your head to the side to scent the air while choking on something and your friend was giving you the Heimlich maneuver. But, you can't scent while you are choking,  so I went back to the drawing board. I would say, as a rule of thumb, don't use non-English adjectives or verbs or nouns unless they have been widely accepted and recognized by mainstream society. Namely, me. When you take an à la carte approach to your language selection, you're bound to confuse some people and have a few misunderstandings. C'est la vie, some people will partake in the mammoth schadenfreude carnival.
  • haha you said mammoth everyone knows mammoths are extinct
    And as he slept he dreamed a dream, and this was his dream.
  • Not true. Saw Draekar on a mammoth just yesterday.

  • Everybody's Russian!
  • Garao said:
    Tilting her head in a limp, unheimlich manner, Nafireak scents the air.
    Fixed your bolding for you.
  • I hate you all.
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