Oh my god VUL vs C9 toyed so much with my heart. I CANNOT believe that Janna Baron steal! Amazing.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
As a long time fan of CLG, I'm glad they're finally showing team coordination like they have this week. Week 1 was a bit shaky (less than a month with new team, not surprising), but both their games this week they played really well and beat two teams I thought (based off week 1) they'd get beaten by.
Their synergy is excellent, and the new additions and swaps are looking really good.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
As a long time fan of CLG, I'm glad they're finally showing team coordination like they have this week. Week 1 was a bit shaky (less than a month with new team, not surprising), but both their games this week they played really well and beat two teams I thought (based off week 1) they'd get beaten by.
Their synergy is excellent, and the new additions and swaps are looking really good.
CLG, is that the team that cut a bunch of members(or they left) and joined Team Curse?
Saintvicious, despite being a gigantic asshole, is the best jungler CLG's had... They had a big gap to fill, atleast Jiji seems to be doing fine. And now that Chauster is supporting again, they're back to having probably the best bot lane in NA, despite Doublelift being... Doublelift... And Link seems to be just as good as Jiji was at midlane, if not better. We shall see, I guess, Doubelift-Chauster vs Turtle/Xpecial was a fun thing to see.
From what I've heard from the team and a lot of people who watch, Chauster hasn't fully adapted back to his support role, but he's getting much better every game they play. Nien is bad at laning top (his own words) but he's also getting much better, and his good mechanics let him do very well in team fights.
Jiji right now is easily a much better jungler than Saint, just how he plays and his pure ability with reflexes. Number 1 or 2 in NA right now, Meteos is also an incredibly good jungler. Link is arguably the best mid laner in the NA LCS, he's probably the best team fighting mid laner, and tracks an insane amount of information for his team as well.
Doublelift is still Doublelift, and is far and away the best ADC in NA, one of the top 3 in the world (according to other extremely skilled ADCs in other countries as well), I believe Rekkles (best EU ADC) ranked DL #2 behind WeiXiao.
Main point is, CLG's lanes (besides mid) are all doing very poorly, by their own standards, in lane while they adapt to their roles. On the flip side, they're winning team fights very well, which is largely due to having some of the best mechanical players in NA all on the same team. Their new style with having Link/Double as carries with Nien occasionally stepping up as a carry when needed is working extremely well, and anyone who understands how they won team fights so consistently against TSM knows they'll do even better once they get more used to their lanes.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Nien has some pretty incredibly positioning and long-range snipes. I would like to see C9 continue to be successful and TSM should start getting their groove on. CLG is my next pick.
That they're winning games but not until 50ish minutes sort of tells me that CLG has a team with insane amounts of mechanical skill, but that they're lacking in effective strategies in which they feel confident other than 'get Doublelift farmed' (although if CLG really is the team for which MonteCristo is providing analyses, I'd imagine that isn't going to remain that way for long). I was pretty blown away with how well they did versus TSM, but then again TSM either outpicked themselves or allowed themselves to be outpicked really hard, so the end result wasn't entirely surprising. I'm glad Link had a chance to shine, though; I've always felt he was extremely underrated and he was actually who I voted for every day during All-Stars voting.
With the exception of the two Challenger teams, the LCS veteran teams have kind of been uneventful or disappointing for me to watch (well, except Curse, but mostly because I'm really excited that Edward is in NA LCS now). Velocity has had some really innovative, borderline OGN-level theorycrafting in their games, and was the first NA LCS team to pick up Lissandra, I'm pretty sure. I'm excited to see if they can pull out any Faker-level plays with her, but they seem a bit weaker mechanically than the other teams, so I'm not overly optimistic. Cloud 9 has also really impressed me with the degree to which they consistently and viciously punish teams who make even the slightest of mistakes against them, but they seem to me to be a primarily reactionary team, which is a big factor in their one loss so far.
Yeah, from various interviews and whatnot, Link has been moving away from playing a 'support' AP to protect Double to playing a carry AP role so that he's another big threat. From their games, he's doing a good job of that, even if he occasionally makes questionable decisions at the 70m mark with items.
I think CLG will be able to start winning earlier once all their lanes are more comfortable in their roles, so they don't need to rely on the team-fighting stage to shine, with the chance of getting really far behind in laning. They're clearly getting better, I just hope it keeps up.
I'd really like to see more teams trying 'new' things, and I thought Liss support could have been decent if he hadn't decided it was time to dive every 5m without any defensive items, and sometimes without his team.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
From what I've heard from the team and a lot of people who watch, Chauster hasn't fully adapted back to his support role, but he's getting much better every game they play. Nien is bad at laning top (his own words) but he's also getting much better, and his good mechanics let him do very well in team fights.
Jiji right now is easily a much better jungler than Saint, just how he plays and his pure ability with reflexes. Number 1 or 2 in NA right now, Meteos is also an incredibly good jungler. Link is arguably the best mid laner in the NA LCS, he's probably the best team fighting mid laner, and tracks an insane amount of information for his team as well.
Doublelift is still Doublelift, and is far and away the best ADC in NA, one of the top 3 in the world (according to other extremely skilled ADCs in other countries as well), I believe Rekkles (best EU ADC) ranked DL #2 behind WeiXiao.
Main point is, CLG's lanes (besides mid) are all doing very poorly, by their own standards, in lane while they adapt to their roles. On the flip side, they're winning team fights very well, which is largely due to having some of the best mechanical players in NA all on the same team. Their new style with having Link/Double as carries with Nien occasionally stepping up as a carry when needed is working extremely well, and anyone who understands how they won team fights so consistently against TSM knows they'll do even better once they get more used to their lanes.
Wanted to like, and disagree with your post at the same time, but elected to do the latter.. Not because I don't like what you say, I know all of the points too well. Chauster was formerly the best NA support by quite far, Xpecial following loosely behind, and he can very easily return to that state in time. Their main problem is sticking with a roster for long enough so that they can get the synergy they had back in season one. Yes, Link is the best NA mid laner, which has been stated by a fair amount of pro players already. Bigfat can make plays happen as a jungler, it is obvious he is good at doing that, because he has doing it in every single role that he's played, it is simply WHAT he does... I'm not trashtalking him in any way, I'm merely saying Saintvicious' overall play is better than almost any NA jungler, bar maybe Crumbzz, simply because he has flawless awareness which can be seen if you just watch two or three games of him streaming a -real- jungler. The pro players have put out their opinion of him too, and despite his asshole-y attitude, the points remain.
I'm not trying to speak bad about any of them, sorry if it appeared that way, I know they're all more than capable of adapting.. christ, just look at Nien's past plays to see proof of that...
Forgot to add Doublelift. Everyone knows he can be an asshole when he wants to be, but no one denies he is by far one of the best mechanically-skilled players this game has seen... My main disagreement with your post was about what you said here. Rekkles is good, but I personally think Hosan, Tabzz (From LemonDogs) and TheTess (From NiP, former Wolves) to all be better -overall- ADC's than Rekkles... And well Captain Jack and Hermes for Asia ADC
The ADC ranking was from DLift and Rekkles themselves. Rekkles said DLift was the #2 world behind WeiXiao (and that it was close), DLift said Rekkles was the best EU ADC.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?" The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
Decided to start qualifying for ranked matches. Solo queue sucks though because you either get people who can play as a team, or you get people who can't and want to blame everyone for their mistakes. Luckily, this was a good team:
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Dat Ace in the Hole. I actually screamed out and cheered at it with my hands in the air.
... partly because I always wanted to know what would happen in that situation.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Their synergy is excellent, and the new additions and swaps are looking really good.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Jiji right now is easily a much better jungler than Saint, just how he plays and his pure ability with reflexes. Number 1 or 2 in NA right now, Meteos is also an incredibly good jungler. Link is arguably the best mid laner in the NA LCS, he's probably the best team fighting mid laner, and tracks an insane amount of information for his team as well.
Doublelift is still Doublelift, and is far and away the best ADC in NA, one of the top 3 in the world (according to other extremely skilled ADCs in other countries as well), I believe Rekkles (best EU ADC) ranked DL #2 behind WeiXiao.
Main point is, CLG's lanes (besides mid) are all doing very poorly, by their own standards, in lane while they adapt to their roles. On the flip side, they're winning team fights very well, which is largely due to having some of the best mechanical players in NA all on the same team. Their new style with having Link/Double as carries with Nien occasionally stepping up as a carry when needed is working extremely well, and anyone who understands how they won team fights so consistently against TSM knows they'll do even better once they get more used to their lanes.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
With the exception of the two Challenger teams, the LCS veteran teams have kind of been uneventful or disappointing for me to watch (well, except Curse, but mostly because I'm really excited that Edward is in NA LCS now). Velocity has had some really innovative, borderline OGN-level theorycrafting in their games, and was the first NA LCS team to pick up Lissandra, I'm pretty sure. I'm excited to see if they can pull out any Faker-level plays with her, but they seem a bit weaker mechanically than the other teams, so I'm not overly optimistic. Cloud 9 has also really impressed me with the degree to which they consistently and viciously punish teams who make even the slightest of mistakes against them, but they seem to me to be a primarily reactionary team, which is a big factor in their one loss so far.
I think CLG will be able to start winning earlier once all their lanes are more comfortable in their roles, so they don't need to rely on the team-fighting stage to shine, with the chance of getting really far behind in laning. They're clearly getting better, I just hope it keeps up.
I'd really like to see more teams trying 'new' things, and I thought Liss support could have been decent if he hadn't decided it was time to dive every 5m without any defensive items, and sometimes without his team.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Chauster was formerly the best NA support by quite far, Xpecial following loosely behind, and he can very easily return to that state in time. Their main problem is sticking with a roster for long enough so that they can get the synergy they had back in season one. Yes, Link is the best NA mid laner, which has been stated by a fair amount of pro players already. Bigfat can make plays happen as a jungler, it is obvious he is good at doing that, because he has doing it in every single role that he's played, it is simply WHAT he does... I'm not trashtalking him in any way, I'm merely saying Saintvicious' overall play is better than almost any NA jungler, bar maybe Crumbzz, simply because he has flawless awareness which can be seen if you just watch two or three games of him streaming a -real- jungler. The pro players have put out their opinion of him too, and despite his asshole-y attitude, the points remain.
I'm not trying to speak bad about any of them, sorry if it appeared that way, I know they're all more than capable of adapting.. christ, just look at Nien's past plays to see proof of that...
Forgot to add Doublelift. Everyone knows he can be an asshole when he wants to be, but no one denies he is by far one of the best mechanically-skilled players this game has seen... My main disagreement with your post was about what you said here. Rekkles is good, but I personally think Hosan, Tabzz (From LemonDogs) and TheTess (From NiP, former Wolves) to all be better -overall- ADC's than Rekkles... And well
Just my thoughts.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."