The Dragon Proficy thunders in from the north. 2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, ex, 88%, cdbkr-bl blast Sidhe You have writhed free of your entanglement by ropes. (2.979s) 2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, ex, 88%, cdbkr- You rear back your head, and with a keening roar unleash incandescent hell upon a fairy Knight of Sidhe. You have scored a CRITICAL hit! The loud screech of metal whines through the air as a fairy Knight of Sidhe tips over with a "thud". The dragonfire has incinerated his flesh completely, leaving only a pile of ash. You have slain a fairy Knight of Sidhe, retrieving the corpse. A large pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse. 2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr- You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic. 2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(sip health) You take a drink from a cherrywood vial. The elixir heals and soothes you. 3190h|45%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(+1059h, 15.0%) A fairy Lady of Sidhe pulls a sharp crystal shard from her hair and punctures you with it. 2827h|40%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(-363h, 5.2%) An ominous feeling descends upon you as Proficy turns his gaze upon you. 2967h|42%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(+140h, 2.0%) Proficy lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your left leg. Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out? 2545h|36%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(focus)(-422h, 6.0%) Drawing an enormous breath, Proficy exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over. 2545h|36%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr- You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies. You aren't such a complete idiot anymore. (0.122s) 2545h|36%h, 4879m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(-250m, 4.1%) A fairy Lady of Sidhe crafts a globe of flame within her palm and throws it at you. As it explodes on you, serpentine ropes of fire snake from it, wrapping around you tightly. 2108h|29%h, 4875m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(dragonflex)(-437h, 6.2%, -4m, 0.1%) Gritting your glistening teeth in a rictus grin, you emit a low rumble as you flex your rippling muscles, bursting the bindings that hold you. (0.036s) 2108h|29%h, 4875m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, , 88%, cdbkr- You bleed 87 health. 2021h|28%h, 4875m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, , 88%, cdbkr-(-87h, 1.2%) n You have recovered equilibrium. (4.067s) 2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr- You must be standing first. 2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr- Your mind is able to focus once again. 2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr-n You must be standing first. 2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr-n
Proficy snaps his massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before catching you with a second powerful bite. You have been slain by Proficy.
Ashtan: Please pay attention to party and call out your targets.
Targossas: A botnet is a collection of Internet-connected programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform tasks. This can be as mundane as keeping control of an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel, or it could be used to send spam email or participate in distributed denial-of-service attacks. The word botnet is a portmanteau of robot and network.
Hmm, in a bit of stump regarding monks. I can't think of a counter to tumble cancelling with telepathy. Also, is there a counter to the ring of flying(besides Lethal Ink)?
Hrm, didn't tumble because Nemutaur cancelled it in a previous spar by forcing movement in a different direction. I saw the single leg break and figured he could only pull off one backbreaker, was hoping it wouldn't kill but with torso damage and blunt Icon, it's around ~75-80% damage.
Hmm, in a bit of stump regarding monks. I can't think of a counter to tumble cancelling with telepathy. Also, is there a counter to the ring of flying(besides Lethal Ink)?
I suppose, if you really want to be safe, you can use telesense to run on the lock and wait for the break but...
Don't see why you should be getting prone in the first place. Setup stonewalls, run on the banish. I made the arena a fucking obstacle course whenever I sparred a Monk as a Runie. Not sure why flying should be a problem either, since you're only prepping for your finisher. I'd just sketch wunjo/nairat and get easy free hits on parried limb. Or totem, for that matter.
I wish I could do 72% backbreakers with torso, though
Hmm, in a bit of stump regarding monks. I can't think of a counter to tumble cancelling with telepathy. Also, is there a counter to the ring of flying(besides Lethal Ink)?
I suppose, if you really want to be safe, you can use telesense to run on the lock and wait for the break but...
Don't see why you should be getting prone in the first place. Setup stonewalls, run on the banish. I made the arena a fucking obstacle course whenever I sparred a Monk as a Runie. Not sure why flying should be a problem either, since you're only prepping for your finisher. I'd just sketch wunjo/nairat and get easy free hits on parried limb. Or totem, for that matter.
I wish I could do 72% backbreakers with torso, though
About Kai Banish, it's used whenever possible - kinda dishonourable to run all the time. I wasn't going for a disembowel since most good monks can disable pretty well while prone(disrupt/cripple), was aiming to outdamage him with a level 3 arm break to prevent Kai Heal until he started flying.
Unfortunately, blunt icon means you can either give them a guaranteed win if they manage to break you, or you need to stay away or loop hindering venoms (a variation of double epteth with some epseth, depending on your dsl speed). But seeing as that isn't very fun for anyone, I would just go for a crazy damage stack immediately into the fight. Wunjo/nairat in the room, leave room, triple thurisaz, lunge/engage with fury up, start pounding prefarar/aconite untargeted (immediately lunge if you manage to stick sensitivity).
When he starts using ring of flying, try butterfly bomb at ground + engage.
You should always aim to hit a Monk the x2 dsl's you can get when they're off balance. Guarding becomes a non-issue as a result and you won't hit pnb. Numbness is all they can effectively do against a decent dsb setup, if you rune effectively, you can kill them. i.e Hugalaz after disebowel, stack sensitive and engage on raze or sketch.
Even better if they don't smoke rebounding on a break.
You're never going to damage a monk out - not one as heavily artied as Nemutaur.
You can totally damage Nemutaur out.
Numb isn't really an issue, there are a couple of ways to deal with. One is to Thurisaz/Meteor/Thurisaz/Hugalaz before you start breaks. I've also had a good deal of success just hitting with a battleax dsl and engage immediately after the disembowel.
Unless he's numbed before you break the first leg to prone, numbing is never a problem where DSB is concerned- I don't think you can numb prone anymore, can you?
ETA: If I were a monk and I see some runie sketching a ton of runes, I'd sure as shit turn numb on.
Unless he's numbed before you break the first leg to prone, numbing is never a problem where DSB is concerned- I don't think you can numb prone anymore, can you?
ETA: If I were a monk and I see some runie sketching a ton of runes, I'd sure as shit turn numb on.
You can numb while prone, if I see a runie sketching runes I'll just leave, turtle up, strum lyre, hinder them, fly, try to break their leg before they can do anything or whatever. No need to numb really since chances are it's so much damage that I'd die when leaving numb.
2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, ex, 88%, cdbkr-bl
blast Sidhe
You have writhed free of your entanglement by ropes. (2.979s)
2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, ex, 88%, cdbkr-
You rear back your head, and with a keening roar unleash incandescent hell upon a fairy Knight of
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
The loud screech of metal whines through the air as a fairy Knight of Sidhe tips over with a "thud".
The dragonfire has incinerated his flesh completely, leaving only a pile of ash.
You have slain a fairy Knight of Sidhe, retrieving the corpse.
A large pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse.
2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-
You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
2131h|30%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(sip health)
You take a drink from a cherrywood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
3190h|45%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(+1059h, 15.0%)
A fairy Lady of Sidhe pulls a sharp crystal shard from her hair and punctures you with it.
2827h|40%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(-363h, 5.2%)
An ominous feeling descends upon you as Proficy turns his gaze upon you.
2967h|42%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(+140h, 2.0%)
Proficy lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your left
Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
2545h|36%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(focus)(-422h, 6.0%)
Drawing an enormous breath, Proficy exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are
knocked over.
2545h|36%h, 5129m|83%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore. (0.122s)
2545h|36%h, 4879m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(-250m, 4.1%)
A fairy Lady of Sidhe crafts a globe of flame within her palm and throws it at you. As it explodes
on you, serpentine ropes of fire snake from it, wrapping around you tightly.
2108h|29%h, 4875m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, x, 88%, cdbkr-(dragonflex)(-437h, 6.2%, -4m, 0.1%)
Gritting your glistening teeth in a rictus grin, you emit a low rumble as you flex your rippling
muscles, bursting the bindings that hold you. (0.036s)
2108h|29%h, 4875m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, , 88%, cdbkr-
You bleed 87 health.
2021h|28%h, 4875m|79%m, 74%e, 89%w, kai, , 88%, cdbkr-(-87h, 1.2%) n
You have recovered equilibrium. (4.067s)
2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr-
You must be standing first.
2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr-n
You must be standing first.
2021h|28%h, 4635m|75%m, 74%e, 88%w, kai, e, 88%, cdbkr-n
Proficy snaps his massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before
catching you with a second powerful bite.
You have been slain by Proficy.
Mudlet Discord join up
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
I suppose, if you really want to be safe, you can use telesense to run on the lock and wait for the break but...
Don't see why you should be getting prone in the first place. Setup stonewalls, run on the banish. I made the arena a fucking obstacle course whenever I sparred a Monk as a Runie. Not sure why flying should be a problem either, since you're only prepping for your finisher. I'd just sketch wunjo/nairat and get easy free hits on parried limb. Or totem, for that matter.
I wish I could do 72% backbreakers with torso, though
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Even better if they don't smoke rebounding on a break.
Numb isn't really an issue, there are a couple of ways to deal with. One is to Thurisaz/Meteor/Thurisaz/Hugalaz before you start breaks.
I've also had a good deal of success just hitting with a battleax dsl and engage immediately after the disembowel.
ETA: If I were a monk and I see some runie sketching a ton of runes, I'd sure as shit turn numb on.
ETA: I knew that shit sounded too good to be true. Stupid... things, and the people that do them.