Combat Logs





  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    edited November 2013
    Terav says with a deep Grook accent, "This is gonna be hilarious."
    (p) 5363h/100%h, 100%m, 99%e, 98%w (Ilarin) [LOCK?%:k+2(T)] 7.1% cexkdb[LL TS RL RA]-(+127m, 3.0%) 
    A surge of elation rushes through you as you realise that Ilarin's fate is sealed. With a roar of triumph, you whip your scimitar at Ilarin's neck, slicing her head from her shoulders in a veritable 
    fountain of dark red blood.
    You have slain Ilarin.
    (svo): System unpaused.
    (smoke 36610)
    You take a long drag off your pipe. (5 malachite left)
    Dimly lit tomb entrance (indoors).
    Light flows inward from the tomb entrance to your south. Several torches have been fixed to the walls here lining the corridor as it casually moves along to the north. Doors flank you to the east and 
    west, both leading into separate chambers. The floors, walls and low ceiling are all crafted from the same dark grey stone. A massive statue dominates this area with a noble presence. Spreading its 
    majestic golden wings, a giant eagle searches the ground with piercing eyes. A nebulous water weird is here. A noble hippogriff flaps its wings in agitation here. A small black cobra is flaring its 
    hood here.  Flamebrand Recruit Ilarin is here. Mercenary Terav da'Miras-Ze'Dekiah is riding on a giant eagle. He wields an elemental staff in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption bearing the city 
    arms of Ashtan in his right.
    You see exits leading north, east (open door), south (open door), and west (open door).
    You roll on the floor, laughing.
    You roll on the floor, laughing.
    Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GODS!"
    Terav rolls on the floor, laughing.
    Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GODS!"
    Terav rolls on the floor, laughing.
    Terav rolls on the floor, laughing.
    Terav rolls on the floor, laughing.
    Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GODS!"
    Terav rolls on the floor, laughing.
    Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GODS!"
    Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GODS!"
    You say, "That's CRAZY!"
    Terav says with a deep Grook accent, "Dude so broken."

    Flamebrand Recruit Ilarin (female Tsol'aa).
    She is 22 years old, having been born on the 16th of Sarapin, 617 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
    She is ranked 1858th in Achaea.
    She is an extremely credible character.
    She is not known for acts of infamy.
    She is a Plebeian in Ashtan.
    She is considered to be approximately 0% of your might.

    Current event: Rampage
    Player               Location
    Niraaeth             An aging stairway                      (8801)
    Kaydence             Southern graveyard grounds             (8779)
    Terav                Dimly lit tomb entrance                (8795)
    Strata               Dimly lit tomb entrance                (8795)

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Final quote made me laugh.

     i'm a rebel

  • One does not simply miss kills with axekick.


  • @Strata man I have no idea what's going on right now
  • Mizik said:
    @Strata man I have no idea what's going on right now
    You and me both
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Garis Bro, gotta wait for prone.

    Garis kicks his leg high and scythes downwards at you.
    He misses.
    3621h|82% 1860m|66% 99%e 86%w ex|ckh--Deader:(Ruca)-100 XP:32.6% 16:05:13.172-[sen par] 
    Garis balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the right leg!
    3064h|69% 1860m|66% 99%e 86%w ex|ckh--Deader:(Ruca)-100 XP:32.6% 16:05:13.194-[sen par] 
    0/0|0/0|0/32|78-(-557h, 12.7%) 
    Garis balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the right leg!
  • edited November 2013
    astralform defup on burstmode... clever.
  • Vadimuses said:
    astralform defup on burstmode... clever.
    People bin doin' this for ages!

    Hi, I would appreciate any advice on this log. What I could be doing better what I wasn't doing and what I should be doing.
    Apologies that it is hard to read, I wrap my lines on mudlet at a longer length than pastebin does. If anyone knows a better place to put it I would be pleased.
    I am totally new to Achaea but have played some other IREs.

  • Nemutaur the best thrower ever:

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Jhui has left the area.
    [Mindnet] 1 Exited Targossas: Jhui.
    [98% 4219h|98% 2615m][100%e|87%w][24.2][??|ex][jhui][hcredbn][0][19:05:22.078](-15m, 0.6%) 

    Dunn has left the area.
    [Mindnet] 1 Exited Targossas: Dunn.
    [98% 4219h|100% 2655m][100%e|87%w][24.2][??|ex][jhui][hcredbn][0][19:05:23.485]

    Wait, no radiance, maybe they're just leaving.

    Oh, there it is.
    A shiver runs down your spine, and you feel an instinctive urge to run as far and fast as you can.
    (svo): Careful: Somebody started radiancing you (1/7)
    [98% 4219h|99% 2640m][100%e|87%w][24.2][??|ex][jhui][hcredbn][0][19:05:33.371](+100m, 3.8%)

    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Haha, we call that 'smoking out the target'. But now you guys just come to me which gets a fight rolling and is nice too.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Oooor I just stand there and die so that I can be rezzed quick.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Eh we'd just get in there too and there's no guards there. Give and take.

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    I'd rather have 3 ways to stop radiance (going to telepath, leaving the area, running to sewers) than just 2 that guarantee a death no matter which way I run.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Leaving the area and going to sewers are the same thing when dealing with a competent group.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Which we are not.

  • edited November 2013

    I'll dig that down, thumb it up, and QFT it :
    Jhui said:
    whatt is t-fang too fast in spam for my venom delay to work

    @Makarios or @Tecton really need to implement:

    JAB <person> <venom>

    or DSL <person> <venom> <venom>

    and have it apply on a successful attack, mindful of retardation/stupidity/etc.


    Actually I just realized that'd be a detrimental change for me since I already spent years getting used to the crappy system in place.


  • A guardhouse (indoors).
    A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. There are 5 infernal wraiths here. Like a mountain 
    against the wind, a storm bull is standing here, motionless. Standing still as a statue, a blood 
    steed has fixed its fiery red eyes on some movement in the distance. Twitching its wings, a charcoal 
    black hippogriff majestically stands here. Playing endlessly with its long floppy ears, a small 
    burro stands here quietly. There are 2 stubborn mules here.  Cardinal Hasar Lichlord is riding on a 
    stubborn mule. He wields a sinister staff with a strange orb in his left hand.
    You see a single exit leading east.
    You are breathing lightly.
    |ex|95%H|98%M|cdbk|(-25h, 0.7%) 
    You have recovered your wind and are breathing normally once again.
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    (svo): Will keep riding up.
    (vault mule)
    You easily vault onto the back of a stubborn mule.
    Hasar vigorously spins a perfect crystal sphere, and it begins to hover in the air.
    Hasar vigorously spins a finely sculpted crystal torus, and it begins to hover in the air.
    Hasar makes a forceful gesture and some crystals embed themselves into the ground.
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (0.805s)
    |ex|95%H|98%M|cdbk|block e
    You move over to block the east exit.
    A piercing sound cleaves through the air.
    (svo): System paused.
    charge death;fling death at hasar
    Rubbing your fingers briskly on the card, you charge it with necessary energy.
    The card begins to glow with a mystic energy.
    (p) |ex|95%H|98%M|cdbk|
    You fling the Death tarot card at Hasar and upon impact, it disappears. An ominous silence overtakes 
    your surroundings.
    (p) |e|95%H|98%M|cdbk|
    Hasar takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    (p) |e|95%H|98%M|cdbk|
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (2.645s)
    (p) |ex|95%H|98%M|cdbk|
    A portal opens in the air in front of you, edges vibrating madly.
    (p) |ex|95%H|98%M|cdbk|
    Hasar begins to wield an obsidian dagger in his right hand.
    (p) |ex|95%H|98%M|cdbk|
    Lightning-quick, Hasar jabs your right leg with an obsidian dagger.
    You parry the attack with a deft manoeuvre.
    (p) |ex|95%H|98%M|cdbk|
    An almost unbearable feeling of emptiness heralds the arrival of a cloaked and hooded figure 
    carrying a blood-stained sickle. Hasar gasps in terror as a skeletal hand emerges from the sleeve 
    and points at him. He bows his head to the inevitable as the manifestation of Death swings its 
    sickle at his neck. You watch in fascinated horror as he is gathered to Death's cold bosom.
    You have slain Hasar.

  • If that had been a combat spar...

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