Combat Logs



  • Hate to tell you this, but we don't have enough inexperienced players that raid to make any sizeable dbomb possible.

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Triak said:

    It has been the sacred cow of raiding since Rukimoro had EF deathsquads in the Shallam subs.

    EF deathsquads in reconstruction then!
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"



    Not sure whether to be happy about living or Vrass' quickness on that truename grab.

    @Vrass gonna be a keeper
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    It's been a while since Ashtan has raided, but lookie what was still here!

    4431h|100% 2803m|99% 100%e 99%w ex|cdbk-STANCE:(nil)-KILLING:(nil)- XP:99.5% 21:09:38.763- -(-20m, 0.
    7%) allies
    You feel an unusually strong lust for Hirst.

    Good GOD I'm dumb sometimes.
  • What, Hirst' pretty Sexy.
  • But everyone has access to monks yo.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Mhaldor are banning monk because rp


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • I wish I had a reliable 36-40% attack every two-three seconds that works while I'm webbed|paralyzed|prone and goes through shield|rebounding in melee while ignoring physical damage resistance|shield of absorption procs. I won't be holding breath when I'm off balance 99% of the time in melee either. As a scenario, try replacing Ashtan's kai choke team with any other class besides occultists - it's making full use of a broken mechanic and I think they know it as well.

    @Daeir: That's my point, it's easy to entrench in a city and just kai choke the group to death when they are running to melee. You can't hold breath while running and if all you're doing is moving in and out of an area to avoid instantly dying, that's not really defending. Even serpents do less damage with sniping but they are still hindered by lack of line of sight and shield, all you need is one monk to disrupt to get rid of the breath defense.
  • Just run in and out the area till they either A)lag out due to so many mindnet alerts. B)get kicked from their party due to too many party announces of entering the area or C) get so sick of trying to edit their epic log of your trollalt called Trollarea entering and exiting so much that they quit raiding forever.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    I don't see how it's a broken mechanic, at all. Just calm down, Ashtan will decide to rape you more if you bitch this much. Just saying. Take it to rants. More logs please.
  • Evethir said:
     As a scenario, try replacing Ashtan's kai choke team with any other class besides occultists - it's making full use of a broken mechanic and I think they know it as well.
    I'll trade the artichoke monks for articasting magi. Thanks.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Nemutaur yo, fun skirmish on clouds, roar;hi;random conversation;laugh as Daslin leaves to go play with Mhaldor.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    edited April 2013
    @Evethir you planning on wtfing all of my posts? Go home. Go play in rants or something, please, dear GOD. Yes, artiechoke sucks, but we all realize it, and MOVE ON. They just know strategy to win. Mhaldor has gravehands and quite a few other tricks to win. Just gotta find 'em. Dontarion's pretty good at it. Now, again, MORE LOGS!
  • For @Daslin...
    Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence."
    Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
    Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    You... You funny guy, you!
  • Daslin said:
    I don't see how it's a broken mechanic, at all. Just calm down, Ashtan will decide to rape you more if you bitch this much. Just saying. Take it to rants. More logs please.
    It's a "Broken Mechanic" because it's an unhinderable area attack that does (Can do) 40% damage every 3 seconds, and cannot be prevented unless you insist on staying on balance and otherwise not curing other monks' crushes and general telepathy (Alongside other ranged attacks). I don't know why you're trying to brush it away as if it's something that is perfectly fine. It's already been established that artied kai choke is too strong as it is. That doesn't mean that it needs to be nerfed into the ground, but the way you're behaving to a legitimate concern is right in line with a really bad trend I've seen lately of "It is how it is, why are you trying to change it? Jeeze. You're so stupid, lol. Just get over you idiot".

    Bad Daslin!
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Again, like @Nemutaur was getting at... Articast magi=worse. And if you wanna play the area attack stuff, think of a team of three(YES, three) Serpents with lupines sniping you down. You'd be dead in four seconds. Yeah, artichokes suck, yes, arties make attacks hurt more. BUT, it's something you need to figure how to get around, and I'll admit it's hard as shit, but it's possible. (Suggestion, DISTRACTIONS)
  • I didn't realise snipe was an area attack.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    With a set of Serpents, it is. Also, the speed that serps with lupines can toss out meteors can easily add up to and or surpass that of artichokes. Anyways, I'm not really saying, "That's how it is, get over it, you're dumb." I'm more saying, there's worse things, and ways to get around it all, just gotta think them up.
  • No, it hasn't "been established" that it's too strong. The only thing that has "been established" is that there are quite a few people that find it too strong. But there are tons of things that plenty of people find too strong. Basically, people tend to find everything they die to too strong.

    The question is whether we want to have a combat environment that consists of whittling down opponents veeery slowly and probably not be able to kill people at all without getting huge numbers, or whether we want one in which there are some very fast and dangerous attacks and tactics, where you can die easily and need to be able to make some quick decisions of tactic changes and possibly admit defeat in some fights. Personally, I prefer the latter, so I'm sceptical about the constant cries for nerfing single powerful abilities and bring them in line with weak ones.

    I have absolutely no problem with the fact that some classes are extremely good at group combat.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    10/10 Good log, would read again.
  • Daslin said:
    With a set of Serpents, it is. Also, the speed that serps with lupines can toss out meteors can easily add up to and or surpass that of artichokes. Anyways, I'm not really saying, "That's how it is, get over it, you're dumb." I'm more saying, there's worse things, and ways to get around it all, just gotta think them up.
    Meteors are not even comparable to chokes. They have a huge, very visible wind-up, are COMPLETELY stopped by being indoors, and do an easily reducible damage type (blunt).

    That said, I don't think choke is too bad as-is. I hate heal deaf/mind command and heal blind/cata transfix orders of magnitude more.
  • Less whining, more combat logs. I can't do it all myself, I don't have a gank squad around right now.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Log of an epic loss.

    Mizik arrives from the east.
    You have been slain by a lycopod.

    Dunno how either of them got to Meropis with me, but it was neat-o.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Comparing choke to anything is daft, it is a very unique attack.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited April 2013
    Daslin said:
    Also, the speed that serps with lupines can toss out meteors can easily add up to and or surpass that of artichokes.
    Just for the sake of total accuracy: I'm pretty sure serpents can't actually shoot meteors any faster than anyone else with the shoot ability. Artie bows certainly play an important role though.

    Serpents and knights are actually not any different when it comes to archery speed and damage. Serpents simply have a good bonus on accuracy.
  • Kai chokes are not a broken mechanic. You have to be smart to avoid dying to them, yes, but that shouldn't be a reason to nerf them. Kai choke is probably the most "hinderable" attack there is, in that the use of a balanceless defense mitigates 100% of kai choke's damage. The damage is also mitigated by a miniskill, which is relatively cheap to invest lessons in, and furthermore, its one of the first miniskills that most classes start putting lessons in.

    So you're getting nailed by kai choke. The first thing to do is to ask yourself why.

    Trying to walk from A to B and getting choked? Don't autowalk. Walk relatively slowly, and the only way they'll choke you is if they're just holding the choke key down. Better yet, prism/portal.

    Doppie throwing hangedman, aeon at you? Toss orb, or don't even bother to writhe. Nobody says you have to cure. Not curing is definitely the riskiest thing to do, but it is an option, nonetheless. Better yet, SHIELD.

    Monk doing mean things to you via mindlock? Sure, its more of an issue, but radiance will rape you anyways if you don't have a quick way out of the area. Whether you're on defense or offense, if you don't have a planned way to escape the area in an emergency, you'll probably die.

    Biggest issue: Engaging in melee and getting choked out. This does present a couple of problems. If you're actively engaged in melee, you're going to get the full force of choke, no doubt about it. Using a shield in group melee is extremely effective though, as very few people will notice the shield go up or their attacks bouncing off of it if sufficient numbers are involved. The second issue is that a monk is not going to lack for kai in melee. Slightly bigger issue in that you'll always be near death when fighting melee, but that's pretty much a given anyways.

    Of course, all of this discussion is originating from the problem with 40% chokes, which are very much the exception, rather than the rule. While kai choke could possibly use a slightly more compact scaling formula, bringing the lower end up and the upper end down, I propose a slightly simpler solution which solves the biggest problem with kai choke.

    The attacker and the victim must be in the same area, but not the same room.

  • edited April 2013
    Holy crap that was a lot of comments in a short span of time.

    Sigh. I'm saying artie choked are too strong because they have ways of being prevented in certain specific situations. Uh huh. Also, in now way is artied magi more dangerous in range unless you have three of them, in which case, is there seriously where the discussion is headed? Okay.
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