In line with bladepunch and similar tweaks, it would be nice to change deathknight disarm from putting the weapon on the floor if it is not fisted/if you are not gripping. Putting it in your inventory produces the same effect, and I think just about everything else is that way already, too.
i'm a rebel
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
I guess I'll support this though.. but meh. No biggie. Its Underworld, baby.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
That said, the denizens who loot your corpse are far worse. Best countermeasure there is to just walk around with a bunch of junk cluttering your inventory, lest you risk them stealing something useful.