(Novitiates): Tasleus says, "I would second Nellaundra's opinion here."
(Novitiates): You say, "Wait. Did some Jester just trick me, or did that actually just happen?"
(Novitiates): Kansokusha says, "Sounds good. Ironbeard was generous, so that sounds doable."
(Novitiates): Ariettie says, "It happened. Get yourself together."
The skies turn darker as the rain intensifies.
(Novitiates): Tasleus says, "That just happened. Lord Phaestus pays close attention."
(Novitiates): Kenway says, "In about 17 months I'll give my old set of fieldplate to someone. We can have a contest or something."
(Novitiates): Phaestus says, "You're a Warden. Wardens don't blubber."
(Novitiates): You say, "Right. My apologies Lord."
Deepest Stygian night steals over the land as the symbolic hourglass empties and turns, ready to begin a new day.
It is now the 5th of Chronos, 614 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
Tolling to the midnight hour, the deep bass tones from the clock tower reverberate throughout the valley and resonate softly through the cool mountain air.
You have emoted: Verach frowns, and rubs his forehead in concentration.
(Novitiates): Kenway says, "Lord, pardon me for saying but when I accidentally threw my 93/92 fieldplate into the smelter, I absolutely blubbered. And swore. A lot."
Tasleus tells you, "No worries, Verach. Stand proud. You're going to make a fine Warden one day."
Tasleus tells you, "But stand proud. That's important!."
(Novitiates): Phaestus says, "What happened was bloody awful, it's true. Luckily your home -- which is your top priority -- is just fine and you will work to keep it that way. Am I right?"
(Novitiates): Phaestus says, "All of you."
(Novitiates): Tasleus says, "Yes, Lord!"
(Novitiates): Minna says, "Yes, Lord Phaestus."
(Novitiates): Zinka says, "Aye Father!"
(Novitiates): Maethros says, "Ale, Lord."
(Novitiates): Kenway says, "Aye, Lord."
(Novitiates): Brekahn says, "Yes, Lord Phaestus."
(Novitiates): Maethros says, "Erm...Aye, not ale."
(Novitiates): Nellaundra says, "Yes, Lord."
(Novitiates): Kenway says, "Also ale."
The skies begin to thunder heavily, and the rain becomes a downpour, a sign of Lord Vastar's wrath and joy.
(Novitiates): Berle says, "Yes, Lord Phaestus."
(Novitiates): Minna says, "That was kinda.. appropriate though."
@Mathonwy dropped in on Vayne during some inner turmoil:
You stroke a midnight stag tenderly.
Mathonwy arrives from the east.
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator frowns and says to you, "It just isn't the same any more."
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
Vayne takes a deep breath before turning to Mathonwy.
Deep within the heart of the Darkenwood. (Darkenwood Forest) Snowflakes float down around you, colouring the world white. A thin shaft of light scythes through the otherwise all-encompassing forest canopy. Like a deliberately placed spotlight, the beam illuminates a stone statue. The statue towers above you and depicts a tall winged humanoid clad in a simple robe. His eyes are large and seem to twinkle like the night sky. Beneath the man, living black roses grow over a plaque that bears the legend "The Dark Lord, Savior of the Forests". The light also highlights the enigmatic expression of this eternal symbol - a grave smile upon His lips. The statue appears to be overgrown with green vines, dazzling white and yellow flowers reaching for the sky, revelling in life. Turning your eyes upwards, the forest continues unabated. There are no obvious ways to progress easily, and though the silent darkness greets you whichever way you turn, it gives you a feeling of comfort, a state of mind in which the forest itself rests. A large obsidian plinth stands here, pulsating with dark power. A shadowed, sable lily flourishes here in the rich soil. Crowned with two mighty antlers, the regal form of a midnight-black stag prowls the forest. Mathonwy Corso, the Orator is here. You see a single exit leading east.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "This place has not."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Some have been bogged down in the mundane, but this place retains its ethereal quality."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "It is comforting."
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "I can imagine, yes."
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
Dusk steals silently over the horizon and crimson and ochre engulf the firmament, their seductive tones beckoning the sun to its nightly repose.
You ask in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "What will happen to the forests when Sol flickers and fades like its Lady?"
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator looks thoughtful and says in Hashani, "I suppose this patch will thrive."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Like encroaching darkness."
You smile softly.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Then all the world will be comforted."
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "With a comfort that passes all understanding."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "One you must experience."
You ask in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Nihilists know of experience, yes?"
Stalks of grass upon the forest floor wither and brown as a shower of yellowed leaves falls from the canopy.
Mathonwy smiles briefly before nodding at you.
The argent radiance of the moon seeps into the sky, waking the stars as darkness descends over the land.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "There is strife enough to cause even the shade of Pandemonium to look approvingly upon our world, I think."
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "And, of course, understanding is the one thing that could end all of this."
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator frowns and says in Hashani, "If they will not understand, you must make them to understand, though."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "They cannot."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "They are unable."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Bright green stalks of grass push upward from the ground, flourishing beneath the dark sky.
Vayne gazes up at the tangled statue, once more exhaling a steady breath.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "He kissed my face and opened my eyes."
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
A cool, refreshing breeze passes through the forest, revitalising all it touches.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "So often, it is the Light that blinds, and so often, one's eyes can attune to its absence."
Vayne gives a small nod.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "The Moon's light does not hurt this place, it illuminates...just enough to show the beginnings of the truth that lies among these boughs."
Splashed with the reflected radiance of the stars, Achaea's outermost ring glitters ghostly pale against the night sky.
Mathonwy looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "I shall leave you to your meditation, then."
You smile softly.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "So be it."
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "May the shade of the trees guard your eyes."
Mathonwy leaves to the east.
The howl of a distant wolf momentarily silences the crickets.
You ask in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "What will happen to the forests when Sol flickers and fades like its Lady?"
Liked because the undertones of this statement are gorgeous, and it was well-crafted considering your respective affiliations. But it made me think of Mithraea and that made me sad.
(In heart of the crystal palace)
A rich female voice echoes throughout the Citadel, "Caliph. Deep in meditation, I see?"
You have emoted: Halos makes an elaborate movement with his arms and kneels low in respect before the holy sigils of the Te'Serran gods.
You say with an eastern accent, "You might say that, Ma'am."
You say with an eastern accent, "How might I serve?"
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, " It is no wonder. You seek guidance, perhaps? Solace in the darkness?"
You sadly say with an eastern accent, "For a great many things, yes."
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Many have done so before you. Take heart. Dawn approaches."
With nary a whisper nor a sigh, rosy-fingered dawn creeps into the land, stealing the soul of the night. <- (jesus christ she timed that perfectly)
The voice of the Lady Sol fills with steel as She remarks, "And there are many for whom dawn will come in fire. If not this dawn, then one soon."
Approbating the beauty of the golden horizon, a crystalline vambrace suddenly flares to life on your forearm, transient whorls of aureate luminescence erupting from its glassy surface.
You have emoted: Halos turns his gaze towards the eastern skies, his olivine features softening.
You say with an eastern accent, "The enemies of the Light are myriad, m'Lady."
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Yes. The servants of the Lords are legion, and the agents of Chaos are as numerous as they are pernicious. Nobody ever told you this would be easy."
You say fervently with an eastern accent, "By Your holy will, we will meet them as best we can."
The voice of the Lady Sol takes on a sad note as She says, "We shoulder all the burden We can, you know. But even We cannot do everything. The hands of the Gods are, in some matters, tied, lest the world come again to divine blood on the fields of Nishnatoba."<<< (mgmfnnnghh foreshadowing)
You have emoted: Halos nods, thoughtful.
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "The matter of these Dala'myrr is, I fear, one of them. But the Light is never powerless while its servants yet stand."
Pericles, Captain of the Royal Shallamese Guard yells, "Hail Shallam, Jewel of the East!"
You frown and say with an eastern accent, "This Bal'met is a false god, but I fear all is linked to this ormyrr quest to achieve transcendence."
You frown and say with an eastern accent, "The shrines are impervious."
You pace impatiently back and forth.
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "The shrines may be, but that is no reason to despair. Their goal is not yet accomplished."
You ponder the situation.
You say tentatively with an eastern accent, "When all hope seems lost, there is power in sacrifice."
You say with an eastern accent, "And that of self-sacrifice, when used against greater need."
You frown and say with an eastern accent, "But how?"
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Be wary: the Dala'myrr are not the only foe. Other powers are at work, and their goals are shrouded in Darkness."
You have emoted: Halos nods.
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Be watchful. Your time will come."
You have emoted: Halos relaxes somewhat, but his features still betray a certain uneasiness.
You say with an eastern accent, "As you say, Lady Sol."
You have emoted: Head bowed, Halos murmurs solemn prayers, his whispered devotions mingling with the reverent susurrations of supplicants and pilgrims coming and going throughout the gleaming halls.
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
I am utterly jealous, and again very sad Mithraea is gone. I managed to have one small interaction with her, thanks to Traelor and Kard, before she left us for good. This particular incarnation was wonderful. I wish she could have stayed.
I actually have had no Divine interaction of late! Starting to get jealous of you folks.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Since Melodie posted, I have to brag. . I had a very rare moment of Divine interaction lately! As the Templar were getting ready for their last Knighting ceremony, Achilles was talking to Chord about the past, present, and future. We were preparing to exit the grotto where we were preparing, when...
Sir Achilles, Knight of the Aarash Kheyr says, "I think we have a special guest."
Motes of golden light unite into a spiralling sphere, the radiant particles coalescing into the Lightbringer.
Achilles bows respectfully to Aurora.
You drop to one knee before Aurora.
You say, "Greetings, m'Lady."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "Greetings."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "I am aware My timing leaves little to be desired, so I will not keep you from your last private moments."
Sir Achilles, Knight of the Aarash Kheyr smiles and says, "We are merely reflecting of things that were and things to come, Lady Aurora."
Aurora nods Her head at Achilles.
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "It is to My misfortune that I will be unable to keep My gaze on the realms and attend to your ceremony. Traditions such as these should be recognised and appreciated in kind, however."
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You smile and say, "I understand and appreciate the attention, nevertheless."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "I wish you to wear a sign of My approval, that your tenacity and determination has brought you thus far."
Aurora, the Lightbringer has bestowed Her divine truefavour upon you. It will last for approximately 1 Achaean month.
You smile broadly and say, "I shall wear it with pride, m'Lady. Through it, I'll help bring ruin onto our enemies, and strengthen myself to do you proud."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "I will not keep you further. Indeed, I am blessed to have seen you in the dying moments before your transition."
You beam broadly.
You give Aurora a respectful salute.
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "Fight strongly, soon to be Sir Chord."
You say, "Aye, m'Lady!"
A rare smile flickers over the Lightbringer's visage, Her approval keen in the air.
A searing flame of purest ivory erupts beneath Aurora, enveloping Her in blinding illumination. When it dissipates, the Lightbringer is gone.
I take back all the nice things I've said about you, @Chord!
Not really. :-\"
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
A little RP with Queen Clytemnestra. Thank you to the Divine that took some time out for this .
You bow respectfully to Queen Clytemnestra.
Queen Clytemnestra lowers her long, dark lashes, and extends
a slim, pale hand for you to kiss.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:01:552
You bow slightly and, in a fluid motion, gently take Queen
Clytemnestra's hand and brush your lips over it.
Queen Clytemnestra bestows a dazzlingly gorgeous smile upon
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:08:432
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:13:908
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent,
"My Queen."
An Arcadian palace maid says, "I would not betray the
royal family's trust in me by gossiping."
An Arcadian palace maid curtseys respectfully before you.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:20:756
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:25:467
Queen Clytemnestra tilts her head and listens intently to
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:36:387
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent,
"I bring bad tidings. It seems the Tritons are on the move."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:07:135
Queen Clytemnestra waves her hand dismissively.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:13:874
A palace maid slips east silently.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:29:146
Queen Clytemnestra says, "War is already joined. Your
news is old."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:30:472
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent,
"This is different My Queen. The triton states have..allied."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:56:369
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent,
"Under the banner of the Sea God."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:09:05:744
Queen Clytemnestra says, "My spies say otherwise. Only
their warrior-clerics have united, and are fighting Vastarian forces in places far removed from
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:09:38:646
(Newbie): Romeo says, "Has your health vial run dry?
TASK 9 INFO explains how to get a refill from Seasone. You can ask your house (HNT) or city (CT) for other
suggestions about getting refills of elixirs, salves, tonics, balms, and anything else that might
fit inside a vial."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:00:298
You nod your head emphatically.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:04:713
Your ghostly image slowly intensifies until you appear flesh
and blood again.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:12:295
You project a net of light about yourself until your image
becomes faded and ghostly.
I'd like to thank all the Ashtanian raiders for being awesome and letting Tesha duel Lothiac as a resolution to the raid, and especially @Tanris for always being willing to have a little interaction (I hope you liked that letter you got with your gold in it). This link has a log that is rather long with some personal explanations so I did not have to paste a whole fight/me walking around. This was really cool to experience, I hope you like the log, and I hope to have many more experiences like this one.
I locked a dragon once. Then they dhealed out of it and I went FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
I didn't realise that the person switched from lesserform to dragonform <.< I mean, I did, but the implications of dheal didn't hit me until *after* I wasted all that time and effort Then I died due to 0 wp >.>
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Tesha Dang it. I've always wanted to offer a duel to settle a raid, preferably in some off-peak time where we're obviously outmatched, but never found the right opportunity.
Way to beat me to it!
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
@Tesha I had a similar experience with Dodder, also after/during her raiding, though she challenged me to a duel after I spoke to her I believe. I managed to vivisect her somehow, granted with a lot of shield use, to combat her repetitive use of dust bombs. I was completely convinced I'd lose badly right up until I won somehow. It's an awesome feeling! Wish I'd saved the log. I don't think anything I've achieved in achaea has come close to feeling that awesome, though winning a rampage, and finding out my idea for a sculpture in Hashan was chosen were contenders.
@Tesha Dang it. I've always wanted to offer a duel to settle a raid, preferably in some off-peak time where we're obviously outmatched, but never found the right opportunity.
Way to beat me to it!
Yeah, same. It would be one of the few situations where it would actually make sense for Iocun to duel, because there's a purpose behind it.
Iocun keeps offering people who hunt Moghedu and claim they do it "for the challenge" to fight him instead, but none of them went for it so far I'm probably just not challenging enough.
A really nice conversation with @Melodie earlier today. I swear, if the culture of New Shallam and the Bloodsworn Orders is even HALF as fleshed out as the Nerai, I'll be happy.
A little background: After Tarah died and before the rise of Deucora, the Nerai were seeking to recruit me. A bunch of the other regular sailors that lost their gods, too, I gather. Anyway, I was seriously considering it, but the return of Deucalion and Aurora ended that notion. Still, I greatly enjoyed my time interacting with Neraeos and the Nerai, so I decided to go out of my way to maintain that relationship. True Landwalker = visitors/allies to the Nerai pre-Order clan.
@Tesha Dang it. I've always wanted to offer a duel to settle a raid, preferably in some off-peak time where we're obviously outmatched, but never found the right opportunity.
Way to beat me to it!
I offered that to a Mhaldorian raiding party once when I was one of four Eleusian players online.
If I remember correctly, they killed me and kept raiding. :-\"
I don't think it's fair to expect a duel to end every raid. And I have no idea when that was, but when I've been in offensive Mhaldorian parties the consensus is 'guess we'll just go home after a token effort' if we're clearly totally overwhelming the other side.
But really, it was nice to chat, @Tanaar! Sad to see you won't be joining us, but I always love talking to people even just interested in the topic.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Never figured out what the difference between Nerai and Nereian is, @Melodie. You people seem to use them interchangeably, and I haven't picked up enough context clues to puzzle it out.
Nereian is singular. Nerai is the plural of Nereian.
Ariettie beats us to within an inch of death when we get them wrong.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Come back Keresiiiiis.
You stroke a midnight stag tenderly.
Mathonwy arrives from the east.
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator frowns and says to you, "It just isn't the same any more."
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
Vayne takes a deep breath before turning to Mathonwy.
Deep within the heart of the Darkenwood. (Darkenwood Forest)
Snowflakes float down around you, colouring the world white. A thin shaft of light scythes through the otherwise all-encompassing forest canopy. Like a deliberately placed spotlight, the beam illuminates a stone statue. The statue towers above you and depicts a tall winged humanoid clad in a simple robe. His eyes are large and seem to twinkle like the night sky. Beneath the man, living black roses grow over a plaque that bears the legend "The Dark Lord, Savior of the Forests". The light also highlights the enigmatic expression of this eternal symbol - a grave smile upon His lips. The statue appears to be overgrown with green vines, dazzling white and yellow flowers reaching for the sky, revelling in life. Turning your eyes upwards, the forest continues unabated. There are no obvious ways to progress easily, and though the silent darkness greets you whichever way you turn, it gives you a feeling of comfort, a state of mind in which the forest itself rests. A large obsidian plinth stands here, pulsating with dark power. A shadowed, sable lily flourishes here in the rich soil. Crowned with two mighty antlers, the regal form of a midnight-black stag prowls the forest. Mathonwy Corso, the Orator is here.
You see a single exit leading east.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "This place has not."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Some have been bogged down in the mundane, but this place retains its ethereal quality."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "It is comforting."
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "I can imagine, yes."
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
Dusk steals silently over the horizon and crimson and ochre engulf the firmament, their seductive tones beckoning the sun to its nightly repose.
You ask in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "What will happen to the forests when Sol flickers and fades like its Lady?"
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator looks thoughtful and says in Hashani, "I suppose this patch will thrive."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Like encroaching darkness."
You smile softly.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Then all the world will be comforted."
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "With a comfort that passes all understanding."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "One you must experience."
You ask in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "Nihilists know of experience, yes?"
Stalks of grass upon the forest floor wither and brown as a shower of yellowed leaves falls from the canopy.
Mathonwy smiles briefly before nodding at you.
The argent radiance of the moon seeps into the sky, waking the stars as darkness descends over the land.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "There is strife enough to cause even the shade of Pandemonium to look approvingly upon our world, I think."
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "And, of course, understanding is the one thing that could end all of this."
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator frowns and says in Hashani, "If they will not understand, you must make them to understand, though."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "They cannot."
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "They are unable."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Bright green stalks of grass push upward from the ground, flourishing beneath the dark sky.
Vayne gazes up at the tangled statue, once more exhaling a steady breath.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "He kissed my face and opened my eyes."
Mathonwy nods his head at you.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
A cool, refreshing breeze passes through the forest, revitalising all it touches.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "So often, it is the Light that blinds, and so often, one's eyes can attune to its absence."
Vayne gives a small nod.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "The Moon's light does not hurt this place, it illuminates...just enough to show the beginnings of the truth that lies among these boughs."
Splashed with the reflected radiance of the stars, Achaea's outermost ring glitters ghostly pale against the night sky.
Mathonwy looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "I shall leave you to your meditation, then."
You smile softly.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You say in Hashani in a warm, confident voice, "So be it."
Mathonwy Corso, the Orator says in Hashani, "May the shade of the trees guard your eyes."
Mathonwy leaves to the east.
The howl of a distant wolf momentarily silences the crickets.
(In heart of the crystal palace)
A rich female voice echoes throughout the Citadel, "Caliph. Deep in meditation, I see?"
You have emoted: Halos makes an elaborate movement with his arms and kneels low in respect before the holy sigils of the Te'Serran gods.
You say with an eastern accent, "You might say that, Ma'am."
You say with an eastern accent, "How might I serve?"
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, " It is no wonder. You seek guidance, perhaps? Solace in the darkness?"
You sadly say with an eastern accent, "For a great many things, yes."
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Many have done so before you. Take heart. Dawn approaches."
With nary a whisper nor a sigh, rosy-fingered dawn creeps into the land, stealing the soul of the night. <- (jesus christ she timed that perfectly)
The voice of the Lady Sol fills with steel as She remarks, "And there are many for whom dawn will come in fire. If not this dawn, then one soon."
Approbating the beauty of the golden horizon, a crystalline vambrace suddenly flares to life on your forearm, transient whorls of aureate luminescence erupting from its glassy surface.
You have emoted: Halos turns his gaze towards the eastern skies, his olivine features softening.
You say with an eastern accent, "The enemies of the Light are myriad, m'Lady."
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Yes. The servants of the Lords are legion, and the agents of Chaos are as numerous as they are pernicious. Nobody ever told you this would be easy."
You say fervently with an eastern accent, "By Your holy will, we will meet them as best we can."
The voice of the Lady Sol takes on a sad note as She says, "We shoulder all the burden We can, you know. But even We cannot do everything. The hands of the Gods are, in some matters, tied, lest the world come again to divine blood on the fields of Nishnatoba." <<< (mgmfnnnghh foreshadowing)
You have emoted: Halos nods, thoughtful.
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "The matter of these Dala'myrr is, I fear, one of them. But the Light is never powerless while its servants yet stand."
Pericles, Captain of the Royal Shallamese Guard yells, "Hail Shallam, Jewel of the East!"
You frown and say with an eastern accent, "This Bal'met is a false god, but I fear all is linked to this ormyrr quest to achieve transcendence."
You frown and say with an eastern accent, "The shrines are impervious."
You pace impatiently back and forth.
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "The shrines may be, but that is no reason to despair. Their goal is not yet accomplished."
You ponder the situation.
You say tentatively with an eastern accent, "When all hope seems lost, there is power in sacrifice."
You say with an eastern accent, "And that of self-sacrifice, when used against greater need."
You frown and say with an eastern accent, "But how?"
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Be wary: the Dala'myrr are not the only foe. Other powers are at work, and their goals are shrouded in Darkness."
You have emoted: Halos nods.
The exquisite voice of the Lady Sol resounds, "Be watchful. Your time will come."
You have emoted: Halos relaxes somewhat, but his features still betray a certain uneasiness.
You say with an eastern accent, "As you say, Lady Sol."
You have emoted: Head bowed, Halos murmurs solemn prayers, his whispered devotions mingling with the reverent susurrations of supplicants and pilgrims coming and going throughout the gleaming halls.
I actually have had no Divine interaction of late! Starting to get jealous of you folks.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Sir Achilles, Knight of the Aarash Kheyr says, "I think we have a special guest."
Motes of golden light unite into a spiralling sphere, the radiant particles coalescing into the Lightbringer.
Achilles bows respectfully to Aurora.
You drop to one knee before Aurora.
You say, "Greetings, m'Lady."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "Greetings."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "I am aware My timing leaves little to be desired, so I will not keep you from your last private moments."
Sir Achilles, Knight of the Aarash Kheyr smiles and says, "We are merely reflecting of things that were and things to come, Lady Aurora."
Aurora nods Her head at Achilles.
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "It is to My misfortune that I will be unable to keep My gaze on the realms and attend to your ceremony. Traditions such as these should be recognised and appreciated in kind, however."
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You smile and say, "I understand and appreciate the attention, nevertheless."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "I wish you to wear a sign of My approval, that your tenacity and determination has brought you thus far."
Aurora, the Lightbringer has bestowed Her divine truefavour upon you. It will last for approximately 1 Achaean month.
You smile broadly and say, "I shall wear it with pride, m'Lady. Through it, I'll help bring ruin onto our enemies, and strengthen myself to do you proud."
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "I will not keep you further. Indeed, I am blessed to have seen you in the dying moments before your transition."
You beam broadly.
You give Aurora a respectful salute.
Aurora, the Lightbringer says, "Fight strongly, soon to be Sir Chord."
You say, "Aye, m'Lady!"
A rare smile flickers over the Lightbringer's visage, Her approval keen in the air.
A searing flame of purest ivory erupts beneath Aurora, enveloping Her in blinding illumination. When it dissipates, the Lightbringer is gone.
I take back all the nice things I've said about you, @Chord!
Not really. :-\"
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
You bow respectfully to Queen Clytemnestra.
Queen Clytemnestra lowers her long, dark lashes, and extends a slim, pale hand for you to kiss.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:01:552
You bow slightly and, in a fluid motion, gently take Queen Clytemnestra's hand and brush your lips over it.
Queen Clytemnestra bestows a dazzlingly gorgeous smile upon you.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:08:432
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:13:908
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent, "My Queen."
An Arcadian palace maid says, "I would not betray the royal family's trust in me by gossiping."
An Arcadian palace maid curtseys respectfully before you.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:20:756
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:25:467
Queen Clytemnestra tilts her head and listens intently to you.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:07:36:387
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent, "I bring bad tidings. It seems the Tritons are on the move."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:07:135
Queen Clytemnestra waves her hand dismissively.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:13:874
A palace maid slips east silently.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:29:146
Queen Clytemnestra says, "War is already joined. Your news is old."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:30:472
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent, "This is different My Queen. The triton states have..allied."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:08:56:369
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent, "Under the banner of the Sea God."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:09:05:744
Queen Clytemnestra says, "My spies say otherwise. Only their warrior-clerics have united, and are fighting Vastarian forces in places far removed from here."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:09:38:646
(Newbie): Romeo says, "Has your health vial run dry? TASK 9 INFO explains how to get a refill from Seasone. You can ask your house (HNT) or city (CT) for other suggestions about getting refills of elixirs, salves, tonics, balms, and anything else that might fit inside a vial."
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:00:298
You nod your head emphatically.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:04:713
Your ghostly image slowly intensifies until you appear flesh and blood again.
3167h, 3460m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:12:295
You project a net of light about yourself until your image becomes faded and ghostly.
3167h, 3410m, 14275e, 15390w cxkdb-22:10:12:513
You take a drink from a black-walnut vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15390w cxkdb-22:10:12:732(+220)
You have recovered equilibrium.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:16:023
You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:17:271
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent, "Today the Lothian and Scyrian forces were attacking Cnidia."
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:28:550
A palace maid slips into the room silently from the southeast.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:36:693
Queen Clytemnestra says, "Those cities always fight over that part of the sea."
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:46:943
A palace maid slips east silently.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:52:621
You nod your head slowly, trying to wear your best wise look.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:10:54:805
You say to Queen Clytemnestra with an Arcadian accent, "As you say My Queen. I will keep my eyes and ears opened for any odd dealings."
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:11:10:982
Queen Clytemnestra says, "When you bring news to me, it should actually be news, child."
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:11:13:650
You nod your head emphatically.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:11:18:002
You drop to one knee.
3167h, 3630m, 14275e, 15400w cexkdb-22:11:19:391
You say with an Arcadian accent, "My apologies."
It was perhaps not my wisest move.
I couldn't be the only one to notice this.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Way to beat me to it!
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
→My Mudlet Scripts
A little background: After Tarah died and before the rise of Deucora, the Nerai were seeking to recruit me. A bunch of the other regular sailors that lost their gods, too, I gather. Anyway, I was seriously considering it, but the return of Deucalion and Aurora ended that notion. Still, I greatly enjoyed my time interacting with Neraeos and the Nerai, so I decided to go out of my way to maintain that relationship. True Landwalker = visitors/allies to the Nerai pre-Order clan.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
I am ashamed.
Also, @Agrias is always such a distraction.
But really, it was nice to chat, @Tanaar! Sad to see you won't be joining us, but I always love talking to people even just interested in the topic.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Ariettie beats us to within an inch of death when we get them wrong.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby