Player Pics



  • Jerseys? really guy? everyone knows cows are supposed to be Holsteins or NOTHING. Looks like a great life. Congrats

  • horses are the common mans way of wasting money. Thanks for not having yachts or alaskan wilderness photos

  • Hi, ! I am Sersly (Sireni Magi) I started playing 235 Achaea years ago. Sersly is level 70 still (From a very long winded break). I don't know if anyone remembers me from 8+ years ago. But this is me in 2022 ! :D I was a lot younger when I first started in Achaea. I miss so many people I loved hanging out with! (*cough* Yerf!.) <3.

  • "Don't expect anything of yourself, and do what you know" - Legate Medi
  • Been a while since I've posted. Let's roll 🤙
    "Don't expect anything of yourself, and do what you know" - Legate Medi
  • Me returning nekked to Achaea after years:

  • Me eating delicious cake at 'The Motley Magpie' in Cyrene! Alright + a cup of coffee - alright, I admit - I am addicted to coffee...*hum

  • my cool socks, also from  'The Motley Magpie' in Cyrene! They got embroidered by a friend of mines friend:

    And me keeping an eye Chomps' successor, Scallywag. 

  • my shirt after my deck of mystical cards has exploded.... :neutral: hm, have no clue, why me speaking 
    sign language ended up on the shirt..
  • Some of my bad-ass-Jester-work (*coughtakingpicturescoughofcoughgraffiti).
  • edited August 2022
  • Me touching stuf having to do with Lord Sartan, insteadof chasing butterflies what would have been more important, and getting my hair all radiated ...No, Lord Sartan, you cannot zap 4 this one, eet has already taken place a few ago......:P

  • edited October 2022
    Slightly terrified because I remember playing with 26 year olds when I was 16.. Except now I'm the 26 year old. (Far right for those who haven't met me). 

  • Bet. Hello merry weather friends, peace be with you and may God be gracious unto you all.

    A male voice is heard through the membrane, "Hey, girl."

    A male voice is heard through the membrane, "Are you an Apostate? ..because you just tore my heart out."

  • Me (Jared) with my wife (Ashley) on our wedding day in 2021

    Me, freshman year of high school when I first started playing...20 years ago...
  • Lurch said:

    Me (Jared) with my wife (Ashley) on our wedding day in 2021

    Me, freshman year of high school when I first started playing...20 years ago...
    Congratulations on your wedding sir! GLORIOUS.

    A male voice is heard through the membrane, "Hey, girl."

    A male voice is heard through the membrane, "Are you an Apostate? ..because you just tore my heart out."

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